The more I strive to learn the more I learn in doing so how little I actually know. That's my personal observation. I'm sure though I'm not the first to have come to that realization.And a longer one... Instead of thinking if only everyone read Hollywood screenwriters on drive, conflict, expectations, etc. The way human potential works, you could have thousands of stories being written & rewritten by a million people. As long as they think the "reason" is enough, as each one gives a piece of their life away. "I want to see my story in a game." "I want my name, on a popular game." "I need to tell this story."
And then we can make it sound as unrealistic as we want. As the same goes for the creation itself. Instead of thinking if only everyone spent enough time learning X, the way software and knowledge work, every new creator could have a thousand scenes & a thousand characters to choose from, already set-up to look beautiful. But it could not depend on consuming X assets from Y. You need a real community that makes them. Which should become easier with time, even talking of a professional PBR 'look'.
The point is to see it as a structural problem, before an individual fault. Even if 'understanding' ourselves meant accepting we are mediocre at most things, a better understanding of human nature also means feeling its potential. Even as it is wasted, by every new 'app' that makes workers & consumers out of millions, by also making use of extreme growth without infrastructure. Which just means, over the internet, with folks using their own time & their own cars.
Just as people would use their own experience in life, to write, or all the knowledge they have of structure, to edit, or all the creativity inside their heads, to go on & on about ideas. Then you take that to extreme growth, without physical infrastructure. And it becomes less unrealistic than expecting a thousand groups of 2-3 people, disconnected from each other, to give a big enough slice of their lives. For a hobby or a project on the side, while they have to work to eat.
Interesting idea but not really doable with the self developed assets. Lets say you have millions of stories at your disposal to implement. You have to work them together and then make the lines work meaning anything the author originally wrote probably would need to be rewritten and doing so and capturing what they felt, thought and so on would be lost to a greater extent.
It would be more probable if you could create a system were people given a situation would tell how they would respond to a situation or what they would say. If you ever watched the show Bull were they create a mock jury base around the personality types of the individuals think of something like that. Were you create a pool of people that represent the characters in the story. You can then gauge what your character would most likely react like. You would need to gauge for education, personality and other factors.