maybe you need to use applocale or change the windows settings region to Japan.. OR there is a program that use japan region on rightclick setup (forgot whats the programs name). this is manly to japan VN's
Anyone know how to get scenes 54 and 60? or what they are? They're the only 2 I'm missing. I imagine 60 is from the true ending which i thought I got every ending for, so I imagine getting 54 will fix that. Thanks!
Anyone know how to get scenes 54 and 60? or what they are? They're the only 2 I'm missing. I imagine 60 is from the true ending which i thought I got every ending for, so I imagine getting 54 will fix that. Thanks!
Anyone know how to get scenes 54 and 60? or what they are? They're the only 2 I'm missing. I imagine 60 is from the true ending which i thought I got every ending for, so I imagine getting 54 will fix that. Thanks!
54 is lacey's end I believe where she chooses to sing instead of find out what happened to her mother as her wish. 60 from memory is cocona's end. check the guide linked in the OP if you don't know how to get a specific end.
edit: my original plan with this game was to brute force every route until i realized just how vast the choice tree is. I see why so many VNs have so few choices now.
edit2: i was confusing scene 56 with 60. considering the one ending i haven't done was the true end you were probably right about that one involving scene 60.