@linkinn why u sad.....i can hug u too......
don't worry man, am sure the guy who knocked her up will send a few more of his kids for you to look after.
Think you need to replay the game and actually pay attention to the story before making any more ridiculous assumptions like that, both hands on the desk and focusing on details skill turned to 9000 this time, if you want it to make sense. If a sweet kid like that is that much of a problem for some of you 'alpha' dudes here, what's your take on the same type of situation, if the roles were reversed and the MC was the single dad making women run away from him cuz of this lil, 7yo detail ??
I'm sure this kinda shit would've most likely meant the women again were trash for not accepting a poor, innocent kid instead of only judging the MC by his character and actions.
sounds like you have a personal problem with Grace and just can't let it go. She isn't as bad as you make it seem, the kid just might be a deal breaker to you. But honestly pretty much all the LI in this game as about as any other other LI in this game. I wouldn't say any one is worst than another just some might have some flaws that are deal breakers for some.
Nah man, you thinking too rational about it, and I ran out of those stupid reactions for today to give you a like.
According to some ppl's sound
logic, if the woman even dares to let a dildo near her pussy or have a man before the MC's in the pic, his own mom included
, she's damaged goods or a whore. If the man's a virgin, the woman should be twice the virgin he is. That's the 'alpha' way of thinking 'round here.
But then again, I wonder why most women find virgins weird, avoid them like the plague IRL and jump into token Chad/Tyrone's bed instead of theirs.
Just cause she is a single mother with a kid doesn't mean more are going to show up.
The funny thing is, she doesn't even expect the MC to be any sort of a father or older brother figure for that sweet, lil girl, it's the MC himself who makes the choice (if the player wants it, ofc) to be closer to her. I do find it a lil weird that a great lawyer like her doesn't start looking into his background to make sure he didn't lose his way, so to say, given the MC's current
undercover agent gig, after she went to Sweden to work tho.
Another thing I find funny is that ALL LIs, every single one of them, have some sort of baggage they come attached to and the MC will have to help
all of them deal with it if he wants that good pussy, but let's stone a single mom who has a past like anyone else, made an obvious mistake regarding her baby daddy, always had a crush on the MC and always had his back, just bcz she a single mom. Yeah, fuck her... that sounds better.
I understand this is usually the general consensus among men when it comes to dating single moms like Grace, and I usually agree with it, BUT every rule has at least one exception, and she is the perfect example of this. Her physical attractiveness is subjective, I like her type of proportions tbh, other players might not, the thing that most of us should appreciate is that she's a loyal woman willing to sacrifice and do a lot for her man and his happiness. Can't say the same about a lot of modern women nowadays.
Besides a perfect LI is boring I much rather take a LI with flaws , bad decisions they made in the past any day over a perfect one. It just depends how bad are the flaws for me. For me so far I don't find any of the flaws a deal breaker with any of the LI yet.
Well said. In my case, I'm only a lil hesitant about Vanessa and maybe Afina too, cuz of her past trauma. Will still help her overcome it, but Kylie's a lil more up to my standards than her. Sorry, Afina.
Going back to Vanessa, our lil wannabe G.I. Jane... will keep a save where I make my MC go down the so-called 'simp' road and try to protect her from those lunatics she got herself involved with, keep her out of handcuffs and save her sweet ass for a few extra 'benefits' down the line, but in the other save, I'll just wait for her explanation on why she got into this dangerous line of work and decide how I'l proceed from there, maybe I'll throw a few 'alpha'
compliments like dumb bitch, useless whore, trashy childhood friend into the mix too, something 'sweet' like those to avoid being labeled a simp again lol cuz I'm sooo suuure compliments like that are an almost-perfect cheat to get most attractive women in bed IRL and in fiction, so yeah, Vanessa's so far a wild card to me personally and the only LI I'll use two saves, one for both of my heads, just in case she ain't worth risking to be killed for.