So far, i'm really enjoying the game, you did well with the plot. BUT, they're a number of issues :
- the grammar mistakes are pretty numerous and not the best things to look at (although i understand what it is not to be a native english speaker).
- Not being able to save anywhere also isn't the best idea in the world.
- The fact that you're softlock if your run out of reiatsu isn't good, in any way. I shouldn't have to reload the game to try again. Maybe make a move that can restore Reiatsu, otherwise the game gets more frustrating and really not that fun.
- there's no progression, no leveling system, which makes you think that you're not doing anything that matters (please add a leveling system).
- the balancing is fucked. if you didn't kill your opponent, that you're out of reiatsu then you're forced to use normal attacks. BUT most of them deal a delicious amount of ZERO damage (literally no damage). So you're softlocked... again...
- also navigating through the map is pain incarnate.
I see a lot of potential in that game though. Although i won't playthis version in the state that it is in, i definitively look forward to the future updates, hoping that my criticism is heard.
Thanks anyway for making a Bleach game. Very cool.
PS : I wonder if it will be possible in the future to play as an Arrancar, i know i would love to, as Arrancars are my favorites.
Sorry if this was already answered previously.
- I will fix grammar one day thats a promise !
- Not saving anywhere is in my opinion more taxing and more realistic it makes some encounters really hard and life like. That will not be changed , although if you do the Twisted time Sidequests right now you will be able to save anywhere up to 5x times via item
- There is a move which restores Reiatsu in combat its called Konasutra gained in the Beach event by doing all Tetsuzaemon Sidequests. As with everything in this game it has to be earned and is not given. There are alternatives the chinese merchant in Barracks #8 sells Lollypops which will restore your MP in combat by a small ammount other than this your only option is to steal MP out of opponents (Trickster can do thid with Bankai)
- There is no leveling system but there IS quite detailed progression system at least in the terms you make. Besides your starting pick of 3 heroes each with their own specializations(Strongmans pure power , Tricksters stunlocks and tricks , Copycats ability to copy others but being not the greatest at anything specidic) you will after the Civil War specialize in one of 6 techniques - Speed , Power , Hakuda (Bare Hand Fighting) , Hado (Offensive Magic) , Bakudo (Defensive Magic) , Kaido (Healing). Each one of these increases a specific stats AND gives you abilities you could not otherwise have (Speed buffs you , power makes you hit hard and be tanky , Hakuda deals extreme damage and bypasses most armor at the expense of not holding a sword witch is a bummer, Hado lets you DELETE most enemies from existance but the MP cost is high and your a glass canon , Bakudo lets you stun and grow your defense , as well as TELEPORT and se Invisible beings, Ressurect the dead and other essoteric stuff on high levels. Kaido lets you heal of course ). Please play deeper into the game Im sure youll enjoy it ! The progression system was designed with a lot of thought but you have to EARN IT .
- If you dont like when your Reiatsu runs out you have several choices : Buy Hado # 4 which costs 50MP and is strong for its price , go into Squad 2 Barracks Outskirts descend a rope and find Oetsu Nimaiya down in a cave training. Ask him to teach you Precision cut its a 0MP move that alwqys hits and deals 75-150 guaranteed damage but it does not scale with your stats it then replaces your Zanpakuto strike.
The combat system was ment to represent Bleach , if you run out of Reiatsu as a Shinigami in Bleach in my oppinion your pretty kuch dead. In the future the Quincy class will regenerate MP passivelly though as they can gather Reiatsu from the atmosphere.
- I will draw a map soon and post it here as a picture on this site ! Thats also a promise , Ill do it in about a week.
Thank you for the review. Please understand that although this is not Dark Souls , nothing will be handed to you on a silver plater. Just like Ichigos journey, the game is designed to mercilessly beat you in the beggining , but feels quite easy once you get the hang of it. You will greatly enjoy your rise in power and skil ltrust me !
In the beggining please play defensivelly when you can , and count on your companions to fight for you against most enemies. If you can choose Strongman and be a Pro-Ichigo Loyalist in the main story as it is by far the easiest path in difficulty. Also Strongmans Zanpakuto cut is okay against non-boss enemies in the beggining.