4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Aug 6, 2016
I'm not a supporter but I do think that his developing practice is a mess at best and probably he is honest enough to admit it himself. I don't think that RPGM developer for porn games regarding incest and bestiality are so common and he has to have the knowledge to judge if the helper is capable enough (I don't know if Doc has it) or trusty enough so I think that keeping all in house is a good, or at least the easiest, solution. I think however that the testing phase and proof reading could be left to the supporter that have volunteered and are trusty enough. Take into account that a big part of the bug that we all saw in SG or previous updates for this game are easily spotted during normal play through or regressions from newer updates that are found playing the game from scratch not as the developer (the developer aren't the best tester of their own work).


Feb 15, 2019
I'm not a supporter but I do think that his developing practice is a mess at best and probably he is honest enough to admit it himself. I don't think that RPGM developer for porn games regarding incest and bestiality are so common and he has to have the knowledge to judge if the helper is capable enough (I don't know if Doc has it) or trusty enough so I think that keeping all in house is a good, or at least the easiest, solution. I think however that the testing phase and proof reading could be left to the supporter that have volunteered and are trusty enough. Take into account that a big part of the bug that we all saw in SG or previous updates for this game are easily spotted during normal play through or regressions from newer updates that are found playing the game from scratch not as the developer (the developer aren't the best tester of their own work).
Your suggestions are maybe right. But after 4 years it is unlikly he never gets some decent trustfull offering for help. I'm not a programmer but it-professional and was myself interested in making a game in rpg-maker. It is not just writing a few scripts and you're done.
Of course you're right, not every coder would work on code for a game with special fetishes. Hmm...imho which code jockey cares about the content of the game if he get paid for it? Ok some ethics should be maintained, but every kink has his game more or less.
Ok bugtesting by his creator is not really the catch. I'm d'accord with you there.


Aug 6, 2016
Your suggestions are maybe right. But after 4 years it is unlikly he never gets some decent trustfull offering for help. I'm not a programmer but it-professional and was myself interested in making a game in rpg-maker. It is not just writing a few scripts and you're done.
Of course you're right, not every coder would work on code for a game with special fetishes. Hmm...imho which code jockey cares about the content of the game if he get paid for it? Ok some ethics should be maintained, but every kink has his game more or less.
Ok bugtesting by his creator is not really the catch. I'm d'accord with you there.
Take into account that a big part of the games that are available on this site are made by a single user or two at most.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2017
Not worth to download game at current state, at least wait till 18b... 18c supposed to be on Monday-Tuesday... But i dont believe it. He is UNRELIABLE...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
You're better off waiting until Wednesday to see if anyone posts something then. This is just the first part of this update because Doc is still doing whatever it is he is doing.
...wanking?no...wanker?..no...wait, wait I'll get it...


Dec 13, 2020
Bones Tales The Manor Build 0.18A just dropped for his patrons

Just letting you guys know so you can update the page when someone gets a download.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Bones Tales The Manor Build 0.18A just dropped for his patrons

Just letting you guys know so you can update the page when someone gets a download.
I would highly recommend wait for 0.18c cuz that one has bug fixes.

Since the thread has already filled with complains already, i can already see more from people that going to play 0.18a & find more bugs.


Dec 13, 2020
I would highly recommend wait for 0.18c cuz that one has bug fixes.

Since the thread has already filled with complains already, i can already see more from people that going to play 0.18a & find more bugs.
yeah but Im one of the impatient guys who tolerated bugs to get the new art. I agree people should wait for bugfixes but the early adopters always want the choice to play the buggy broken version a week before the fixed one if they choose to.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 29, 2020
The worst of every update is that it would meant you will need to start over again, so the old saves and everything you have done got reset and you would have need to do all the work again to watch the old scenes that got rework again. The story so far didn't move forward too much beside some small event there and then, don't know if this update will have any major change for the story or not
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
Theres no point, no new scenes yet, just reworks... Wait till tomorrow, when part 2 will have more reworks, and part 3 should have all scenes reworked.
but you know.... he will start grinding right now.... just to start all over when the next patch drops cos the save won't work...
the more you think of it the more it is funny. I'd say Dr. Boner is a way bigger Troll than me
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Engaged Member
Jan 21, 2019
Dr.Bonesayer a las 20:46
Everyone BT:TM 0.18A is now LIVE for $10+ Susbcribers!!


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
I am in the discord of Bone's tales, and yes, they see the people who ask about the update like idiots, the nitro an the donators are really dumb knights who thinks that they are right because they pay for this shit.
Dude, its a game that get pirate links and still, its bullshit, yes he works on two games but why?, he can't make it in time for any update, the dates that he put are just a joke, an excuse to say ''hey, there's no date update'', and for months, the only shit he can give is : 5 FUCKING REWORKED SCENES OF OLD CONTENT, HE HASN'T FIX THE DOG BUG SCENE WITH LUCILE COME ON

Bones, dude, just work on your game,two games are too much for you, and honestly, i can tell that you are not having fun anymore, whats the point on living for a game when you just let it root and die?, you dont have respect for any of yours games, donators, and i can say, not even for yourself, who can live with this hate in his back and dont see the reasons of it?, the problem here is you, not the dates, not the personal issues, or other thing, its you.

Shiny Milotic

Sep 4, 2016
Fantastic to see, really.
I don't pay and frankly never will, so not only I don't feel I'm in my right to criticize, I wouldn't anyway - I admire Bones.

I've seen his art streams. He's not a slow drawer by any means and I'm guessing he can "code" fairly efficiently too. So it's blatantly obvious that he only starts working on each update like, two maybe three weeks before release. He literally spends months doing fuck all and STILL has a horde of people paying and defending him.

I live in South America too and boy, he's making BANK with his subscribestar when converting from dollars, he has a monthly salary higher than most doctors, even. Think about it for a second. He makes more than doctors for REMAKING a drawing of a chick masturbating a horse. It's amazing!
He's cracked the code. His art is good and his humor is goofy but enjoyable, people will keep paying for it and if he's smart he's saving and/or investing some of the money for when he undoubtedly jumps ship and abandon both games.
Bones, if you're reading this - I admire you. Truly. No sarcasm.
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Jun 25, 2017
He always stated he wanted to live on the money from his games, he is able to make over 5k usd every month (patreon + SubscribeStar) , even more than Akabur who did deliver 2 or 3 games (one still being modded to this day).

I'm far from defending this "scam" but why would he bother about what ppl think at a pirate forum, when he keeps getting profit by just doing some reworks, that imo he just gets the money for several months, and takes like 1 month actually working on it.

Truth is, ppl love the art of the game, that's why many are so angry, and I think Bones could double the income if he actually deliver progression of this game, but It seems like he's satisfied with the current income.

*Ps: Sorry about the bad english, It's not my native language.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes