Now that's why they were removed. Why some males haven't come back and others just never got implemented is an entirely different matter, and that's been explained above. I seem to recall a statement from derelict about not implementing any new males unless they brought something unique to the table.
So what is it that futas bring to the table that males and females don't already? This is my point where I said futas are
in addition to, but not a replacement of males; males bring something unique to the game in that they aren't females -- or females with dicks -- and have their own aesthetic.
And in a game revolving around reproduction, not adequately representing one half of that reproduction is just weird.
I can't be the only one who feels genuine male characters cannot be
replaced in games.
There are still male characters. Starfallen, Foxen, Dragon, Demon, and Bovaur males are all still there. And I believe plans to re-add Titan male as well.
That's fair enough, but there's been no innovations with new males since - they were the same guys that were available ages ago, apparently before the dev decided he wasn't into making males (if that's true).
As others said, its about the NPCs. You still will have a male player character (that has to do at least one [scene skipable] futa to proceed in quests!). It just becomes stupid when you create a female player character since its only futas and furrys(scalys?) for her. Or when you turn off futa and cant do some inner race breeding at all (like elves, harpies, beegirls, catgirls, bunnygirls or sharkgirls last time I checked).
Which is exactly my problem, because I only play as a female breeder. If you play as a male breeder you have a smorgasbord of choice, but from my perspective and taste, I don't enjoy going after female -- or female-like -- characters.
I mean, if the only problem was the female breeder's lack of hetero choices I could still argue away[what I consider to be a downside for my personal preference] for the sake of the game's main point of breeding 'NPCs', but as you pointed out, unless you like futas and have that optional feature turned on, the breeding itself is compromised.
You have to argue something is a bit wrong with a game if an optional feature (that is purely a matter of player taste) gets in the way of the entire purpose of the game. Futa should have been 'in addition to', rather then the rule.
PS: (pure assumption on my part) Its not like the dev hates straight m/f sex. On the contrary; he prefers that. If I recall correctly he has even be quoted a few pages back to not even like adding dicks to females because he prefers the (quote) pure female form. He just loathes creating male characters up to the point that hes in complete denial about the handicap it is with the type of game he develops.
The heck would make someone loathe creating a male character when it's half the formula of the whole point of the game. That's stupid af. If he'd started out only creating futas and females and been transparent that's all it would ever be, at least we'd have known what to expect.
Look, I can appreciate that the guy is doing it all alone - I'll give him props for that, and the fact that it's of pretty decent quality (if it wasn't I'd care a whole lot less) - but you'd think if he had such a hangup surely he could get someone else to create the male characters to his specifications. I'm no expert on the costs involved in game design, but with nearly 7,000 supporters on Patreon, and more then 650 subscribers on SubscribeStar, surely he'd be able to afford hiring someone to work on the one aspect of his game that he doesn't want to do, but which is an essential element in a breeding game.
Also, he loathes creating male characters, and he's said he prefers the pure female form, and yet despite that he's happy to settle for putting a dick on a female to save himself the hassle. Talk about lack of conviction. But hey, in the end he's still making a lot of money off of this, so perhaps in his mind that's enough to take a leaf out of Todd Howard's book and say, 'It just works'.
But anyway...