I managed to modify some Nephelym information using hex edit (race, gender, traits) thanks to a useful comments that some people posted here some time ago. I wasn't too keen on downloading and executing BOTNTools because of the virus flag (even if it might very well be a false positive), so I decided to make my own simple tool for editing save files.
You can browse through your list of Nephelyms (including the breeder) and modify their race, gender and traits.
I made this tool in Python, so I provide the python script files for people that don't want to execute random exe files on the internet or prefer to use the scripts themselves. You'll need to execute botn_m.py using a relatively moden version of Python. For people who don't care, I also provide the tool compiled into a single .exe which doesn't need Python or any other dependency.
For the sake of completeness, I will briefly describe how to edit files using this tool. You'll first see the following UI when starting the application:
Go to "File->open save" and select the save you want to edit. After the tool has finished processing the save, it will display the list of Nephelyms. By selecting them, you can see their information in the respective fields. You can see my save as en example:
Note: you can see that I have some random Nephelym with the human breeder class. This is because I was previously messing around with the save files. Fun fact, you can actually swap almost all races to the human breeder class (except Mares for some reason), some of them looking better than others.
Traits are displayed in the big text field, one line per trait in save order. If we want to modify this Nephelym, we need to click "Modify". After that, we can edit anything but the name of the Nephelym. Before we can actually write to the save file, we need to press "Verify". This transforms any understandable keywords into the respective strings that the game recognizes (e.g. hominal is converted to Trait.Form.Hominal) and performs checks so that no erroneus information is written into the save. In my case, I modified the previous Nephelym with the following data:
After verifying, the data looks like this:
After that, we can click "Apply changes" and it will overwrite the opened save file with the following modifications. By default, the tool will perform backups of save files every 2h (meaning it will perform a backup if it detects that the last backup was done over 2h ago), but you can disable/change the time interval in "File->Options".
Note that while traits are generally pretty safe to modify and tweak, modifying gender and sometimes the race of some Nephelyms might result in crashes due to some incompatiblity of the shape and model data. For example, I have observed that changing Futa to Female and viceversa is generally safe (since they are basically identical other than the penis), but changing to Male just doesn't work. Additionally, changing the MC to a big size can be problematic when performing wild sex, as the game gets stuck in the interaction (but strangely enough it seems okay during breeding sessions?).
Finally, while I tried to make the tool as robust as possible, note that it is something that I coded in a week during my spare time. I suggest you make your own backups before starting to edit in case something unexpected happens in the long run.