4.10 star(s) 167 Votes


Jul 12, 2018
That is not quite what I was saying. More like "youre getting this shit for free here, if you really want to moan about how slow the updates are, you are better off doing it on the game's patreon rather than here".

I mean, sure I am not a Patron myself, but when I come here and read these comments, it feels like water. A waste of time. I would rather read what people actually think of the game itself, than moaning about how long its been since the last update.

As such in my opinion those kinds of statements dont belong here, because most-likely the people making them are like me. They didnt pay for the game. Its one thing when youre giving someone your money every month and then youre pissed off that they are being silent. But it's another when youre just whining (and by You I mean people in general not you specifically btw) incessantly, because you "WANT MOAR DAMMIT!". Whereas again if youre a Patron, and you do your complaining over AT PATREON, it is more likely to have an effect. Or so I hope anyway.
I agree with you, but im sure if bones actually gave updates about the game didn't keep everyone in the dark most of the time, he'd have more supporters. I'm not talking about giving us full well-written reports on everything that he's doing, I'm talking about a small post update on here or anywhere about how the game is improving. And because he's barley communicating to anyone it discourages people to support him. Im sure everyone would agree that small updates about the progress of the game would be nice, not just picture teasing or anything of that nature but actually post updates. Like I said before if he was consistent with this project, I'd support him. Just throwing my 2cents out here.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
Sorry for asking, but how do you get the second option On the mom sleep scene. I only have thighjob
Bugged, fixed in the next update. Or if you don't mind doing some thinkering, check the link below the animated banner in my comment. If you're on mobile tho, you can't fix it (at least not that I know), you need a PC in order to do so.


Dec 4, 2017
OH NO THE UPDATE IS NOT COMING! WHAT A TWIST! I for one would have never expected that! I just fell off my chair dramatically when hearing that there would be some sort of delay... Now what to do?? I had dropped everything I had anticipating this and now I'm basically stuck with 100 extra rolls of tissues(IT'S A JOKE). What should one do in these dire times?? LORDS HELP US!

also wanted to add, how close are we to celebrating the anniversary of the last update? Feels like forever ago


Feb 23, 2020
Probably no MTG players here, but I'm dropping this anyway.

Never played Magic but, THAT, IS, FUCKING, BRILLIANT! xD
No seriously, its hilarious I love it!

As for the update, I didn't even know there was "supposed" to be one.

Its kind of hard to keep track sometimes, when you have an entire browser profile with around a thousand tabs of just this forum (I am serious) alone to sift through...

I may need help yes.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
OH NO THE UPDATE IS NOT COMING! WHAT A TWIST! I for one would have never expected that! I just fell off my chair dramatically when hearing that there would be some sort of delay... Now what to do?? I had dropped everything I had anticipating this and now I'm basically stuck with 100 extra rolls of tissues(IT'S A JOKE). What should one do in these dire times?? LORDS HELP US!

also wanted to add, how close are we to celebrating the anniversary of the last update? Feels like forever ago
In this context, every bullet is a delay xDD
4.10 star(s) 167 Votes