There most definitely was incest in this. I stay away from those step shit, like a public toilet that stinks of urine and death.
But i remember playing this in its entirety(at the time) some years ago and i do remember some interaction with mc and his "sister", and there was nothing to suggest a step sibling relationship so author changed the script for some reason.
Either that or my tempermental hornyness tampered with my memory ;p
There most definitely was incest in this. I stay away from those step shit, like a public toilet that stinks of urine and death.
But i remember playing this in its entirety(at the time) some years ago and i do remember some interaction with mc and his "sister", and there was nothing to suggest a step sibling relationship so author changed the script for some reason.
Either that or my tempermental hornyness tampered with my memory ;p
There most definitely was incest in this. I stay away from those step shit, like a public toilet that stinks of urine and death.
But i remember playing this in its entirety(at the time) some years ago and i do remember some interaction with mc and his "sister", and there was nothing to suggest a step sibling relationship so author changed the script for some reason.
Either that or my tempermental hornyness tampered with my memory ;p
Hey everybody! Here's the new title screen for Update 17. Went with the MILFs this time, as they all have big scenes in the update, and I don't think that Mrs. Mills has ever been on the title screen (except for the Premium Edition promo that I did all the characters on).
The content for Update 17 is completed and I've been testing and polishing all week. It's getting there - there's still some things I have to take care of before it goes to Alpha testers next week. I'm tracking down some music and sound effects and getting those in place. Redoing some menus and cleaning up some things to make the game flow better. Just the normal stuff. Will likely continue doing this for the next two weeks until Beta. release on April 5th. And I'm also working on a trailer for the new update, as well. Will hopefully release that before the Beta release.
That's about everything I've been working on. I started getting sick last night (throat swollen, mucus, hard to swallow, tired). I think I must have picked up something at the gym yesterday. It's pretty frustrating, because I have so much to do right now, but hopefully it won't take me down too much.
Below this, I'm going to post the current changelog for Update 17, which has some mild spoilers as to what new scenes are going to be in the game, so skip it if you don't want any spoilers.
RJ is awesome for not only making one of the very, very best adult games out there, but putting together these hype videos for the release. Its so hot and great. I can't think of a single other dev who puts together something like that.