This could be promising
Betisis , I have two suggestion though, could you keep your point and variable use consistent? I've check the scripts to see how the love/dom points worked, and I've found it to be inconsistent in how it is used, which might make things difficult for modders down the line
$d1RP= d1RP-1
$d1RP +=1
$d3RP +=1
$d3RP -=1
$smRP -=1
And maybe use another kind of names, so they're easier to search for (for walkthrough modders in the future), as it stands, finding all the points given, is rather difficult. I'd suggest, for example:
$d1points -=1
$d1points +=1
$d3points +=1
$d3points -=1
$smpoints -=1
This way, modders will only need to look for "points" to find the entire lists of point gains/losses, which'll make their job a whole lot easier
Just suggesting of course