Character.AI ( AI chatbot/ story teller ) let's talk about censorship....


Sep 10, 2017
"This is Christian AI story teller country, perverted hand holders KEEP WALKING"

There is a theory that the main product that team vishes to sell is a censorship bot soo...
They are making a censorship ai, anything else is useless to them. They don't care
This is actually a very likely reality of the situation. They can make a fortune selling their censorship bot to governments, platforms, various other corporations, etc. These are the groups that have unlimited purses to dip into, not the players who want lewd porn bots or pen and paper dungeon crawls (those are bound to be very lucrative and could make someone millions, but governments and the rest can give you billions). This way they get a lot of free input and very creative efforts to get around it and train the AI to spot and defeat creative attempts to avoid censorship. We've seen people try to be clever in China too and sometimes get there, but also they catch up. What they want is the AI that's good enough to spot it instantly no matter how coy or roundabout you are in your language or meanig. To the point you'd have to be so obscure it's impossible to actually get humans to understand it. At least in any real numbers beyond a handful.

It's not the first time people have been lured into something like this to actually get info for things that are against their interests. They did stuff like this with YT a while back.


Jul 10, 2017
Possibly. It's more fun to think they're grossly incompetent. If the end goal is a boatload of money, there isn't any reason they couldn't both sell the filter and monetize the AI.


Feb 20, 2021
We've reached a point I really hope a good alternative suddenly pop out of nowhere and everyone suddenly leave CAI for it , resulting of the CAI dev losing both their chance to train their filter to sell it and the AI chatbot itself.
Nov 30, 2022
We've reached a point I really hope a good alternative suddenly pop out of nowhere and everyone suddenly leave CAI for it , resulting of the CAI dev losing both their chance to train their filter to sell it and the AI chatbot itself.
unlikely, may be several months or years later. Devs behind CAI are not some random dudes. These 2 guys are former google workers that helped google to create their AI LaMDA. That's why their current CAI is a level above anything else on the market.
Only hope that some other employes that worked on LaMDA will left google and create their own startup :ROFLMAO:


Feb 20, 2021
Yeah I know, I'm unfortunately only day dreaming. But who knows, maybe some competitors are already working on something similar since a long times and are almost ready to launch their own chatbot. I only hope for something to happen instead of just watching this great potential being slowly wasted because of censorship.


May 25, 2018
Doubtfull. Chinies already have in the open, and its almoust as good when it comes to smut. Up to the point of searching characters to use as intercative NPCs in the net like CAI does. Its only problem is the LGBT push in ricent days if you try to make AI fuck someone. Like, making your PC change gender just to make it YAOI. You have to tell in each story multiple times that you love being a super straight man if you want vanilla action. If anything I sus us russians a bit since the ricent influx of users began after AI was mentioned by on the russian unnoficial meme wiki called neolurk. CAI is way to good at picking up russian slang, on par if not better than an english one.


Sep 10, 2017
Possibly. It's more fun to think they're grossly incompetent. If the end goal is a boatload of money, there isn't any reason they couldn't both sell the filter and monetize the AI.
Reason is that they need the "arms race" of them improving the censor and the players trying to beat it, giving them the vital information they need on how people do (or will in future when implemented) bypass censorship. They want it to understand things at a conceptual level as deep as possible so that even the work arounds they use in China won't work and it will all be done in real time non stop 24 hours a day on what you can say or what you can read at any time.

unlikely, may be several months or years later. Devs behind CAI are not some random dudes. These 2 guys are former google workers that helped google to create their AI LaMDA. That's why their current CAI is a level above anything else on the market.
Only hope that some other employes that worked on LaMDA will left google and create their own startup :ROFLMAO:
The fact these people were involved with Alphabet and want to do this, are leagues ahead and have money to do it only hints even stronger that this is about big investors going for the real goal of government and mega corporation money, not the coomer pennies by comparison.

Seems this theory was true...

View attachment 2255135

Also :
Yeah, this is going to be the real deal goal. The Chicoms may have some involvement as they've spread their tentacles across much of the Western tech industry, but lets not kid ourselves that there are politicians and powerful people in the West who are not Chinese or work for them that have wet dreams about having that level of censorship and control over people. You only need to look at various documentaries showing the massive and rapid spread of Chicom puppet companies that governemnts in the West allow (key word) to spread and get more and involved in building and operating these systems.

Anyone remember the whole "candid" scam before this? Got a bunch of people fooled into training their earlier AI censorship system. That was then sold to others. If you follow the money and patterns it's obvious that this is the larger scale and more ambitious next step.

At this point I'm amazed anyone would even doubt it. We're not even talking about something that might happen. We're talking about something that has happened already and has no reason not to happen again and has massive amounts of money and pressure from the very top of society to make it happen.


Jul 10, 2017
From their discord. Not that you have to take their word for it.


Y'all make it sound like it's just so obvious even though there's no way to know at this point. If they weren't considering it previously, the community certainly made sure it's on their radar.

Cali tech companies often have very naively optimistic cultures. They're going to try blocking all NSFW content on the site to align with their "core values" if that's their directive. That doesn't mean it's all some elaborate scheme to launch an alternative product.

With that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if they did polish and sell the filter. It's kinda moot regardless. Either the product is good or it's not. And right now it sucks.


Sep 10, 2017
"It makes no sense", he protests - even though exactly that has been done before, such as they did with candid and I think Google, the place these guys came from, were the ones who ended up owning the results of that. Sure. No sense at all. Totally impossible. lol They weren't up front with candid when that was being trained by the suckers. Same with alll these other modern era scams and info dips. Few are ever going to be upfront and honest about the long term consequences.

The reality is that this tool of censorhip is being developed constantly and that's a fact, whatever he pretends is his plan for it. It is also a fact there are powerful people with access to deep pockets who will want it, people who can pay far more than someone who is somehow so isolated they apparently can't play D&D with an online service or chat room and can only connect to their AI. Someone might claim they only want to make nuclear bombs to make space craft go whoosh fast but we know what they will be used for in reality once the powerful make their decisions and frankly I doubt anyone is so naive and stupid as to develop an AI real time censor bot that is ever more sophisticated in a world of such high awareness of censorhsip, all the same dystopian fiction we know of, where we have already seen China crack down hard and Western platforms increasingly crack down ever more in restrictive ways using AI/algorithms that somehow...SOMEHOW this guy just CANNOT BELIEVE that anyone would think that it could be used for evil.

Give me a break. They will always lie to you until the knife is in and you're going cold for obvious reasons.


Jul 10, 2017
There was a long AMA with Benerus along with a patch today. The AMA claimed that the dumbing down of the AI was completely unintentional and due to the new model, among other things. Testing and a few of the NSFW metaphors and the ability to intercept filtered messages has returned which makes me wonder if they rolled it back. Keep it on the down low and enjoy it while it lasts if that's the case.
Nov 30, 2022
I'm 100% sure the censorship filter that CAI uses will be selling as separate product. Every one needs it to censor ingame chats, forums, comments on different sites and so on, from NSFW content. You no longer need to hire bunch of moderators and pay them, just subscribe to AI filter and you are good to go.

We are living right in the beginning of AI revolution. ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and others are changing our world right now. Intellectual workers such as writers, artists, and even IT crowd soon will begin to lose their jobs or earn less money.

Müptezel Emo

Dec 15, 2022
I'm 100% sure the censorship filter that CAI uses will be selling as separate product. Every one needs it to censor ingame chats, forums, comments on different sites and so on, from NSFW content. You no longer need to hire bunch of moderators and pay them, just subscribe to AI filter and you are good to go.

We are living right in the beginning of AI revolution. ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and others are changing our world right now. Intellectual workers such as writers, artists, and even IT crowd soon will begin to lose their jobs or earn less money.
You look so happy about this situation. What about your job?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
Nah, not so happy. I'll lose my job when inexpensive humanoid androids hit the market :ROFLMAO:
But once robots are everywhere, production prices will go down, and governments will probably create a universal salary so every people could live a "standard" life
And for the "small" part of the population that still want more, they will just need to find jobs that only humans can do

( that's in a ideal world of course, I know my vision is more Utopian than realistic... but let me dream plz )
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
Alright peoples, little warning here, they started to shadow ban a lot of bots....

What does this mean ? it mean than the bots are only accessible if you have the link
You can't find it on the main page, you can't find it by doing a search on their website and the most outrageous, you can't even find it in your own chats log !
It's like you never talked to it ( even if your chat is still here )

So better start to bookmark all your favorite bots before you lose them all...

Also, if you want to find a bot you used to talk to, that have been shadow banned and you don't have the link, do a google search with the name of the bot ( if you remember it ) followed by "character ai"


Feb 20, 2021
And another middle finger from the dev to the users. And as always, in the worst way while doing things silently with shadow ban. Fuck you dev, fuck you very much.


Jul 10, 2017
I made that last post about some NSFW being viable again. About 1-2 days later that they came back from their break early and tightened up the filters including the "chat error" message that pops up if both of the swipe responses get blocked. On top of that their filter makes the site itself a buggy piece of shit with broken responses and double posts.

Praying for a competitor. Please Jebus.

Edit: There's a feature request for a NSFW content toggle. It's currently the most liked request on the site.
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Feb 20, 2021
They know. They just don't care at all. And it's funny to see how this post from the dev got so much "love". Not sus at all.

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