
Dec 1, 2019
i am just posting here because of the recent incest changes..not looking for some rogue patch every now and then, no sireee...

but for real, this game was on my watchlist for a while now, and recent tos bs activated me for this thread...
for the bunny-girls, kinda sad they look just like foxen+earswap... thought more of petra-like bunnygirls, less fur...maybe we can play with their aesthetics in the future. especially if DH plans to implement clothes at some point....

how do you fit that much fur into a bunnygirl-suit, implement razors? xX


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Not gonna lie, I'm legitimately curious about what you guys expect Derelict to have done? Do you honestly think he'd close the Patreon account, take a roughly 90%-99% paycut, and jump ship to SubscribeStar? Do you think he'd even consider, at all, the idea of dropping the subscription model entirely and just selling via Steam?

Patreon gets away with this bullshit because they only technically have competition. Anyone who jumps ship to retain their product is losing a very substantial amount of income in the process, likely permanently because no other platform has even remotely close to the same market penetration while still being a subscription model.
Actually, those developers who already have jumped ship are not losing out at all, they are succeeding. I am subscribed to some over there as I slowly move all my support off of Patreon when the option comes up for each developer I support. In fact, people remaining on Patreon are losing out on potential new subscribers because a lot of people who would support them refuse to support Patreon.

why ppl are so upset about incest in this game ? i dont even remember where is the incest part , this is not like a story incest game like renpy or rpg
It's more about the general fact that DH bowed to Patreon instead of finding an alternative that allowed the content to stay in my case. Removing it by his own choice alone is one thing, removing it because someone else told him to is a completely different thing. There is also now a lack of consequence if you don't watch who you pair up. With the incest, there were actually consequences due to a thing called inbreeding, which caused a potential for lower stats and pricing than desired, as Jadedone said. For that reason, the player had to watch out for sibling pairs or their own offspring to avoid it and get the best result. There is now no consequence and the player can breed any pair at any time without worrying about lowered stats. It may have only been a minor change to the possible stats and pricing, but this could be just the beginning. Because of the way most mechanics are laid out, Patreon could come after even more aspects. Captured Nephs are technically slaves, not allowed by Patreon. Captured nephs cannot consent and are being exploited, both also not allowed as that would make it rape in their eyes. The problem isn't just the incest, it's the implication that this game could very easily change completely from what it is now, which is a VERY bad thing.
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Sep 18, 2017
Incest removal sucks, though being able to manually control whether a Neph gets preggo or not softens that blow a bit. Wonder if they added that feature in anticipation of such a decision by Patreon. Still hoping that there will be an off-site patch to reintroduce in-breeding.


Jun 30, 2018
Forgive me if I say anything wrong or some thing similar as that, due to its been a very while since I last played the game so I dont remember it very well. I would like to ask you guys that its possibly are there any chances can we have both male and female character when we first created at the beginning of the game, then we play either one of them and have fuck as well?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Actually, those developers who already have jumped ship are not losing out at all, they are succeeding. I am subscribed to some over there as I slowly move all my support off of Patreon when the option comes up for each developer I support. In fact, people remaining on Patreon are losing out on potential new subscribers because a lot of people who would support them refuse to support Patreon.
There are content makers I've seen who are doing better on sites like SubscribeStar than they did on Patreon. All of them are, without exception, people who pulled out of Patreon well before they picked up a head of steam on that site. DH has the 9th biggest adult game Patreon, by subscriber count. He is not going to match that on a smaller site, no matter what he does.

And he's not losing out on potential SubscribeStar subscribers either - he has one of those too.

Jumping Patreon now is a good idea given that only a year or two ago it came out that they're unsustainable. They got all that big tech money, grew too fast, and now can't pay back their supporters. Sure, they'll get a cash injection now and again to keep them treading water, but it's a matter of time before they get their head pushed under the water for not towing the line well enough or fast enough.
Unike Youtube, which constantly runs at a loss yet still remains, Patreon can't actively push a message since it requires the little people to work rather than big businesses, meaning all it can do is control who we are allowed support. Problem with that is, also unlike YouTube, them openly discriminating begs for a tortious interference case (see Owen Benjamin) since all they are is a glorified money delivery man.
Fun fact about that - no site like Patreon is sustainable. It's not a viable business model for profit unless, like youtube, the site is assumed to be a loss and funded anyway because the profit is elsewhere. Patreon's CEO admitted it, but the problem, such as it is, applies to SubscribeStar and other similar companies too.

He should open one anyways so people have another way to support him. Not like people won't mod the incest back in anyways lmfao
He did.

None of you even answered my question, by the way. I asked what you exptected DH to do about Patreon's demands to remove the incest from the game. I asked this with the context that his choices are to comply with Patreon and keep his current income, or lose that income to keep the incest. So many people in this thread are up in arms about how DH is kowtowing to Patreon's demands by removing the incest, without even stopping for a moment to consider the fact that the alternative is literally losing any income he's making on this game. It's available on steam for free right now. It's available for the same subscription cost on SubscribeStar as of this latest update.

He has ~250 subscribers on SubscribeStar (I can't check the exact number because the site can't even stay online long enough for me to look again. Not sure that's a trustworthy sign for a site I'd be looking to profit from), and 6,548 on Patreon. If he closed the Patreon account right now so that he could jump ship to SubscribeStar and add incest back in the next update, he would be throwing away 96% of his subscribers (and presumably a proportionally similar amount of income) just to put that one feature back in the game. I don't know very many people who would throw away that much money for that little gain. Do you?
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Oct 30, 2018
Will there be wild Centaurs, Naga (humanoid with snake body like Warden), 4 arms creatures (similar to some dude in Mortal Kombat, too lazy to search), etc? Also, will there be more sex positions such as side way, spooning, etc? What about wheelbarrow (like doggy but female feet in air) position already in game when doing surprise sex? Will that be part of breeding?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
It's not that you don't have a pragmatic point, but you are painting things in a very "it's either X or Y" way. And that's the main problem with platforms when they start rolling billions, the aforementioned being the prolonged and propagandistic bs they have created with their decrepit, pseudo-woke platform.
I'm painting them that way because that's how it is in this case. DerelictHelmsman has a choice: take a massive paycut and keep incest, or cut incest and keep making as much money as he is. There are literally no options for him that allow him to both keep making this much money and keep incest in the game. None. At all. And anyone who argues the moralistic standpoint about sites moderating content is opting to ignore that fact.

Should Patreon do this? That's not a debate to be had here, in a thread about a specific game (It's a perfectly fine debate for other parts of the forum, mind you). Are they doing it? Yes. Will they continue to do it in the future? All signs point to yes. So again, stop bothering with the moralisms and shoulds and shouldn'ts. They don't apply here. Here and now in this real world situation where "should be" doesn't apply, his total set of options are the following:
  • Work within Patreon's requirements to continue making the money he's been making.
  • Drop Patreon as a platform, take a massive pay cut, and keep the content Patreon doesn't like.
  • Combine the two above options by slowly bleeding his subscribers to another platform, and then dropping Patreon.
  • Attempt to bypass Patreon's requirements with a secondary version available elsewhere, likely getting banned and losing his income in the process.
  • Attempt to bypass Patreon's requirements with a built-in enable switch that is hidden some way, like searching for a file not included. There are some games that have tried this, and they've had mixed success on Patreon ban evasion.
  • Stop working on the game entirely, taking a massive pay cut in the process.
Derelict appears to be attempting the slow bleed options, which means that this game will not have incest for the time being, and it won't be enabled officially again until some pontentially nonexistent, certainly indefinite point in the future when he determines that he can safely drop Patreon without losing more money than he's willing to lose. And with how long such attempts tend to take, by the time that would happen nobody will be making a fuss about it anymore and people will just get mad that he dropped their preferred platform.

At this point I seriously wonder why some high-income projects aren't going the DIY route, rent some AMZN servers, buy a good site template with good dev tools and then set up an authenticated posting area.
Because it's ridiculously expensive and well beyond the ability of developers who aren't programmers. You don't often see people capable of working up an entire backend toolchain like that making a game in renpy, unity, or unreal engine. And the startup cost of that approach also precludes a lot of developers capable of doing it just by dint of, well. Cost. AO titles are a very risky endeavor and people often aren't going to risk sinking that much money into them. And while that's less of a valid argument since you mentioned high-income projects specifically, crowdsourced income skews heavily towards teams or solo developers that lean on art, and skews away from projects that lean on programming ability.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2021
So how must more dev time do you think we will need to actually get different looking faces for the NPCs or the ability to skip more then one day when you go to sleep. I'm I the only one who hates the fact they all look like clones when it comes to faces?


Jan 24, 2019
I've been writing a patcher to restore incest to the game, it's a command line tool (it's written in Perl with .exe and .pl flavors) and it's going to need testing and I don't want to piss off DH but I'm sick of Patreon's overly nuts censorship.

Anyway looking for brave souls to help test and hoping I can put it up here or on LewdPatcher when it's ready.

The patch is presently working and hopefully will work on future versions. Right now the patcher can't find the game very well on it's own (still working on that) and the patching/backup/revert code has been tested on exactly one machine.
Aug 8, 2017
I've been writing a patcher to restore incest to the game, it's a command line tool (it's written in Perl with .exe and .pl flavors) and it's going to need testing and I don't want to piss off DH but I'm sick of Patreon's overly nuts censorship.

Anyway looking for brave souls to help test and hoping I can put it up here or on LewdPatcher when it's ready.

The patch is presently working and hopefully will work on future versions. Right now the patcher can't find the game very well on it's own (still working on that) and the patching/backup/revert code has been tested on exactly one machine.
Simplest solution to finding the game would just be to make the user put the script where the game is. Why make a complicated algorithm when the user (should) already know the answer.

Also, yay perl! Are you using Active or Strawberry? I miss working in perl.


Jan 24, 2019

Right now the user needs to tell it what folder Radiant-Win64-Shipping.exe is in, I want to make it so you can also just give it the base folder. I know how I'm going to implement that but I haven't coded it yet.
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