Hey Nero - I think I may have encountered a bug with Aerith's Personality.rpy regarding interacting with her as a free girl. As far as I can tell, it doesn't look like the correct boosts are triggering which means you can't progress down that usual interaction.
The stats can still be set to certain values, and it looks like the interactions for the slave still work as intended however
Hey Nero - I think I may have encountered a bug with Aerith's Personality.rpy regarding interacting with her as a free girl. As far as I can tell, it doesn't look like the correct boosts are triggering which means you can't progress down that usual interaction.
The stats can still be set to certain values, and it looks like the interactions for the slave still work as intended however
Hmm... Could it be that you downloaded her a while ago? This was indeed a bug, but it was fixed about half a year ago.
I just double checked and girlfriend / recruiting works properly. Although I did stumble on another bug while doing so (there were pointers in the code for a "sad" voiceline-folder which didn't exist, fixed now)
Hmm... Could it be that you downloaded her a while ago? This was indeed a bug, but it was fixed about half a year ago.
I just double checked and girlfriend / recruiting works properly. Although I did stumble on another bug while doing so (there were pointers in the code for a "sad" voiceline-folder which didn't exist, fixed now)
I don't know how to edit the google sheet, so I'll just mention this comment to notice that there's a Cecilia Alcott pack, I remember using it years ago, and was pretty decent. I noticed it because I was searching for more IS girls, basicly Huang and Houki (specially Houki), but noticed Cecilia wasn't on the sheet as well while having a pack.
Was a meh anime, but the girls were cute, same way for Juuou Mujin no Fafnir. However due the lack of popularity of this one it's nearly impossible to do a pack of that, unlike Infinite Stratos.
I'm sad though there aren't more Love Live girls since last time I've played, but I understand people probably lack of time the same way I do (unfortunely) to do them.
I was wondering if someone could please make girl packs for the following:
MLP: Cadance, Luna, Celestia and Trixie Lunamoon (can be a mix of furry and EG)
Futurama: Amy Wong and Turanga Leela
Ben 10: Charmcaster
Sonic: Blaze the Cat and Sally Acorn (furry obviously)
Pokémon: Eeveelutions, surprisingly Lucario, Meloetta, and other furry bait Pokémon (obviously also furry)
I don't know how to edit the google sheet, so I'll just mention this comment to notice that there's a Cecilia Alcott pack, I remember using it years ago, and was pretty decent. I noticed it because I was searching for more IS girls, basicly Huang and Houki (specially Houki), but noticed Cecilia wasn't on the sheet as well while having a pack.
Was a meh anime, but the girls were cute, same way for Juuou Mujin no Fafnir. However due the lack of popularity of this one it's nearly impossible to do a pack of that, unlike Infinite Stratos.
I'm sad though there aren't more Love Live girls since last time I've played, but I understand people probably lack of time the same way I do (unfortunely) to do them.
Regarding the girl packs spreadsheet, (I have no idea where to report these things)
Amy Rose: Listed as loli, none of the art reflects that. The art is often wide hips and huge breasts, and even when it isn't, it's really not visually loli.
2B: Listed twice by Mistrun, same link for both.
Aerith: Listed twice by _neronero, one smaller than the other, but both links are broken. The much older pack by StolenSilence still has a working link at least.
Eevee: Inconsistent art, some of it is anthro, some is feral. I think it should be noted in the comment so people with a preference for one or the other avoid it.
Iris (Pokemon): They left this in the BK
first_name = "XXXXXXX" ; If absent or empty, first name will be randomized
last_name = "XXXXXX" ; If absent or empty, no last name will be used
inverted_name = False ; If True, the full name will display the last name before the first name, e.g.: 'Boa Hancock'
She appears with the name "XXXXXX XXXXXX" in-game because that part was left in. I don't know how to reach any pack maker about stuff like that. Easy enough to fix for my own sake (presumably just erasing it in my BK suffices).
No one is officially managing/maintaining it, so it can be a bit chaotic sometimes. But Leortha is able to edit it based on specific reports/requests such as this.
Aerith: Listed twice by _neronero, one smaller than the other, but both links are broken. The much older pack by StolenSilence still has a working link at least.
I looked up "Doomdork final fantasy" to see what that character looks like, and I don't think that's one of them
It looks like Angelise Reiter is listed twice. Same link and info(except one says western), but the second one has the name listed as Doomdork, the pack maker.
This ones gonna take a while but I got inspiration for doing it while working on a DMG lesbian one which I lost passion for unfortunately. A cool way to write lesbian/bis events are having the main girl and MC help break a new girl. If this was super well coded it could make it so you get the other girl from such an event. That's also a good pregnancy idea.
Off topic but someone like Artoria (Lancer) having a series of events leading up to her being pregnant and she has a Mordred as a kid and you get her as a girl pack.
Anyway back on track, one sad thing is when a girl from a supporting game doesn't have enough pics but there's a quality CG/Image set or two that is really good. This is surprisingly the case for some LoL girls at least from what I've dug. So this Jinx pack is an opportunity to write an event on some other Star Guardians that have small or may never have enough pics for a good pack ever.
Speaking of the Jinx pack it's surprisingly good with a variety of tags and 150-200 very quality images. I was gonna do an event for her and breaking Lux since she was her childhood friend and they have some yuri thing going one fandom wise. Then I considered why break one of them when you can break all of them . Minus Ahri .
So this is going to be an event that first has SG Jinx break and then she breaks the rest of her team. The girls that will be featured in this are Soraka, Syndra, Janna, Lux. More detail in the doc. Spoilers are if you don't want to spoil the plot and play the event in the future but if you want to help or comment on them then look.
I'm going to use some demon girl pics for Jinx's "Corrupt" form. Flat loli-like. Red or Purple hair. But no one with enough pics to make a pack. Either really unpopular girls or artist originals/manga oneshot color chars. Leaning heavily towards Karis (Elsword) but Etna is also a contender but suffers from the problem of being actually popular enough.
Feel free to prompt some plot or pics if you think I'm not faithful to your fav LoL girl lore or personality wise. But not gonna guarantee the pic or plot device will make it in since this is my event writing after all.
Does somebody know if he ended this pack and event? i've been reading the thread (not all, it's from 2019 and didn't seem to be updated the google doc since then) and also searching in the other site