
Nov 2, 2021
i need new updates this game is great i am interested in the idea of adding clothes and i want new variants/races to be added


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
i need new updates this game is great i am interested in the idea of adding clothes and i want new variants/races to be added
I wonder if the new clothing system would be available just for the humans or if also the spirit form would have some. :unsure:


May 28, 2018
I lament that there is no way to view the Breeder's stats outside of the Breeding pen.
big rollback in informativity... but i must say UI good and we need char info window back ASAP. what happened with species progress? i dont see it on spawn lands neither in it works like years ago with spending stars on lvlup or what?
Last edited:


May 28, 2018
new char creation system make it pain in arse to change pregnancy/busty/booty/chubby/slim/BodyBuilder body change becouse after each toggle selection left side switches go to 1st section in list... like if u switch from regular body to pregnant u see only belly section and after turn off preg state we go to head selection becouse its 1st in list... im like to change some body values for nephelyms so if u do same it will be unbearable to do with all species...i spend about hour to do all features for 1 species...


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Okey, tried the new build and damn! Having the cheats menu easily available without having to rely on weird keyboard configs feels amazing. Seen now the whole system natively made me realise that now it's even better than the original system. So a huge plus for that.

That said tho. This new update made me also realise that now more than ever BotN needs to have an option so you can change the starting values in order to make some gameplays even viable without cheats. The whole liquids system overhaul along with starting with 0 money made both the initial and mid gameplay grind exponentially harder. Liquids are now obtained and sold in bottles that each are extremely cheaper than before. The issue is that in order to properly farm money takes A LOT longer since liquids prices for buying and selling are super low. Amazingly good for when you're the one buying, but extremely bad when you're selling.

The issue here, for those who are not getting it, is that things like the barns prices are still the same. So while before a couple of liquid harvests and selling the liquids you got gave you the enough money to buy a specific barn, now to buy that same barn you need to harvest about 10 times as much or so those liquids amounts to have enough to buy said barns. Now on the game start, your only source of income is making Fern suck you, and to buy the cheapest barn you need to have her do that at least 3 times. The issue is that unlike before, you dont start with enough money to buy both the Warg barn AND the Foxen barn and still enough to buy some liquids. Now you barely make enough to get one of the two barns before having to go back to sleep and it feels super jarring to be on Lustwoods having to focus on catch one species while totally dodging the other that early game.

Another big problem now, again with the damn grind, is that unlike before, if you run out of lust, you could still sex your Homestead's vagrants and farm levels while you wait for the day-night cycle to reset on an new day start. Now, if you sex a vagrant with 0 lust, youll be able to sex them, but then lose consciouness and go back at being "resurrected" by Reaper. Might not seem like an issue until you realise how damn repetitive and time consuming seen an extra scene with her feels eeeeeeverytime, not to mention that you lose your spirit form, have to then recharge it to activate it and you can guess the cycle.

I really love this game mind you but on each update is getting more water clear that you just cant respect the dev's vision of the default gameplay loop cause it gets exponentially more grindy and tedious to do. So Im starting to plan which values should be enough to get started and even going beyond that and thinking with which amount of keystones you start. Cause bruh, if Im forced to have to edit a savefile to have a decent "base" start cause each update gets more grindy, Ill rather have some of the mandatory progression being axed out to balance things.
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New Member
Nov 29, 2018
how can a see my world lvl or have some one tip for me a still on lvl 1 fox but a set one free she lvl 80 but stiil lvl 1 world


New Member
Nov 29, 2018
big rollback in informativity... but i must say UI good and we need char info window back ASAP. what happened with species progress? i dont see it on spawn lands neither in it works like years ago with spending stars on lvlup or what?
i dont know a hope not


New Member
Apr 18, 2023
Breeders of the Nephelym (BOTN) Incest Patcher


You can easily enable incest in the game as shown below:

A file named imma.degenerate needs to be in the same folder as OBF.exe.​
  • It does not need to contain anything.
  • It must be the same folder as OBF.exe.
  • The filename is imma and the extension is degenerate.
It doesn't matter what creates the file, it should work as long as the filename/extension is correct.

In the folder where OBF.exe is located, create a file called imma.degenerate (be sure to enable show file extensions if you're using Windows explorer). The file does not need to contain anything.​
Command Prompt:
In the folder where OBF.exe is located, type echo. > imma.degenerate and you'll be all set.​
Command Prompt (PowerShell) :
In the folder where OBF.exe is located, type New-Item -Path . -Name "imma.degenerate" -ItemType "file" and you'll be all set.​
I'm not sure how long this will work and I think it would be best for all of us to not mention it on Patreon (or DH's Discord) especially.​
This works with the Steam version as well but if your Steam library is in Program Files, you'll need administrative rights to create the file on Windows 10. Please follow the Steam instructions below if you need help.​
For Steam, this gets a bit more complex because of the higher security present in Program Files.​
  • Open a "Command Prompt" or "Command Prompt (Powershell)", you'll need to run either as Administrator. (NOTE: Windows Terminal generally won't let you start an Administrator session).
  • Depending on your settings, you'll may get a elevation prompt. Accept it to continue.
  • The following step assumes the default location for the game folder. If your Steam library is installed somewhere else you'll need to use the correct path: pushd "%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Breeders of the Nephelym Alpha" (Powershell: cd "$Env:SystemDrive\Program Files (x86))\Steam\steamapps\common\Breeders of the Nephelym Alpha")
  • Now you just need to create the file: echo. > imma.degenerate (Powershell: New-Item -Path . -Name "imma.degenerate" -ItemType "file")
  • Close the command window/powershell: exit
The patcher will eventually return with support for this for a few reasons:​
  • There's no telling how long this will work and we may be back to patching soon.
  • If people use a patcher for something so simple it may help hide this from Patreon from that much longer.
  • Some users may just find it it easier. Obviously if it's using the file method, it will not actually be doing any patching at all. Just creating (or removing) a file as directed.
  • The patcher is, unfortunately, not my highest priority at the moment.
does this not work anymore? I followed the directions as stated and it doesn't seem to be working at all.


Apr 20, 2020
say, am I stupid or is there really no world level in the current version? some say it would be in some of the corners of the screen when going to the barns or the fields where the nephelim can be captured, but neither can I find anything remotely resembling a so called world level and the cheat "world levels 5" also doesn't seem to work
did anyone else found it or tested the cheat and could give me tipps?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Tested out more indepth the current update yesterday and sadly this time Im gonna have to wait for a few new updates (Full updates, not hotfixes) until playing again new versions, cause currently the state of the base gameplay has turned a bit too much base grindy for me. Its extremely immersion breaking having to go to Lustwoods and only being able to capture either Foxes or Wargs at first, not both how we have been doing for ages.

The new UI looks so fancy at first until you realise that some very needed functions like simply properly sort or filter nephs on the lists is now an entire mess. Sorting used to be alphabetical and you could appy more than one filter. Now you cant and mephs are organized randomly, except they now take a lot more vosual space.

The physics now look damn weird. I was running with my character and it looked like her body eas made out of gelatin. Sinc when did your leg tissue stretched up to your armpit when running?

Also for some reason flying nephs like the Kludde happen to have regular walking animations the when idling they fly/levitate like seraphims, it looks damn strange.

Now keystones dont even save properly.

IDK, I used to love to play this game but every new update makes me dread doing so more.


New Member
Apr 2, 2022
does this not work anymore? I followed the directions as stated and it doesn't seem to be working at all.
You don't need the patcher anymore. What you have to do is set your file explorer to allow you to view file extensions under the view tab. Then, create a text folder wherever you installed the game. Rename the file itself to imma.degenerate, with the .degenerate replacing the file extension .txt. Then it should work. I was able to do that with my game and it worked just fine.


Dec 14, 2019
Tested out more indepth the current update yesterday and sadly this time Im gonna have to wait for a few new updates (Full updates, not hotfixes) until playing again new versions, cause currently the state of the base gameplay has turned a bit too much base grindy for me. Its extremely immersion breaking having to go to Lustwoods and only being able to capture either Foxes or Wargs at first, not both how we have been doing for ages.

The new UI looks so fancy at first until you realise that some very needed functions like simply properly sort or filter nephs on the lists is now an entire mess. Sorting used to be alphabetical and you could appy more than one filter. Now you cant and mephs are organized randomly, except they now take a lot more vosual space.

The physics now look damn weird. I was running with my character and it looked like her body eas made out of gelatin. Sinc when did your leg tissue stretched up to your armpit when running?

Also for some reason flying nephs like the Kludde happen to have regular walking animations the when idling they fly/levitate like seraphims, it looks damn strange.

Now keystones dont even save properly.

IDK, I used to love to play this game but every new update makes me dread doing so more.
It's been like this for quite a while now. Instead of adding content, each update just takes what's already there and makes it harder to get to. People eat it up and pay the dev anyways because the number of good breeder sim games can be counted on one fingerless hand.
3.80 star(s) 120 Votes