Game's buggy as hell, writing is "meh" at best (For example: the event is happening on Tuesday, but in the dialog it's Sunday, also the girl returns in the morning from somewhere, and greets the MC who's having his day off - tf? Where the hell she's been for the whole night?) UI is acting weird, MC has no balls, but at some point of the story (wrong choice) instantly decided to rape her and treat like garbage, literally making a 180 of his character. Providing screenshot to proof MC's bipolar disorder.
Also, progress is super slow, you literally have to mindlessly spam the same buttons in order to reach certain relationship points. Game barely worth the time with cheat menu, without it - don't waste your time.
UPD: Every event falls out of the timeline, and it's just a compilation of "cute anime moments". Despite the girl having cringe "depression at 3 years old" moments, she's the one with the balls in this couple.