BoneTown.exe -console
PC Cheats
- sweetMoves(gamechar); - Unlock all powermoves.
- goodTimes(gamechar); - Gives you some drugs.
- vegasBaby(gamechar); - Gives you some money.
- godlike(gamechar); - Infinite health.
- swingingbeef(gamechar); - Maxes out your base ball level and fills the meter.
Press Shift + '~' (tilde) key to open the console and enter the following passwords (without the quotes) to enable the corresponding effect.
Gives you $99999 Dollars:
Enter 'vegasbaby(gamechar);'
Gives you 100 of Each Substance and $99999 Dollars:
Enter 'alloftheabove(gamechar);'
Gives you 100 of Each Substance:
Enter 'goodtimes(gamechar);'
Makes you Invincible:
Enter 'godlike(gamechar);'
Opens the Character Creator, where you can make New Babes, Avatars, etc:
Enter 'CharacterCreator.Toggle'
Sets your Combat Level to the Specified Number. (I.E. SetFightBuff (900)

Enter 'gamechar.setFightBuff (x);'
Sets your Stamina Level to the Specified Number. (I.E. SetSexBuff (900)

Enter 'gamecahr.setSexBuff (x);'