
Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
No, it is not odd.
I prefer humans too but I'm not a developer and there's not a good human breeding game as far as I know.
If you know of one, feel free to let me know.
Actually Im more like the opposite scenario, but usually with half human hybrids of either dragons or demons that look like the Succuby from BotN or maybe the Wyverns but without the gauntlets/"clawed boots" the default ones have.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Drages, share your conversations with Dere. Anything that has him stating what you're saying about him will add more fact to the statements and hence will make your argument more believable to the audience of the game.

We are talking about a matter that is making him 50K a fucking month... he can sit on his ass all day and deliver shit updates and people will still shell out money. He's going to milk this cow dry if nothing is done... What a disappointing turn of events.
I won't do it. I tried to contact with him to change his mind and I wanted to stay as friends but he did not even replied to me and just blocked everywhere. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of me, I can't know what he wants anymore. I already noticed most of what I said before I start to work with him. I offered my help because I knew that, we won't have any system working if somebody does anything. I really like Botn so much.. I know it's potential and it makes me sad.

You can say it's a bit grindy and as I made the system, I am guilty about it. But as you hear how things go, I got not chance to finish the system or change things with the feedback. I just don't have any slightest hope that BotN will be better under Dere's development. I really don't want to bother with him or those mods.. If they hear what I wrote here, they will name me as a heretic, liar or betrayer probably. I can see Zobo's smiling face as he banned me from server.

I got all the design sheet of BotN Rpg system even more with me. I can always prove who I am.. but as I said, you can clearly see what is going on but just you could not be sure.. now you are sure.

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Aug 6, 2017
Meanwhile still looking for another game to replace BotN, or a mod for Skyrim that adds breeding/offspring generation stuff like this one has. In terms of pure sex, monstergirls and stuff it doesnt worry me much since there's a bunch of alternatives but on that particular aspect is where Im not sure if there's a viable option. At least on the offspring generation part of it.
In that case, you absolutely have to try . You can satisfy almost every breeding fetish you have there. Be it massive inbreeding, "cows" and dairy, hyperfertilization and so on.

Make sure you use the WebGL Imagepack, though, otherwise it's just text based.


New Member
Jun 24, 2021
Guys i cant use humans in the "creator mode" (cheat). I can edit human appearence and save presets, but unable to use in scenes


Apr 28, 2021
Oooookey, so I took an overall read about it all and.... DAMN!

I knew things were bad with both BotN and Dere but it is much worse than I thought it was. At the same time Im not surprised somehow since in a way I sort of saw the truth between the lines over these years. I've playing since pretty much before the Day/Night cycle public update got released and since the begining I started to notice a lot of deliberately BS thigns happening in both the game, with the dev, the comunity and even the expectations to have about it all. A lot of things that were, so to speak meant to be in a certain way but in reality were very different and for the worst.

The first thing was the whole savefiles incompatibility crap. To me it always felt that the dev deliberately made it like that since its simply illogical that new saves dont work on new game versions yet the opposite is true.... The comunity's overall harshness with stuff that if a Discord Discord moderator came to the server they would be actually in violation of many of the terms that are stablished, like more often than not having openly political debates on channels like that memes-spam one, when in the rules is clearly said that no political talk was allowed, among other similar situations.... Then some of the updates that added "New content" that was actually a way to lock previously available stuff from day 1 like sex positions behind a "pay-to-win" (To with in-game currency) mecanic of having to "unlock" sex positions that before the goddamit Pawsmatti adition were available from minute 1. He then made pretty much all the sex positions to be useable across nephs sizes but that was quite long after the whole Pawsmatti BS.... Then the progression that followed the similar vibe of the previously mentioned thing, deliberately mocking you if you added the cheat to bypass progression. In a very "soulsfan" fashion that you're only worth of respect if you deal with the punish or in this case, loooooooooooooong assssssssssssssssss fucking endless grindness of the game that mods claimed that it didnt took long but it does take a way to long damn amount of time... Then the denial of having either mod support or a way to make you be able to import stuff from old saves to the new game versions, even if it is importing your uniquely created nephs that would be extremely hard to replicate the way they look with the new system.... And very recently after a game like Wild Life started to introduce it's sandbox 2.0 mode and people coming up with all kinds of crazy creations without being Unreal Engine devs, it made me realise that as Drages said, it looks impressive but it's actually not that outstanding otherworldly thing to do. You just need to dedicate it enough time and know the game tools basically enough to be able to create amazing looking worlds with a basically functional dialogue quest system with the right assets.

As a former translator I also got the suspicious thought that just like he did with the translations he could be doing something similar with the basic programing of the game itself under the hood and nobody noticed but due to the slow development compared to a game like Wild Life I kinda discarted that thought but after reading the messages from Drages Im shocked to know that I was right, he also takes advantage of other devs work while keeping it "voluntary" but then just copy/pasting it, signing it with his name and publishing it like his full doing and getting all the bucks for it. He literally did that with the translations so....

Anyway, I dont know how to feel about this game now knowing the truth, or at least part of the truth cause now Im like.... If this is another shared of the untold story behind Dere and BotN, Im not sure if I want to know the full truth about the game and its development for the sake of keeping the interest in the game itself.
I stopped playing this several versions ago, before there was the world level system even, because it was so patently clear that the game was designed to wave a big fat fuck you to the player. In short, the game isn't fun.
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Guys i cant use humans in the "creator mode" (cheat). I can edit human appearence and save presets, but unable to use in scenes
I think in the creator mode, there's no human to preview since the scenes relies on existing neph races and nephs dont have a "human" variant
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I stopped playing this several versions ago, before there was the world level system even, because it was so patently clear that the game was designed to wave a big fat fuck you to the player. In short, the game isn't fun.
Agreed, the whole save wipe shit made it unviable for long term play. Any other game after an update you still can sort of boot the previous saves or at least import their assets somehow. But in here they run totally unusable for totally illogical reasons since as I said, their reversely portable. So....
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May 10, 2017
HOLY FUCK! That explains why this game has such a motherfucking grindy as balls experience. He is a fukin soulslike fan! Gosh I cant stand those guys!

They are all about making you feel miserable while playing for the sake of the punishment and never the fun. At. Fukin. All!
as a fellow soulslike fan, please don't lump us all together, or at least me, while i do like the challenge those games provide, i expect the challenge to come from outmaneuvering the enemies, not bullshit grinding and making things annoyingly difficult for the sake of being difficult.

otherwise i totally agree, that grind is just needlessly extending the gameplay, and besides, i like to spend my time turning this game into a genetics simulator to see what color variants come out of all that breeding. wish i could save some of those as a preset.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
LOL wut?

The whole point of Dark Souls is that the game is hard, but (except a few instances) not annoying.

When Dark Souls forces you to repeat a segment of gameplay (i.e. you die and have to repeat a section of a level, or a boss fight), it's because you, the player, haven't yet obtained the skills required to move forward. Each time you repeat a section of content, it's meant to have you improve as a player and obtain those skills. And once you obtain the aforementioned skills, you can generally apply them to overcome later challenges.

Grinding, on the other hand, is just repetitive tasks, with a higher volume of things to do, and with no skill component (or if there are any skill components, they're minor optimization details that let you grind slightly faster). Grinding does not lead to player improvement, and it doesn't give you tools you can use elsewhere. When you're done grinding one thing and move on to the next, it's back to square one: the gameplay "reward" for grinding is just more grinding.

For instance, in RuneScape, you level woodcutting by chopping trees, which you do by just clicking on them every once in a while and letting your character chop automatically. You as a player can't get better at this. Levelling up woodcutting allows you to chop higher level trees for more exp/hour, but you also need exponentially more exp to level up, so it still gets longer and longer each time. Once you're done with woodcutting and want to move on to your mining skill or whatever, your woodcutting level means jack shit: you gotta start over from scratch.

RuneScape is grinding; Dark Souls isn't.


New Member
Jul 5, 2022

Does this help?

UPDATE for version 0.749.5 and up

Question for anyone still doing these kinds of things- Was trying to get the hex-edits to work (Brand new to them, so it was a little bit of a labor- )
Wanted to -be- a dragon, not just in Spirit form. Did a recent update make hex-edits nonviable? Even something small such as adding a single trait and upping the count broke the save entirely, so was wanting to ask if anyone knows if we can still do that.

Thanks! ♥
- Trem


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Am I the only one that can't see ANY positions at all? What's happening in this update?
Instead of all sex positions being tied to Pawsmaati's temple in the Sultry Plateau like before, now each region has one position tied to it, which you can unlock by finding Pawsmaati's shrine in that specific region (and paying the favour cost). Additionally, the doggystyle position which, was previously unlocked by default, now needs to be unlock like the others, and is tied to the Lustwood area. Unlike the other positions, however, doggystyle is free: you simply need to find Pawsmaati's shrine in the Lustwood and talk to her to unlock it.
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Active Member
May 4, 2017
Instead of all sex positions being tied to Pawsmaati's temple in the Sultry Plateau like before, now each region has one position tied to it, which you can unlock by finding Pawsmaati's shrine in that specific region (and paying the favour cost). Additionally, the doggystyle position which, was previously unlocked by default, now needs to be unlock like the others, and is tied to the Lustwood area. Unlike the other positions, however, doggystyle is free: you simply need to find Pawsmaati's shrine in the Lustwood and talk to her to unlock it.
Thank you very much mate! I was wondering if I bugged it (and bugs do love me a lot), I also deleted everything, since version difference could cause a bug. Welp, back to grind x) Thanks again!


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
LOL wut?

The whole point of Dark Souls is that the game is hard, but (except a few instances) not annoying.

When Dark Souls forces you to repeat a segment of gameplay (i.e. you die and have to repeat a section of a level, or a boss fight), it's because you, the player, haven't yet obtained the skills required to move forward. Each time you repeat a section of content, it's meant to have you improve as a player and obtain those skills. And once you obtain the aforementioned skills, you can generally apply them to overcome later challenges.

Grinding, on the other hand, is just repetitive tasks, with a higher volume of things to do, and with no skill component (or if there are any skill components, they're minor optimization details that let you grind slightly faster). Grinding does not lead to player improvement, and it doesn't give you tools you can use elsewhere. When you're done grinding one thing and move on to the next, it's back to square one: the gameplay "reward" for grinding is just more grinding.

For instance, in RuneScape, you level woodcutting by chopping trees, which you do by just clicking on them every once in a while and letting your character chop automatically. You as a player can't get better at this. Levelling up woodcutting allows you to chop higher level trees for more exp/hour, but you also need exponentially more exp to level up, so it still gets longer and longer each time. Once you're done with woodcutting and want to move on to your mining skill or whatever, your woodcutting level means jack shit: you gotta start over from scratch.

RuneScape is grinding; Dark Souls isn't.
Having to repeat the same phase over and over and over and over again until u figure the hell out of how to manage to defeat every said X enemy is not just a repetitive but also deliberately frustrating experience, so I would say that overall the soulslike experience is worse than the grind. The only way to transport that feel into other games without it having the deliberate frustration but yet annoyance of it would be through inbuild forced grind mecanics.... Tho Ill rather have a massive grind than a soulslike frustrating experience of die a thousand times cause of the game's BS.

In any case, that doesnt mean that I would rather be playing Wild Life with its Sandbox 2.0 mode or Skyrim than BotN with its ingame resources grind or Soulslikes with its skill grind, that in the end feel like a not rewarding grind when other games every step feels rewarding, cause even if you die you cam go on a totally different direction or place instead of repeat the same area or boss until you "GitGud" at it. It's a simple time/worth investment consideration and choice
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
And even if I'm up to challenge myself, I'll rather do it in a game in which it's base experience doesn't feel "grindy". Like I mention everytime, there's always that talk about doing things for a hard as balls challenge but then people shy away of things like "Beat Minecraft without using a crafting table", or "Beat Need for Speed without using the second half of your cars shitfing gears", or that everytime you get killed you have to get rid of absolutely everything you had collected and created/used and go on a different path by being locked to also pick or use any of the things you did before or simply put play your favorite music game as a left handed. Those would be challenging but not necesarily punishing cause they force you to readapt but temporarily and plausibly in a rewarding way since it makes you play everytime differently on how you normally would, specially cause you know you wont have to do it forever, just for "that" particular challenge, and maybe discover more possibilities than the ones you use by default; it can be amazing and even help you become more efficient on your typical gameplays where you tend to follow old habits, because they simply work. But people would rather have the punisment cause they're not willing to keep up the basic mental strenght that it takes to stick to a self put challenge that would always be perfectly tuned since you self stablished it knowing your player profile but no, people prefer others to give them a pre-existing punishing experience and I'm sorry, but thats the opposite concept of fun to me. Which by the way, every game that makes you feel miserable is failing at it's main existential porpouse of being a source en fun and enjoyment.

And you said that after the grind in grindy games you only get more grind.... What about the resources you gathered up to that point? It might be tiring to get there but when you achieved your long awaited futa Jabberwock you get an amazing feel, could be better but at least you can now relax. In soulslikes by the time I got the upgrade I may have wanted I feel so like Im about to go to someone's neck that I"ll rather play something else for the sale of mental health. And like I said, in any case Ill rather spent all the grind time (being in breeding or in getting "skill", that btw if you domt keep practicing it starts to fade), creating a horny jail 3.0 in the sandbox of Wild Life or finally getting my ass to finish Skyrim's main quest (Without getting sidetracked by lewdy stuffs, definitely a challenge om its own lmao) than that XD
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Mar 4, 2021
And even if I'm up to challenge myself, I'll rather do it in a game in which it's base experience doesn't feel "grindy". Like I mention everytime, there's always that talk about doing things for a hard as balls challenge but then people shy away of things like "Beat Minecraft without using a crafting table", or "Beat Need for Speed without using the second half of your cars shitfing gears", or that everytime you get killed you have to get rid of absolutely everything you had collected and created/used and go on a different path by being locked to also pick or use any of the things you did before or simply put play your favorite music game as a left handed. Those would be challenging but not necesarily punishing cause they force you to readapt but temporarily and plausibly in a rewarding way since it makes you play everytime differently on how you normally would, specially cause you know you wont have to do it forever, just for "that" particular challenge, and maybe discover more possibilities than the ones you use by default; it can be amazing and even help you become more efficient on your typical gameplays where you tend to follow old habits, because they simply work. But people would rather have the punisment cause they're not willing to keep up the basic mental strenght that it takes to stick to a self put challenge that would always be perfectly tuned since you self stablished it knowing your player profile but no, people prefer others to give them a pre-existing punishing experience and I'm sorry, but thats the opposite concept of fun to me. Which by the way, every game that makes you feel miserable is failing at it's main existential porpouse of being a source en fun and enjoyment.

And you said that after the grind in grindy games you only get more grind.... What about the resources you gathered up to that point? It might be tiring to get there but when you achieved your long awaited futa Jabberwock you get an amazing feel, could be better but at least you can now relax. In soulslikes by the time I got the upgrade I may have wanted I feel so like Im about to go to someone's neck that I"ll rather play something else for the sale of mental health. And like I said, in any case Ill rather spent all the grind time (being in breeding or in getting "skill", that btw if you domt keep practicing it starts to fade), creating a horny jail 3.0 in the sandbox of Wild Life or finally getting my ass to finish Skyrim's main quest (Without getting sidetracked by lewdy stuffs, definitely a challenge om its own lmao) than that XD
mind telling me the source of your pfp
May 25, 2017
*Insert large block of text* !!GO READ IT!!
Honestly this to me is both amazing and sad. I used to white knight for this game hard once upon a time because it was the only game frequently and consistently releasing content at one point (right before the gates were implemented I don't remember when exactly that was). I remember having to abandon this thread for a year or two because I was tired of fighting everyone on everything. Goes to show what I knew.

EDIT: aHA found it. It was mid 2020 right when the gates were being added. The actual sexual content added was starting to dry up and people were non-stop bitching about it.
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Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
Honestly this to me is both amazing and sad. I used to white knight for this game hard once upon a time because it was the only game frequently and consistently releasing content at one point (right before the gates were implemented I don't remember when exactly that was). I remember having to abandon this thread for a year or two because I was tired of fighting everyone on everything. Goes to show what I knew.
Well hey, at least you've escaped from the sunk cost fallacy valley, that's one hell of a climb to get out from there
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