It's not that I'm hoping for a harem ending. I mean, I'll take one if it's offered, but I won't be sad if there isn't one...well, maybe a little...
No, the main reason I was asking about it is because there seems to be a path through the game where you can choose to sleep with only your desired waifu as well as sleeping with everyone. Sleeping with multiple characters can actually be a detriment to your gameplay:
In the scene where Ellen and Vicky talk, if you slept with both of them during the game, Victoria will mention the number of times she had sex with you and Ellen will lose points based on the count (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you lost more points the more times you slept with Victoria). Losing the points can hurt, but losing them is not a dealbreaker (meaning you won't get locked out of any scenes)
IF you played "optimally" everywhere else and chose all the options that increase Ellen's score.
Additionally, there is that one scene with Katie where you'll only get it if you were faithful to her (you didn't sleep with anyone else throughout the game)
UNLESS you, again, played "optimally" and raised Katie's Lust score up as high as it would go. Then, you could bypass that fidelity check on the scene.
Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that, while you can choose to have sex with just one character for the whole game (although good luck staving off temptation before you get to Gloria's scenes

), playing a certain way does grant you access to all of the scenes (barring path-divergent scenes).
Now, that could just be Philly's way of letting a player access almost all of the content in a single playthrough without requiring the player to make multiple saves or replaying the game entirely. Which I'm fine with. But it does make me wonder how the ending is going to play out in this case: if such actions don't result in a harem ending, will it result in a everyone-parts-ways-as-best-friends kind of ending? Will we choose our desired waifu out of the many we slept with? Will she be chosen for us based on the girl with the highest Love/Lust scores? When will we reach the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back and all the girls hate us for sleeping with everyone else?