The love/hate, lust/disgust, and submission/dominance are like first impression stats, the can change but they are how a character would feel if you haven't trained them (to fall in love with you or be your slave or whatever). The bottom trainings almost always outweigh the top stats.One of the things I don't understand is that in 1 play through I am dating Nikki. Now I have used cheats in that playthrough so my attraction is 50+. I am using Nikki as an example but this may not apply to her but there are characters that this will apply to. If I look in the character page where there Love/Hatred, Lust/Disgust and Dominance/Submissiveness are then sometimes a girl who is classed as your girlfriend can have hatred for you or disgust. This makes no sense because if they felt that way MC should have been rejected so I think of someone agrees to be your girlfriend the first 2 should receive a significant boost to at least be in the positive region.