Did Philly games give you any consequences for fucking everything with a hole in Depraved Awakenings? I seem to remember that you were able to romance everyone and then at some point you choose someone without really even rejecting the other people the relationship just ends. Cause so far no one (even the MC's own internal dialogue) seems to acknowledge him fucking around so much - besides that one sentence from Sonja. Was completely loyal to Katie until this update since Gloria/MC seem so integral to the story it would be like rejecting the stepdaughter/Carli in DA but I wonder whether anything will come of it.
Good question - I've had similar wonderings during my playthrough - during the scene with Katie, I kept wondering when she was going to ask MC if he was seeing any other women, or what would happen with their relationship after things were over, assuming they made it through it, hah. Glad it didn't come since my MC is sleeping with Chandra (#1) Sonja, Gloria, Shanlon, Teri, and once with Victoria, lol.
And I don't mind having those conversations if they come, haven't committed to any of them yet so it's casual to this point, but I'm open to commitments if that is introduced at any point. I've actually been wanting some more dedicated romance, but I understand why it hasn't been in the game so far - if they introduce it too early it'll cut off a ton of content for people.