4.00 star(s) 176 Votes

Lucas Cage

New Member
Jul 23, 2018
Where can i get the walkthrough of this game? i'm almost finish but i cant trigger some of the hidden events...


Apr 30, 2017
So Doc says he has a brilliant idea to get around Patreon's rules... and I'm imagining him replacing all artwork of the dog with a midget in a dog costume. Zero dialog changes.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
So Doc says he has a brilliant idea to get around Patreon's rules... and I'm imagining him replacing all artwork of the dog with a midget in a dog costume. Zero dialog changes.
So now besty option turns into No-Cucking option... :unsure: the horse is just a super tall dude... ok... this could work.
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Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
After reading the latest comments on this thread, I'm wondering... you only need to remove "The Manor" for your page to be "A-Ok", right Doc?

Soooooo... could it be possible to change the Patreon's page info to hint that the contributions will help you develop your yet-to-be-seen project and "other works"? I get that as long as the "controversial" stuff isn't really hosted on Patreon it shouldn't affect you in any manner.

I mean, Shadman has done some fucked up shit that I'm sure can be considered illegal (even if it's just drawings) and he had a Patreon page for quite a while. The thing was that most of his fucked up shit was hosted on his website and not on Patreon so really his page was more of a "tip jar" kind of thing rather than a "subscription" of sorts.

Of course, that last part would depend on the people. I was a Patron of him back in the day and even when the three tiers he had weren't different at all (in regards to benefits) I still felt the drive to support him cause I greatly enjoyed most of his works even if they weren't exactly available for me to access on Patreon.


New Member
Jul 6, 2018

After reading the latest comments on this thread, I'm wondering... you only need to remove "The Manor" for your page to be "A-Ok", right Doc?

Soooooo... could it be possible to change the Patreon's page info to hint that the contributions will help you develop your yet-to-be-seen project and "other works"? I get that as long as the "controversial" stuff isn't really hosted on Patreon it shouldn't affect you in any manner.
Start your Patreon friendly project and host the Manor elsewhere. What Patreon no longer knows no longer offends them. Manor fans will know that donating to your other project on Patreon will be worth it cause the money is going to the same place for the same reason as before.


May 11, 2017
He wrote on his discord that he would make a side project, as well as rework the manor to make it more patreon friendly
(So i guess that is it for the bestiality content, as well as the shota/loli/incest content. Making the game quite vanilla).

But i guess only time will tell.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
"Unable to find VL Gothic font"?
Has the game been running correctly up until you loaded the save? Remember the latest version is 0.11. Maybe you would need to reinstall the VX ACE RTP, sometimes it doesn't load properly (has happened with other RTP's for some games).

If you have done it and still doesn't work I'm attaching my savefile in here so you can try with another file. If the problem persist... then I don't know hahaha


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
He wrote on his discord that he would make a side project, as well as rework the manor to make it more patreon friendly
I'm wondering if just removing the game (as in, not hosting it on Patreon) but hinting that his new "Patreon friendly page" will still keep supporting "The Manor" would be allowed.


May 11, 2017

He clearly states that he will make a safe version of it for patreon.
He might say "hackers" a few time, but the way he words this, would mean that he won't be releasing any update on "the manor" in a long time.

And if he only changes the names and put the game back on patreon, then he would have to remove mia and the bestiality.
As having characters that just looks like children is against patreons terms of service, and bestiality is obviously as well.

But as i said, well see, maybe he can make a patch that adds all the content back as well as new content, i just find it hard to believe that he would have the time to work on 2 project, while making patches that drastically change dialogue, as well as some content.


May 11, 2017
I'm kind of surprised with him though, as his 2 posts go against some of the things he said he would do earlier in the development (like never bending over for patreon, as well as making the game no matter what, even if he wasn't paid for it).
But i guess people change with time, and that is fair enough, we all do that at some point.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
I'm aware of that haha I'm just thinking/looking for possible loop-holes to avoid a rework of "The Manor". I know in the end we could have it back the way it was but obviously due to the changes encouraged by the Patreon's team it would take a while longer.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Honestly the safest and best approach would to be to just finish this most recent update as hes already almost done, and then switch to the new project for a few months. After he gets the new project fleshed out and in its early stages he can focus on releasing The Manor, on the side, and solely release updates on his blog and on here. That way his artistic integrity doesn't have to suffer from censorship and neither does his wallet.

Also for the safe project, instead of putting beast he could just do antro instead, kinda how WildLife does it. instead of a wolf use a Worgen, instead of a horse use a Minotaur. Of course if he want to add some beast (Which I'm clearly totally for) the "hackers" excuse is fine and he can just release a patch on his website and here.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
Yup, but he pretty much is on a binding here by Patreon. They're just the middleman in the whole situation but as it is, removing said middleman would be contraproductive.

I'm sure he would keep working on "The Manor" if he received no money for it but he'd have to focus on getting another source of income and therefore wouldn't be able to work on it so frequently.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
I'm sure he would keep working on "The Manor" if he received no money for it but he'd have to focus on getting another source of income and therefore wouldn't be able to work on it so frequently.
Hes made it clear nothings going to stop him from finishing the game, even if it means getting an "actual job."


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
Honestly the safest and best approach would to be to just finish this most recent update as hes already almost done, and then switch to the new project for a few months. After he gets the new project fleshed out and in its early stages he can focus on releasing The Manor, on the side, and solely release updates on his blog and on here. That way his artistic integrity doesn't have to suffer from censorship and neither does his wallet.

Also for the safe project, instead of putting beast he could just do antro instead, kinda how WildLife does it. instead of a wolf use a Worgen, instead of a horse use a Minotaur. Of course if he want to add some beast (Which I'm clearly totally for) the "hackers" excuse is fine and he can just release a patch on his website and here.
Totally agree with this, change the animals to furries. Also, I bet the original assets and the directories/paths to put them in would "mysteriously" find their way into the internet and "hacked" into a perfectly Patreon friendly game with no consecuences to the creator...
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4.00 star(s) 176 Votes