Ren'Py - Completed - Confined with Goddesses [v1.0 Premium + Legacy] [ERONIVERSE]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Rob Lowe

    A touching story and characters with character nothing better for a game like this.
    However, during the game we get much more than just these feelings, which makes it really unique and interesting.
    Characters so endearing that without the perverse side of the game, the game would still be interesting.
    In addition to the game, the introduction to the characters and the story is well done, the best I've seen in my life, I even thought at the beginning that the gameplay was limited to this so well done and endearing.
    A very good game that deserves 5*.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    this game its so bad, mini updates, with annoying sanbox, with creator, who has no clue, like many others, what its femdom or d/s, nothing more like milking machine, like many others, yeah the art its fine, but thats all
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously, it's not done yet so it could use some more content and some clarification, but what it has is really great. Instead of only learning sex from the internet, it would be nice if you could practice on the girls too (if they like you enough too not stop you).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    play 0.2.6 with a french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 4/5 A hot topic !

    characters: 5/5 I really liked that each character had a color that made them stand out (blue is my crush)

    sex scene: 5/5 Really successful and very erotic

    renders: 5/5 The designs are very well done.

    animation: 5/5 They are really good, I would like more, but I always want more!

    sound: Nothing to complain about

    gameplay: 4/5 Fairly basic sandbox, go so or there at such and such time of the day. We can also close our room, but who wants that?

    Wait to see more!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not the best gameplay, but DAMN, this game is pretty.

    Let's go further into this statement: the gameplay is kinda boring and straight-forward, there is nothing to do that affects the outcome and it's pretty much a "interact with everybody and something will happen".

    The navigation is pretty clunky, I don't really know how to explain it but it didn't seem like a smooth experience, maybe implement the possibility to travel from one room to the other directly? Idk, it's a minor "issue" so whatever..

    But these are the only downsides I found while playing this version.

    The art is GORGEOUS, pretty clean models and animations, truly a pleasure to the eyes. The UI is very nice and clean too, gives a nice vibe.

    The MC is a bit too dumb for my liking, but I appreciated the "redemption arc" (or better, the "fuck everybody that has wronged you arc"), the girls are a bit stereotypical but I liked them, never too boring.
    There is no deep story or dialogues, it's a light game and a nice way to pass some time.

    I am looking forward to further updates.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I really want to give 5 stars to this game, but I can't. Let me start with what I consider the game has going on it's favor:

    • The game is simple but effective.
    • The premise is very well done.
    • All the main Love Interests are actually pretty likable when you get to know them.
    • The events are really fun to go through, especially because each level has its own variation.
    • The art was ok before, but the new 3D art... It's horrible.
    • Exploration is alright, but nothing special.
    So, in all honesty, this game is fantastic, but the art man, the new art (as of 0.2.5) really brings down the game, especially in the update of my favorite character...

    I can only hope this improves later.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent sandbox game. Super excellent gentle femdom with a pleasing animation style. Femdom thrives with an underlying emotional connection, and the dev has exploited that to its fullest. The game has just enough content to mitigate any grindy aspects of game play, there's a momentum to the game and I bought the premise and enjoyed the storyline.

    A standout title.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty lame job if im honest, the models are fine but sometimes in the standing image became really ugly and not hot at all

    then you have the scenes where in every each of them it seems like the models are different woman , seriously the most cute of all is Emma but when the scenes are displayed she looks ugly as fuck

    then the story, the story is the typic story of a man and a harem of woman hot as fuck, nothing much, nothing original, with grind and shit like all games in the past, nothing new

    overall this game is bad, it feels boring, no exciting at all ..

    the dialogues...damn...the dialogues are the worst of all... the dialogues are like porn of the 60's, why? because when you give the player the capacity to name the relationships as you want, it becomes something like :

    "oh honey...i love waking you up and feel your cock in my you like how your loving teacher wakes you up ??" when you see "loving teacher" in pink is like something is off, like you used a mod to change the game or something , i don t like it

    it lacks consistence, the models are bad... i dont know... man

    after Harem milf and Harem island i was expecting another game like those, not this bullshit with cartoon and i really think is bad
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Consistent updates with decent amount of content added each time. Hot art and animation, of which there is a lot. Displays the whole spectrum of consensual domination: Light Domination, Hard Domination, Femdom, and Gentle Femdom. Straightforward progression and plot, which - if you're looking for an easy fap - is a big plus.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Ren'Py games out there
    Plot is kinda basic, you're stuck/confined in your home with your "step" family.

    Art - 9.5/10
    Animation - 9/10
    Amazing game with an amazing cast.
    The sisters,the aunt and the mom are amazing, well-drawn and each one has her own unique personality.

    ERONIVERSE delivers !
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.2.4:

    This Game is perfect dont have more to add.

    Try this piece of art.

    each girl has her own personality, the art is top and the animation is pretty good.

    a pretty good game, I look forward to the next updates.
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    First the good part:
    • The arte is great and the animations are - even if short - also really good.

    No what really grinds my gears:
    • No choices -> there where 2 or 3 (cant even remeber) in the prologue but they had absolutely no meaning. After that there are no choices at all and that makes the game boring. You grind (not that hard) your stats and/or money to the point where you pogress with the girls and done. the rest is just watching whats happening.
    • The MC itself and his extreme changes of behavior when switching the girls.
      ->Hes a hard Dom with his step mother
      -> A light Dom with the the younger daughter
      -> Light Sub with the older daughter
      -> Heavy Sub with his teacher
      One minute he face fucks his step mother and asks for begging from the younger daughter and the next scene he begs to be the toy of the older daughter oder begs the teacher to sit on his face...

    It just seems like Dev wanted to please all kinds of ppl while MC just looks like he has a mental disorder with multiple personalities...
    STILL will play it further just for the art BUT this will be a "wasted opportunity" game for me.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art was looking beautifull... Yeah... Was...
    + We have animations for lewd scenes (not just for penetrations or sex scenes, even dancing moves have animations which is pretty immersive) and they were looking pretty good before the art style change...
    + Girls/Women looks hot.

    Bad Points
    - Story and storytelling is kind of weak, weird and dont make sense.
    - MC is kind of loser type of guy, sometimes feels ok to play but generaly its pretty annoying to play as a him...
    - You can give desired name to MC and its gives vibe your choices gonna matter and you can RP your character but no, choices are not matter. Even there is couple of kinks you cant avoid. Having choice change as a MC could be better, because playing Sandbox game without any choice change is just pointless... If DEV was going to tell this story without any choice, then MC should be named default by DEV and had his own character instead we giving him name, because you have zero control over game story and its pointless.
    - Zoe being MC's girlfriend, threating him like a trash and as a player we dont have any choice about it is not enjoyable... And he is waiting MC not cheat on her while literaly doing these and sexsualy giving him nothing? Yeah makes sense, she is terrible character and she being MC's girlfriend is pretty bad decision.
    - There is no divercity for girls jobs, all girls of story does job about sharing their lewd/nude photos/videos on internet. Seriously? So in these days nobody makes game streams like normal people? Or work like normal people? Interesting...
    - Useage of nicknames in espacily first parts of game kind of not working. I gues giving them default until reaching well enough development level could be more logical, because giving them custom nicknames cause some nonsense dialogues.
    - Nearly half of lewd content is about imaginery (or dream) scenes. Well its kind of disappointed to see pretty hot looking scenes but learning they are just dreams etc.
    - I gues writer main language is not english, because game english level kind of bad even for me.
    - While most of animations looks good there is couple animation looks bad and weird. For example our first lewd animation was MC licking one girl pussy and animation was happening while flying invisible tongue licking girl's pussy with fast as MC can... Honestly this type of animations needs to stop... Its just terifying to see invisible dick or tongue doing things to someone...
    - Same annoying music playing over and over again is soo annoying... DEV could have add non-copyright musics instead of using just one...
    - After some certain point art style changed and sadly new art style looks terrible, older style was great, too bad they changed to something terrible...
    - Ending was terrible, we had literaly no choice over ending and it was forced and nonsense, too bad there was no choice at all in the end...

    For The End
    Well what can i say? Game starts pretty promissing but bad points lowers game quality one by one, having literaly no choice over paths, women, etc, not helps either and ending being terrible is like a last straw... Sadly I can't suggest this game, it's game with great potential but sadly it's just ruined.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's very handy(xD), I'll just say that. 4/5 only because there is no more. Rem'py's incest games are not so common anymore, from insexual awakening or snow daze there are very few that are good, this one takes this genre (xD) and updates it a lot giving an art more appropriate to the time in addition to such a good butts .
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's impressive and pretty much a must play gem.

    -Best animation i've seen so far in this kind of game! , on top of that it's drawed.
    -Perfect voices, moanings and sound.
    -Great characters, love the variety, Berry is top tier
    -Soft Femdom which is great and usually not well made in other games
    -Lots of amazing angles and close-ups

    -Cliche under the same roof concept, with typical "step" family fetish
    -Would be cool to add some decision making, up to now the harem is inevitable, but I really don't care if it stays the same, the dev is doing great
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    animation and voicing is awesome
    art work is quite refreshing and the individual story for each not bad either
    the idea seems reused a lot but to me it was quite unique
    one of few games that i genuinely wait to update
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    neat dialogue, interesting storyline, smooth and good animation, proper and good voice actor, one of the most awaited adult games, hope to always update on time, overall the best! good job ero! thanks
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Totally fap-able.

    It doesn't require much to advance the story and the reward is often quite good.

    It has the best animations I've ever seen in an RenPy game; really smooth.

    The art is a bit exaggerated at times but it doesn't get in the way of the total experience.

    It has a decent length as of now. Totally recommend it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.2.3, there is enough content for a worthwhile experience.
    The game is a simple Renpy visual novel - just click around a house, have simple conversations with characters, and eventually advance relationships with all of the characters. There's minimal grind, the progression of conversations is good, and there are enjoyable rewards.
    I really liked the art style of this game and the sexual scenes with each character have plenty of variety. I will be coming back to this game at a later date to check out future content as I enjoyed the experience so far!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Very uneven, and ultimately unsatisfying title.

    To start with the good: art is, for the most part, quite impressive, character models are great, and most porn scenes are well done too (with some exceptions). There are also some strong gentle femdom themes, which is relativly rare. Unfortunately, that's where positives end.

    Story is rather nonsensical, but let's be generous and say that it kinda works for a porn game. Unfortunately, where the author really lets you down is the writing. The prose is repetetive, simplistic, and riddled with spelling errors; characters are not much more then tired tropes cranked up to eleven, to the point where it borders on parody - I've found it impossible to treat them seriously at times, let alone care about them.

    All in all, I cannot fully recommend it. There are many titles on this site that provide equally stimulating content while also giving you vastly better, more engaging story. Still, if you are looking for some fap material, like the overall themes of the game, and don't care about the quality of writing too much, it's possible to have some fun with it.