HTML Completed Cereborg: Inception [Final] [Anaximanes]

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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
My pleasure! Thank you! And, yes, a writer should have the reader asking such questions, what will happen indeed? And, just imagine, these huge stories are merely the start for what is to come. I have so much story inside me, I cannot wait to share it all. Chapter 3 will be public in a month or so, and Factions (my Unity game) will have a working demo next month so I can gauge popularity!
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The story looks interesting.
The graphics looks very good.
But the html format for the game engine has a fun factor of zero for me.

Good luck with the game, though.
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Thanks! I have no idea what the html format thing means (I'm not a programmer, so it must be a technical type thing), but I am glad the story interests you and that you think my art is good, because I AM a writer and artist! lol
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2016
Thanks! I have no idea what the html format thing means (I'm not a programmer, so it must be a technical type thing), but I am glad the story interests you and that you think my art is good, because I AM a writer and artist! lol
Well i can only speak for myself, but i really like the Renpy engine. Easy to develop in and even easier to make mods for.
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Ren'py, yes, I have heard of that. Perhaps I will use Ren'py someday, however, I already have over 500,000 words of projects published (Cereborg:Inception is actually my 5th work- Phantom, The Anax CotCO, Cult of Corruption, and Slugs and Bugs are already finished), so I will, for continuity's sake, continue using what I have been. But, worry not, Unity games are soon, to begin with, my demo of Factions (which uses all the HUGE world of lore I have built here) and more to follow that.

I intend on making projects until the day I die, so Ren'py could definitely happen in the future!


Thanks! I have no idea what the html format thing means (I'm not a programmer, so it must be a technical type thing), but I am glad the story interests you and that you think my art is good, because I AM a writer and artist! lol
The game loads in a browser window like a webpage.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Oh, yes! It plays inside browsers. I don't have another way to make them play, unless there is a self-contained 'HTML Player', that I can just package it all up inside?

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
"I still don't know what the hell I am doing!" Finally a honest dev XD
On page one, KEKBUR said basically the same, so, I will say, pretty much the same again. I have no college education or 'real world' experience doing these things. I have never taken a writing class or programming or art. I'm even new to Daz and 3D models. I feel like now that I have 4 finished projects over three years (how many dev's can say that!) with so much content and meaningful characters and lore, I am feeling like my abilities are growing. I have heard directors and musicians say things like that on documentaries. They look at their past work and see how they have grown. Someday, I will accept my work as good.

Yes, I get fan mail and compliments on the forums and such, and to those of you that email me, or patron me, or message me, I am very grateful and I appreciate your kind words- I do! But I always talk myself down. I look at my work and always think I could make it better. BUT, someday, sometime, I will finally say, "This is good work. You know what you are doing." I know a lot of feedback says I do, but I just can't seem to accept it myself. Oh well, I know you were making a joke, but I have that fault where nothing I do ever feels like it has reached the level I want it.

I remember this old comic from years ago when I first started Slugs and Bugs. It really sums it up for me.

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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Can we get a mega for this?
I don't know how to do all that, so Muttdoggy put those up. Maybe someone else knows how to do that. It's strange, the link I gave in my post downloads in less than a minute for me, but it's from our Hypnopics direct server (we have infinite bandwidth). Anyway, I am sorry all of these other methods are somehow broken for your area, Infamy! Hope someone can do that for you!


May 4, 2017
Ren'py, yes, I have heard of that. Perhaps I will use Ren'py someday
I recommend looking at it sooner than later. It's surprisingly easy to use imo. The only reason I don't create myself (more than when passion strikes) is because the art part isnt too fun for me and I dont have loads of free time.
I looked at renpy and was like, oh well thatls way simpler than I was expecting...
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Good to know! I only have three more HTML titles to go: Giggle Night, Of Sex and Souls, and Desideratum. Those that follow my massive amount of lore will already know that, but just so the community in-general is aware. However, in regards to Ren'py- I have actually decided that once I finish these novels, any subsequent story driven titles (not my Unity games like Factions) will be made in Ren'py; however, for the sake of consistency, my last three original novels will keep their current format. But, yes, I actually will use Ren'py in the future for some titles.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
Is the third chapter still being released for free? It's been a month since it was first given to patrons, I believe.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Good point! You may have noticed that I have been working on the playable Factions demo! I have a live developer Q&A happening tomorrow where everyone in the public can come to ask questions about the creation of F:CoC as well as my interactive novels.

(I type Closed Captioning on all my videos, so click the CC if you cannot hear me)

I am prepping everything I can for our public dev chat tomorrow, so this slipped my mind! I will try and get it out publically by the end of the day, I have a deadline I set myself for some graphics that I must complete today. Thanks for understanding, and it's nice to know someone is interested in my work! lol

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Ok, I just got it uploaded, enjoy the free chapter 3's!



Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
Awesome! One note: when you select a character, it looks like you forgot a link to the start of chapter 3. Was that intentional?

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
While I have always preferred to have my novels set up like that, many voices in the community wanted me to make less linear (which I did in CoC) or they wanted more gameplay/variables (which I tried to do in C:I). The result is that there are variables generated after chap 2 that can affect what happens past it, so I have no way to set those automatically or people might miss certain bad ends, or in the finished version, might find themselves unable to unlock all the characters/lore.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote