Okay, I missed that in your previous screenshot, you forgot the equals sign.
It should be "mc.gold += 1500", not "mc.gold + 1500"
I double checked and the gfx overlay is just to tell you that you added [Number] of gold and the gold clinking sound. Nothing to do with actually changing the gold value. My bad, I hadn't opened the game to actually check and was just going off of code.
Those are all chapter 2 events, not chapter 3...
Yeah, worked, thank you man !
Just for reference you don't need the +. This would work:
mc.gold =1500
The + sign is useful as you can use it to check you have the spelling and capitalisation right before using =
If you use + and miss-type golf instead of gold
mc.golf + 1500
it will show an error
if you just used an =
mc.golf= 1500
it wouldn't error and would create a new variable called golf in the game code.
In the main console (ctrl+o) you can use the up arrow to bring up the last few things you typed and either resubmit them without typing they whole thing out again, or edit them.
For instance you could type mc.gold + 1500 and press enter and it will either error if you've miss typed or show you the new value if its correct. Once you know its correct you can press up to bring up the same text and just swap the + for an =. This is a good way to check you are using the right spelling before committing the =.
If you use the developer console rather than just the console (ctrl+d), you have a wider range of tools to use, the most useful is variable viewer as this list out all the variables, how they are spelt and their current values.
have fun