No, it need the base game to install.Does the Append include the base game or is it a separate game?
Bug fixed with the first bugfix patchIs it just me or others have a "town" symbol in the middle of the screen after moving to another location from the world map?
No, it need the base game to install.
But then where's the base game? I've downloaded both the 5gb pack and the compressed one, and both said that there's no game.dat? Even though the file is there?
that's certainly an important detail to clarify: I was wondering if this version uses 1.03v of the base gamebtw the links have the based game and append both together?
The append is the base game plus a paid DLC.that's certainly an important detail to clarify: I was wondering if this version uses 1.03v of the base game
Can anybody tell me if this is so?
Chevalier Historie Append [v2.01] [PicoPicoSoft / Kagura Games] Compressed 5.94GB-->1.67GB
PINGa quality-oriented lossy PNG optimization, WAVs converted to Ogg Vorbis target 112kbps
*.wolf files unpacked
If it is in the OP, it is the latest version aka the append. from my understanding that compression is the latest this just the append? i'm getting confused with many patches people shared here