Brothel King - Girl packs and Mods Collection

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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
New pack released.

Name: Monca Rambeau (Too many superhero names to list)
Universe: Marvel Heroes
Pics: 164
Type: Superhero

Ok. I'm likely going to switch over to finalizing packs soon, but I wanted to get this pack out before the finale of Wanda-Vision. Monica is involved in events in the show, and so this is a timely pack.

dancer (00004).jpg profile (00056).jpg
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
Finally, any idea what tags could i give to these kind of images?
Both could definitely take the Fetish tag. They are both foot fetish pics along with the chocolate sauce.

Second image could take the Bondage tag given all the ribbons.

Both also could serve as a last resort Footjob tag. Only do this if you have no actual footjob pics in the existing R34. I just did this with the Monica Rambeau pack. There does not exist any footjob pics of her, but there do exist a couple of nice foot fetish pics so I used those instead of letting the game pick a profile pic or whatever it's second/third/etc choice logic picks.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
I agree with Leortha, we can include foot fetish pics in the footjob tag if there is lack of proper footjob pics for a girl; dirty tag refers more to sex on the floor or in dirty places like toilets, if the girl is covered by chocolate I'd think more fo a naked waitress or a libido pic
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Mar 17, 2019
I agree with Leortha, we can include foot fetish pics in the footjob tag if there is lack of proper footjob pics for a girl; dirty tag refers more to sex on the floor or in dirty places like toilets, if the girl is covered by chocolate I'd think more fo a naked waitress or a libido pic
I disagree with waitress on a pic like that being used as a waitress. It’s not even clear it is chocolate in the pic at all. It could be mud or worse there are lots of brown gooey substances out there. Also why the hell would a waitress be doing that in the first place? She is there to server dinks and food. Although, I’m just as strict with job pics as Leortha is with naked. Personally, I wouldn’t use a picture like that at all as it doesn’t really fit anywhere. Unless I was very desperate for a foot job pic.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Also why the hell would a waitress be doing that in the first place? She is there to server dinks and food.
You forget that waitresses also provide certain 'services'. Unfortunately, satisfying more extreme fetishes is not one of these, so the picture still doesn't fit anything job-wise, but remember, the job tags have been dual-purpose for a while.

I wouldn’t use a picture like that at all as it doesn’t really fit anywhere.
Why not? It's a perfectly valid fetish image for those... brown gooey substance enthusiasts. ;)
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Feb 21, 2020
Both also could serve as a last resort Footjob tag. Only do this if you have no actual footjob pics in the existing R34.
True, i actually did that for my Noire pack almost a year ago.
However, in the case of Haachama is the complete Opposite, she was full of Footjob and Foot pics, lol.

I disagree with waitress on a pic like that being used as a waitress. It’s not even clear it is chocolate in the pic at all. It could be mud or worse there are lots of brown gooey substances out there.
Yeah, i agree with you on that one, that's why i was going for "Dirty" tag here.
I guess i can also add the "Fetish" tag on these if i really need/want to include them.


Game Developer
Sep 5, 2020
Just asking, is there any preference/pointers for recording Honey Select 2 animations (or Illusion games in general since the games basically re-use the same animations)?

Like video length. Most animations I recorded are 2-3 seconds on average to keep the file size as low as possible.

Sounds are probably preference. I could see how a 3 second loop of the same sounds could be annoying, plus the game already has some audio.

Also I have map turned off (black background) because I think it just looks better, as well as increasing performance. My PC isn't a beast.


Jan 23, 2021

Kantai Collection
A+ / 817 images + 2 videos / 56 mb
Extended tags

Kantai Collection
A+ / 596 images + 12 videos / 43 mb
Extended tags

Just asking, is there any preference/pointers for recording Honey Select 2 animations (or Illusion games in general since the games basically re-use the same animations)?
Since using WEBMs is uncharted territory there aren't any definitive best practices yet, but some generic things to keep in mind:

  • The sound of WEBMs is played over the "music" channel of BK. Not clear if this is a bug or a feature, it may change in the future.
  • I've personally tried to avoid having animated portraits. Not sure how others feel about this, I worry that it might be too distracting. But perhaps once everyone gets used to having more animated packs it'll become normalised.
  • 3d animations and real-girl video's are inevitably going to have a bigger filesize footprint than 2d animations. Some users are very concerned about the size of their Girl folder. If you can make short looping videos, that's definitely best.
  • Creating your own HS2 animations sounds like a bit of a rabbit-hole to me. The workload is very high. Where do you draw the line and stop animating? Perhaps mixing in HS2 screenshots would work too? What's an acceptable filesize for a Girl Pack with lots of HS2 animations?
I think the average user expects a normal girlpack to be around ~100 mb. In the Marie Rose pack I heavily compressed the 3d animations (3 mb per animation on average) but with enough animations you still end up with a 800-900 mb pack.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
I've personally tried to avoid having animated portraits. Not sure how others feel about this, I worry that it might be too distracting. But perhaps once everyone gets used to having more animated packs it'll become normalised.
That's extremely subjective. In my personal case I will never download a portrait pack with any animation. If there are only 2-3 I can remove them but any more is a dealbreaker. I'm pretty sure there are others who want everything to be animated.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
Will the trainer mod ever be updated or has kite abandoned?
For 0.15 it's effectively dead. But 0.15 is dead as well.

For 0.2 Kite has said that he's waiting for it to be more stable before he dives in to build a version compatible with it.
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Feb 21, 2020
Ok, i have LOTS of consultations, so let's start:

1. Naked Apron pics (like the one below) should have a "Waitress + Apron" or "Waitress + Naked + Apron"?
waitress apron (00005).png waitress apron freq_low (00000).png

2. That also remind me, how the Cosplay tags (Student, Santa, Catgirl, etc.) work?
Are those modifiers, or work alone? Where are they used (or planned to be used) in the Game?

3. Here comes another request for tagging, so... what about modifier tags for "good" and "bad" perfomances on work pics?
I mean, i have some good pics where the girl is failing at their job, which would be pretty odd to see when she gets a perfect perfomance, or is already at very high level.
-3.1. Also maybe a "luxury" and "poor" tags that would modify the pics showed according to your Brothel's comodities; however, i have been using "happy" and "sad" for it, which is working well for me, so i think is a fine replacement.

4. What do you think about using things like Doujin/Magazine-like Portraits, or these kind of pictures for "Advertisement"'?
advertise (00000).png advertise libido (00000).png
I have been using these for my holopacks, since they look as Posters that advertise the girl in question.

5. Does the "Futanari" tag is when the girl has a dick, or when she is being fucked by a dickgirl?

6. Is the "Lesbian" tag a modifier (meaning, that should i mix it with Service, Sex, etc.), or it's her own Thing?

7. Is there any modifier tag to make Profile pics appear on the farm exclusivelly? Cause i found this pic, which would really fit with it.
constitution libido (00000).png
Tho, i could maybe use it as "profile + nature" too.

8. I wanted to add some extra farm minion pics (without replacing the default ones), but they never showed up in-game.
So... it's there something in the coding that limits the pics of minions to only the defaults ones?

9. I have been looking some of the latest packs, and i noticed very few use specific settings for thei BK.ini, some of them only using it for the name settings, or adding 5 or 0 stat modifiers... not a question, just something curious i found studying packs.

10. I shortly discussed this on the main forum, but what would you consider is the average number of pics among the modern girl packs? Based on the whole BK spreadsheet, it seems to be around 200-300 pics, but someone argue is around 400 nowadays.
The question is mostly for a small project i was making out of boredom:
A+ 1012 Rem.png

Finally, i decided to use the WebP conversion tool from the BK forum, using most of the default configurations, but with a 80 quality factor (instead of the recomended 85, mostly because i preffer round numbers).
I will be using those specifications for all my packs from now on, just if someone wonders, or have a mayor "DON'T" against it.

That's all...

PD: Oh, and also, if anyone else uses or plans to use Pixiv to make their packs, i warn you that, for some reason, the tag tool recognize the "master" from preview-quality pics as "masturbate", which was a problem with this pack, since i finish with 230 picks with an extra "masturbate" tag for it.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
1. Naked Apron pics (like the one below) should have a "Waitress + Apron" or "Waitress + Naked + Apron"?

Neither. I would do "Waitress Libido Apron". As I've said, I view Libido as somewhat in between Naked and no-tag. These are perfect examples of times where they are not Naked, but are sexy enough that the Libido tag is good to use to have them only used when the girl gets horny enough.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
2. That also remind me, how the Cosplay tags (Student, Santa, Catgirl, etc.) work?
Are those modifiers, or work alone? Where are they used (or planned to be used) in the Game?

Most of them are not planned for use in the game. A lot of the Extended tag set was added to better cover common things in pictures for theoretical futurue use. Maybe in BK, maybe in another game. A couple of people have talked about building their own, different games that will use the BK girl packs.

So given that they do not have any specific planned use, it's hard to call them modifiers. So I tend to treat them as their own thing. That said, since I'm tagging for BK, not a theoretical future game, I try to make sure that every pic I include has a place in the current game. So while these tags may not be modifiers, I generally use them as additions on top of the tags that actually mean things for the current game. So I would never include a pic that was only tagged "Catgirl", for instance. "Profile Catgirl" maybe.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
> Is there any modifier tag to make Profile pics appear on the farm exclusivelly? Cause i found this pic, which would really fit with it.
Tho, i could maybe use it as "profile + nature" too.

Pics will only appear on the farm if they include one of the four key farm tags. Big, Machine, Monster, or Beast. And if you use either of the latter two the pic will never appear outside the farm.

Remember that it's no longer really a "farm" in the traditional sense, but is now a sexual training center.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
> PD: Oh, and also, if anyone else uses or plans to use Pixiv to make their packs, i warn you that, for some reason, the tag tool recognize the "master" from preview-quality pics as "masturbate", which was a problem with this pack, since i finish with 230 picks with an extra "masturbate" tag for it.

That kind of thing is why I always generic the file names in in-progress packs well before they reach the namer tool.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Here comes another request for tagging, so... what about modifier tags for "good" and "bad" perfomances on work pics?
New tag requests are best handled on the HHS forum, in the tagging tool thread. But the big thing with new tags is that the game already has a lot of tags, so adding something that'll be used only rarely (how many characters even have clear-cut 'success' and 'failure' images?) is bad from a tagging fatigue POV.

What do you think about using things like Doujin/Magazine-like Portraits, or these kind of pictures for "Advertisement"'?
Advertising in-game is meant to be your girls taking the roles of the advertising babes, not more indirect forms of advertising. Manga/Doujin pictures are kinda unsuitable for most game situations, too. But there's no hard rule against using them, either.

Does the "Futanari" tag is when the girl has a dick, or when she is being fucked by a dickgirl?
No idea. The game usually has tags depict what happens to the girl, but I can see it go either way.

Is the "Lesbian" tag a modifier (meaning, that should i mix it with Service, Sex, etc.), or it's her own Thing?
We had this discussion a little while ago, and there was no clear conclusion. From a BK-centric POV, probably a modifier tag, but proper lesbian pictures are difficult to categorise that way. E.g., is tribadism 'sex' or 'service'? Do dildos wielded by the other girl count, and do they count 'more' than usual? Etc.

Is there any modifier tag to make Profile pics appear on the farm exclusivelly?
The farm has no profile pictures, currently. The closest to a 'farm profile' situation is the 'obedience' holding action. Unfortunately, vanilla BK does not distinguish between 'farm' and 'non-farm' pictures for obedience training. :(

I wanted to add some extra farm minion pics (without replacing the default ones), but they never showed up in-game.

So... it's there something in the coding that limits the pics of minions to only the defaults ones?
Yes, this (in BKfarm.rpy, around line 180):
        def get_random_pic(self):

            d = str(dice(3))
As you can see, the game is 'hardcoded' to only accept three pictures for all minions. You'll either have to recode this, or change the '3' and add sufficiently many pictures to all minion types.

My mod changed half of the minion pictures and added some more, so you can take a look at it, if you wish.

I have been looking some of the latest packs, and i noticed very few use specific settings for thei BK.ini
Tagging fatigue. Coming up with a good set of stats, probable traits, sexual preferences, etc that fit the character's personality is not easy and can take another hour or two. Most people just move onto more sexy pictures. :sneaky:

Finally, i decided to use the WebP conversion tool from the BK forum, using most of the default configurations, but with a 80 quality factor (instead of the recomended 85, mostly because i preffer round numbers).
I favour XnConvert, which has most of the same functionality as Chris's tool, but can perform various transformations as well (mirroring, downscaling, filters, cropping, etc). Others have different preferences.

I think you can go as low as even 50 without significant downgrades. 70 is usually the lowest I use, which is still near-indistinguishable unless you've got some weird sort of 'perfect vision'. 90 is where you get your big space savings with almost no quality drop.

Weird question since BK packs use plenty of copyrighted material, but is it "allowed" to make your own game using those art assets? Just a free game with patreon for development support.
Well, pack makers aren't affiliated with Goldo, so I don't see why not. The art isn't theirs anyway...
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
It took me lesser than I thought, even thanks to Jman suggestions and MonkOne's mod (King's Way); instead of making a new trainer from scratch I decided to update King's Way for BK 0.2, adding a few cheats like get 12 new girls in slave market, and tweaking some UI elements.

To install unzip it into /game/mods folder, then open the game and click on "Mods", activate King's Way and start to play (make a new game or load a save, it's working for both cases).

If you don't see a message saying the mod is activated, press "H" shortcut, it should trigger the activation. Next, click on BK help button and select "Mods", you will see a few buttons which turn the cheat bar on/off.

The cheat bar will appear in the bottom left corner by default (but you can set a different position if you like), click on "+" button and it will expand the cheat bar; clicking on "-" will collapse it again.

Enjoy :giggle:

Deleted member 841602

Question (its not in an offensive meaning): why WEBP? isnt that google shit? there is no big difference only that google holds the rights on it. in my opinion that format is made for n00bs because no one can remember all the different picture formatting. whats the advantage of WEBP? or is it really the better format? can someone please tell me ^^
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