Haven't. Said a few pages ago, I believe, that I can't get into the old HS1 style. And yes, I know this is a harem game. Although IIRC that's not, like, explicitly out in the open as far as the game goes; like, Eternum is the same way. It has harem game vibes, but in actuality so far it's just bouncing between girls without telling them you're in a relationship with multiple girls. And, that, to me, is a very bad way to run a harem... but honestly is there a good way, besides lucking into one a la Out of Touch? It wasn't a criticism of the game, or to say that I dislike the game, or even the genre, just that making a satisfying harem ending is hard because harem storylines tend to be rather... out there, in terms of reasoning.
EDIT: Also, I'd like to apologise because I know it's a sort of faux pas (if not outright rule break?) to namedrop other games in a game thread, but it's hard to talk about something like genre without citing precedent/contemporaries.