For the record, I have never seen any Changelog in the folder after downloading the there really should be a walkthrough as there seems to be no solid plotline. It seems like everything is just scattered everywhere.
who said it's in the folder?????? please, check out this thread and press on the site "1". above the downloads you will see spoilers. one is called CHANGELOG. ...

you don't really need a walkthrough because it's a sandbox game where you can't make mistakes. you only need patience and have to level up the stats. really, you can't miss anything here. just get some money (or cheat it if you don't wanna grind), get the affection with the girls to the max and you will receive their quests by simply talking to them (they will start it automatically, if you, however, can choose e.g. "compliment" or "flirt", then you know that she doesn't have a quest right now at this time). there is also no timelimit. so you can take ya time grinding everything.
How do you start the Madeline quest? i just have no clue i already have the girl robot unlocked... this game needs some clarification in how to start the quests.
this quest is quite tricky. i had it started after 100 days or so.
dunno if it's connected to the quest, but for safety: get high affection with frankie, madeline and maybe even with francine. also try to talk with francine at different times (midday and evening). what i also did was sleeping whole weeks and than talking to frankie. maybe the game wants you to not talk to her for some time or so. but eventually she will tell you her new quest, just keep going. after that the last quests will be unlocked quite fast and you will soon reach the end of the game.