Let's not engage in unnecesary fights. There will always be those who prefer to nay-say... this industry has treat them badly, Hell I also has been damaged by untrustworthy creators in the past.
For my part, I know I've never been the most "professional" developer (given my delays and so on) but at the end of the day I think I can pat my self in the back and think I produce a sorta good content.
The only thing I don't like is the unjust comparision with others creators, because I don't considere myself as the worst, nor the best.
I can't produce as fast as a 5 men team, and I think I'm not the slowest 1 man team. I'm more delayed than ever, that's an understatement, but, as I say before, this is just a rough patch... because, as you SHOULD know, I had to make a second game from scratch to keep my Patron alive, and I didn't want just to create a cash-grab, I want a good game.
But yeah, if you want to critize, do it, but I would prefer to take the game in account, and not my person. For the rest, I appreciate the patience and the support.