4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
This game have a lot of content? it is worth to download it?
you will enjoy the content and even if you're kinky the bestiality content *can be avoidable but lets be real a % of the scenes you want to see them all*.

other than that the update or more like of the transparency on seeing content is really poor and in a pretty weird gray area since the dev that is a 1 man worker actually have another game in the works so the time to split on both of em its really not the finest and convenient to bother to pledge to the dev emphasis on ´´artstyle and animations are good, but sadly time for updates are huge´´


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
any save pls?

Download them and extract them into the same folder where the "game.exe" is located, DON'T put them inside another folder. You should have several "SaveXX.rvdata2" files (replace the XX with 00 up to 20).

Should look like this.
Mar 24, 2018
Glad to see this forum still has the same diversity of peoples as before I went away.

Now, to celebrate my comeback to this fine establishment... let me do some comebacks, as I did in the good ol' days:

More stuff happens in real life than in a "virtual" life... assuming one has a life to begin with. But I get the suspicion. Sadly There's nothing I could say to convince people of stuff happening in my life... neither I'm inclined to try. I have no intentions to share my personal life, never had (At least not the things that matter) That's the whole point of this boney persona I created.

But again... I get it.

YES... I spent all this time drawing a single background for a scene already in the game. I mean, I would never rework the whole scene and add state variations like I did in the past... that would be out of character for me...

Well... Thank you, good sir.

I mean... yeah, probably... bugs are bound to happen in almost every project that doesn't use a dedicated tester group. But that's why the bug-fixes always come a day or two after the update release.

I'm really sorry if my imperfection is a bother. I'll try to consume an android or two to reach my full potential (points to whoever gets the reference).

You never played my "rework" updates, have you?

I'm the last person who would berate you for your tardiness... THE LAST!
Happy new year to you too and the rest!

This man really said "let me do some comeback like the good ol days" like some bad ass making an intro. The quality of these "comebacks" are really on par with your releases, they take long and dont make fucking sense. Man i used to support you the first few months like 1.5 years+ ago and i just gave up. Just stay in your echo chamber of a discord.
Mar 24, 2018
So... you DON'T like the my game nor me anymore... but yet, you come to my game thread to "comeback" to my comebacks?...
Talking about things that don't make sense.

(There, I replied to one of your comments, happy now?)
I mean if you see my history I dont necessarily post much. I saw the latest release of your "other" game and thought "oh wow doc released a game" a fucking miracle, and thought to check on the main game. And here we are. Youre saying like I WANT you to reply to my comments when i asked you to just stay in your discord. I mean its obvious english isnt your first language but Seeing how ridiculous and corny your comeba- ahem replies are i just couldnt help it man :KEK:.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2019
I don't think anyone is trying to own anything here... specially not me. I was just replying to the most noticeable comments (on these few last pages( I really don't want to read the ones I missed)).

Now, if you think the "tone" of my response was sour or ill willed that's another thing. Sadly I can't personally give words a sound over a screen... that's up to the reader. But, as most people known, I'm a ray of sunshine crossed with a bag of rainbows, and my will is always to be funny (my understanding of funny, that is)... But humor is subjective.

Now, about the crazy part... In a world where "being crazy" is the resort of people trying to feel special... I gotta say, sadly I'm as sane as they come.

Also... not to be "that guy" but; If I go away people say I don't interact with the fanbase enough, and if I interact people say I want to "own fans"... That's what I call a tough crowd.
Hey Mate, keen as for this next update. What will this next update have in it ?


New Member
Oct 13, 2018
You can check the for the planned content.
I'm not your supporter... I want to mention only 1 thing that has been bothering me from the start, just take it with a grain of salt.
You made a plan with trello but, I've never seen you toogle any of them to show how much progress with the game and then it's suddenly an update. I'm certain few days before current update it's still zero progress or maybe I'm missing something. anyway, Thanks for your hardwork.


Jul 15, 2017
Guys, I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm flabbergasted about the amount of heat Oseo Bones receives for letting this game slide.

After all, he has made us a very enjoyable gift. Some might not like some of the particular preferences it tries to satisfy, or the half-finished state it's been in since the dawn of time (or at least it feels like that). But it still is a gift, so I feel that only a reaction within the range from gratefulness to indifference would be an appropriate one.

Imagine a person just giving you 20 bucks for nothing, and promising you to give you another 20 next week. If the very same person now returned a whole month later, and gave you only 10 bucks instead, I'd still consider his actions to be friendly and kind.

I too am disappointed about the crawl the development of this game has come to, I too got my hopes raised by Bones overly optimistic promises, and I too consider some of his comments to be a bit snarky. But I still don't feel entitled to demand anything from him, since he's given me a fun game, and I in return have given him nothing. That's why I think that sharing my hopes and inspirations with him is perfectly fine, but criticizing him without constructive input, or at least intent, is not.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes