Trisha Parkssomeone knows what is the name of the actress Trisha ?
Ah, press return was the bit I didn't get. Thanks!You have to go to the postbox outside the front gate to get the news. The gate is out the front door and straight down, go to the right hand side of the gate and press return to go through the door in the gate, and then go left to the postbox.
Ummm, if you only saw that anal scene you didn't make all the right choices in the game. Check out the video files before you pass judgement. Especially if its only due to poor playing and not the creator's game. The tags are accurate.u should be ashamed on putting anal tag with incest tag
in a game that have only 1 anal scene
with a .. wife? and not even impressive
Only BGM. We do not have actors for voice acting games. And the original sound to the game does not it just me or every scene doesn't have sound? because i only hear BGM
It means it can't find the file. Start in you game folder, then follow that patch and search for the file. It can occur if you move the game or if the Dev has missed/renamed a file.Got this Problem...
The path to the file is too long.
Thanks! The Game is nice thank you for that.The path to the file is too long.
Renamed the file. Unpack to WWW folder
I am having the same issue, were you able to find a fix?after discipline for bad grades what do i stars anywhere
Long time since i played this, but i did complete it without assitance.I am having the same issue, were you able to find a fix?
Ever tried Coercion?Are there any other games like this?
With real videos in game?