I been using the universal mod and it shows every single points that it gives to each character depending on your choice. But at times I don't know if the choices do anything because it just change some of the dialogs or how you call someone. At times you pick some thing about what the character like or not but I hope maybe in his next project he doesn't make this point system that extreme with all this points.
It seems every choice you can make affects individual scores, and in some instances scores will be adjusted twice. Look through the script it's evident that the dev favors some decisions by how many points you actually gain for a given girl (i.e. the intro dialogue with the Kallista).
There are maybe a handful of unique variables that are tracked which don't relate to setting a girl's path or breeding. Only one of them (Reno's changing room scene) seems to alter the story on any meaningful way.
On a different note, I actually like the approach the dev took when writing sex scenes. Rather than writing the code for them inside the chapter file, they're instead written into a separate "scenes" file. It's a rare instance of a dev taking advantage of the versatility of Ren'Py when referencing other code, and it honestly makes the rest of the script look much cleaner.
Additionally, if anyone isn't using URM, you can enable the console inside the "00console.rpy" (line 108 I believe), which can be found in the ". . ./renpy/common/00console.rpy". I'll list out the commands you can use later when I have a bit of time to format it.