Okay, so I downloaded this and started playing yesterday. Checked out every possible route with every choice (not many) until the Prom choice, at which point I decided to take a break for now.
One problem which I feel that there is, (no fault of the creator, and not only game having it) is the limited save functions.
I'm organized in some way, so I specifically made 20 save to disk saves then created a new document and wrote a 1-20 listing of 'memorable' notions of those saves, a few were choices with one leading to dead end, some were 'first time with XX' some were 'interesting times' etc.
That being said, i'm somewhat hopeful , but understanding that it might not happen, that a harem ending of sorts would be available, either through the player character being the one guy they know they can always rely on and they'll be okay with that, or a VN type of harem ending which opens up after every other path has been played previously, which I frankly have no idea how they would create in that program, but would still be appreciated by me and most likely others as well.
Because frankly, none of them is perfect, but I would like to have all of them regardless and just picking one would disappoint the others and picking several would alienate the rest, so picking them all would in the end maintain their friendship and make all of us happy. As for their interactions during college... might be a bit difficult on a regular basis, but that would make the times possible even greater. And as for their interactions when starting their working career... it's possible that all of us could live together and work in the same area / city, and the player character being the... linchpin holding the group together so to say, everyone comes to him for support, and everyone has fun with him (excluding Simon in that way, they can be bros, but not much more).
Rachel (or whatever name chosen for the lesbian) would be welcome as well, provided that her acceptance of the situation with the PCxTaliaXRachel scene would be increased and repeated.
Simon (or whatever name chosen) might not necessarily be allowed to live in the same place, but if the relations stay strong and neither of them want to break up and he definately keeps his hands off the rest, he can be accepted as well.
Of course, this is just a situation that would have to adapt within a few years, especially considering if some of them want marriages or children, but there's always solutions for that, if they're willing enough.