4.00 star(s) 176 Votes

RWaites Jnr



Hey, I will adress a little concern (I guess) some of you have already:

The update will be ready before December, and that is almost a fact... BUT, If I don't make that cut either (IF), I will pause the charging of the pledges for December 1st. and resume it once every patreon has the game. This way patreons won't get charged without having the content promised. This is just a counter-meassure, just in case, though I pretty positive the build will be here before that.

Also, I know some of you lovely fellas will ask me not to pause the pledge for them, because you are that nice... but this will be for everyone, if it comes to that. This already took more time than expected, So I don't want you to think I'm robbing you.

Once 0.10 is up, I will take a couple of days of rest, then start working in 0.11, which, of course will be smaller than 0.10, but will have at least 3 scenes, as previous updates. And, as I said before, we'll be back to 1 per month updates.

I will like to remind all patreons that if you want first hand info about EVERYTHING, please join the Discord server, if you are not already in it. There you can talk with the community and,of course, me every single day. Or simple read what those crazy fellas say. But it is a safe and loving group of perverts.

Here's the invite to the server:

Have a great day/afternoon/evening. See ya again here in a shortly ;


Nov 25, 2017
Hey guys, lost my saves been looking for saves, but it seems that the new update for some reason I can't search keywords in the specific thread anymore(Must be doing it wrong), anyone wanna point me in the right direction or tell me how to use the new search engine?


Feb 23, 2018
Por favor, ayúdenme, no entiendo cómo se desbloquea la segunda escena de sexo con Martha, que debe hacerse exactamente porque trato de hacerlo como en la guía pero no me da la opción de "dormir con".

Consigue más puntos para ti y Martha. / Get more points for you and Martha.

Muchos problemas pueden resolverse consiguiendo más puntos. / Many problems can be solved by getting more points.

Solo obtén puntos máximos para todos los personajes, como dice mi guía, resolverá muchos problemas antes de que sucedan . / Just get max points for all characters like my guide says, it will solve many problems before they happen.

Traducido con el traductor de google. / Translated with google translate.
Last edited:


Jul 9, 2017
I can not understand most people here, really! Dr. Bones is really so much lifeblood in this game and emphasizes again and again that he works hard on it. Although I discovered the game only 2 weeks ago. But as far as I understand it, every month an update with 3 new scenes was added. And in this update get like 10 scenes, that is, we get one more scene than usual. So I personally think it's so much better! Wait three months and get a big update, than every month a little! And in the end I find that really unjust to Dr. Bones! He does it all alone and makes a real effort. And even decided to stop in December if he does not finish the update until then. Nevertheless, he is referred to as a cheater, this is certainly 90% of the people here who play his game for free.

Deleted member 482355

It is ironic for the people who are largely getting the game for free to be pointing the finger and accusing the Doc of being greedy. Plus, he lets updates from patreon on here early (which is supposed to be a patreon reward which very generous) and does free fan art too. The mother being fucked by doggie is really hot for example. Many game makers don't do that!

Deleted member 482355

Anyway, back to ideas, maybe the merchant could be paid somehow to blow or titfucks the dog or horse maybe.
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Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018
It is ironic for the people who are largely getting the game for free to be pointing the finger and accusing the Doc of being greedy. Plus, he lets updates from patreon on here early (which is supposed to be a patreon reward which very generous) and does free fan art too. The mother being fucked by doggie is really hot for example. Many game makers don't do that!
Link to that fan art please ?
4.00 star(s) 176 Votes