But you seem to have got a fact wrong. The MC didn't return to his grandma, he stayed with his aunt. So, no, I don't think she sent him back to the family she hated so much herself.
Which just makes things even worse as she had absolutely no reason not to keep in touch now has she.
Aren't you speculating here a bit too much? My statements are based on what I've seen so far,
What we have seen so far is 4 distant memory fragment (5-10 minutes in length) and the mc's thoughts. My speculations are no more speculative then yours. Fact is.. momy left and was never heard again until now. Your speculations are based on the twenty minutes glimpes of the "fun times" era. Mine are based on her complete absence that the mc thoughts suggests.
And basically what I meant by "best mom" is the best portrayal of a mom. Like how realistic a mother and her child's interactions seem in the game/part of the game - does she "feel" like a mom. Not necessarily, her overall moral character. So, if her character takes a dark turn, I would still say the same.
I agree with you completely. I do love the sketchbook scenes, i think they are remarkably well done, those glimpses are amazingly well done with fun nuances, dealing with little things. One of the biggest reason i'm looking forward to the continuation of this title is the sketchbook scenes. Very promising indeed.
Here's my speculation, even if Lora is shown to have made some grave mistake the game will probably present some justification for that, or maybe even a way to redeem herself. Because the game IS about the love/interplay between the MC and Lora. Making Lora a hypocrite doesn't serve that purpose.
Yes indeed, thats what i expect too. Hypocrisy is a bit more complex than that

I mean most such mistakes, poor decisions are not made deliberately you see. Most bad parents do everything under the impression this the best course of action. They fail to realize, deny to face, the error in their ways. Lora shows signs of extreme idealism which is one of the main culprit behind such parental mistakes.
Now i don't say this is surely the case. The VN can take a clever turn. I mean all we see is the perspective of the child and Lora probably did everything she could to shelter him from the truth as long as she could (this is actually a classic parental mistake too whether people like it or not) but this resulted in, probably, that all the shit hit the boy in the face all at once. Which is not something you want for your kid. But i admit that we don't know enough to condemn her fully. Looking forward to learn more about her reasons.