What really confuses me is it's as if everyone's in on some insider knowledge, like are all the assets just whats available bootlegged on zonegfx or something? People who work in daz always give these obfuscated answers like - "oh, go look at the pinned threads full of free daz assets" which is mostly an unhelpful smattering of thousands of random things, yet somehow, all these games keep being made with the same 20 faces, the same 4 backyards and pools, the same 2 cabins in woods, the same high school hallways.
They either uses stock characters (straight from the marketplace) or uses a character from another game and has been proven to be liked.
That's why many devs, me included, do not share our characters as we do not want them to be used in other games.
This applies mostly to female characters. Many devs believe that male characters do not matter much, so they mostly use stock characters with those.
It is incredible easy to make a custom character in Daz3d.
Think of any sliders in any games that allow character customization, and that is what you have in daz3d, just a bit more advanced. And if you don't have enough sliders for what you want, you can always buy more. Tons of 'em in the marketplace.
Hell, whenever I have to use a character I know will only be used once or twice I just quickly use the sliders without thinking and in a few seconds you got a unique looking, albeit ugly, character.
is inside information, btw. So, this stays between us, or I'm screwed by the dev community!