This was posted on the dev's discord:
In April of this year, I began suffering from mental issues that escalated to severe levels. Psychosis, derealization, pure OCD, and depression are the primary problems I am battling. At its worst, I could no longer process time nor objective reality itself, and very disturbing dreams would prevent me from sleeping. This is no doubt a product of decades of social isolation and past trauma fueled by experimenting with psycho-active substances, so I started getting professional help in August. Despite this, recovery has been slow, and I have not felt like my old self in months. On top of that, I have been dealing with the stress of finding a new place to live as I discovered my current place has a serious mold problem. Progress on the game has suffered because of it. As such, if I cannot get my life in order soon, I will suspend the funding and development until I do. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your continued support.
So I guess we ain't getting meaningful updates anytime soon. I also find it funny that someone in here said the updates were lackluster because the dev was spending all the funding in blow and hookers, turns out it was true lmao.