I mean, my problem was not with saving the file (as i usually allowed clones in testing), but with them having keep_last_name = False in config, but in game they all generated with same last name (i thought it was because of keep_init line before). After small test rignt now, i found interesting bug - if game setting in BK have yes set to save first or last name for clones, it will take preference over .ini False setting ( even if use clonning name settings from .ini = yes). So you can have .ini file with keep_first_name = True, keep_last_name = False and game settings with keep first name: no, keep last name = yes, use ini settings = yes - clones will generate saving both first and last names
Edit: My guess about naming bug : in BK functions.rpy lines ~3301- 3306, after checking for cloning options in ini, BK checks persistent.keep_firstname (game settings) and only if both checks are False it gets randomized. I probably will change those checks in my copy, but maybe someone can report that to dev to fix globally