There were some good sex scenes with Pizza Girl in Fake Family. It should be around here somewhere on F95ZoneIs there any sex scenes involving Pizza Girl? She was one my favorite girls from the original.
GDS' fondness for the cam show thing is really inscrutable, it's turned up in multiple Chloe titles at this point. I eventually figured out how to make it work but I'm always baffled when that amount of needless busywork turns up in an erotic game, and I say this as a fan of (most of) the other Chloe games. (Still deciding whether to download this one, I'm not getting the sense that it's really worth it.)The cam show is hilarious – you have to entertain audience, and play a video game at the same time. But the way to "play" it is just to randomly press buttons. Now I emphasise with those girls in bikinis on twitch ))))
I, too, am a fan of Chloe, but I can't even tell how many games there are right now. I don't even know what is a stand alone game and what is a mash up of previous titles at this point. It seems he is constantly rebranding the same thing in a slightly different manner.and I say this as a fan of (most of) the other Chloe games. (Still deciding whether to download this one, I'm not getting the sense that it's really worth it.)
The cam show minigames are almost invariably frenetic (sounds like it's no different in this one). The "grind" in the rest of the games is just about replaying certain encounters and making specific choices. Some people hate that, I don't mind it, but at any rate it doesn't involve madly clicking on a bunch of random icons while trying to look at boobies.aren't these games all full of grind in the first place? Wat makes doing it on cam show different?
go search at the computer to unlock Santas kiosk at the other part of town, go there and buy candy... I am sure you can figure out the do you get the niko scene in the van? I tried figuring out the riddles but am stuck
Pretty sure it's designed to do that, since that's the ending of the game (or one ending). You would need to replay if you want to access different content.The game resets the minute chloe becomes a cheerleader, how to fix?
Yes,Does anyone have the latest update?
Were would i find this. I looked all over the room. bathroom sat next to the computer i cannot find the phone anywere. Also i dont really know what i am looking for is it a thing that appears for me to click on or a button combination ? I have now been looking for it for about 2 hours.Options for Chloe's phone come up if you go home.