
Dec 19, 2020
Well yea their is something unavoidable in this update, namely as you said you are forced to see Alex go on a date with a guy, with kissing and groping from the guy, you don't really get to make any choices about that, the only choice I seen is rather the illusion of choice which doesn't seem to change anything much.
that sucks. I never like when that happens. If the player had no choice to go on the date it would've been better if there was no unwanted kissing and groping. And the player had a choice if they wanted anything more to happen. And the date wasn't a pervy creep with no respect. And respected the players choice.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
I would like to love this game but... I can't fap to all this sadness and harassment... sorry.
Oh well, I guess I will skip from now on. Sadge.
Jul 10, 2022
Hmmm... I think you are projecting a bit too much there. It's cool, we all do it. Just be aware that what you are reading may not be what is being written. Perception is, after all, quite personal.

Sam felt the need to protect Alex, after being made to understand that she herself was being manipulated, from what was shown of her personality she's very confrontational and physical, so, she was really "in character" as was Elliott. She went too far, yes, I also felt so. From what I understood of her, she's not really a champion of patience and restraint, so... Also, Sam isn't transgender, so, not a Troon. And from what I understood, she's protecting her sister, not really defending her personal views, because the pronouns deliberate misuse wasn't an attack on the transgender persona, but an attack on Alex. And yes, I do feel they are different subjects here, feel free to disagree.

All in all, if the game (or better said AVNSnax great writing) managed to provoke that extensive reflection on you, I do think it is doing what it set out to do. Yeah, this game sneaks up on you like that. Also, being political and less erotic, isn't bad per se. It may require some management of expectations, but that's truly not the game's fault.

Good Talk.

Peace :)
I don't think she was in character I think she was way out of character. Based on her previous interactions with Kevin.

Kevin literally said something like: "How is that faggot brother of yours? I want to pound his faggot ass seven ways from sunday, but not like I'm a fag or anything."

Then she gets this snarky face and says something like, "Just wait until he gets his dick chopped off and it won't be gay. I mean her dick."

She went from that to Radically and Violently Trans Positive in just one update?

What's the other big transgender issue besides "Pronouns"? There are 3 big trans issues that actually that get any sort of mainstream media attention.

Pronouns, Sports, and Restrooms.

If you see it on the news it is usually one of those 3 topics.

They haven't done much for sports. They haven't done much in terms of sports because it is not a sport centric game and Alex although they go to the gym are not really an athlete.

Alex is literally jerking off in the ladies room this update thinking about girls. Do you think more or less people feel comfortable with a transgender woman in the women's restroom after seeing Alex jerk off in the ladies room? What about the next woman that goes in there and sees Alex's cum all over the toilet seat? How do you think she feels about sharing a bathroom with trans folks?

While being ultra woke it also dunks on almost all of the woke arguments, and brutally so.

It says: Disagreements with or about transgender people about pronouns will lead to physical violence by trans people and their advocates & Transgender women will jerk off in the ladies room if you let them use the ladies room. All it needs to do to complete that trifecta of dunks on woke is do get Alex into a women's sport where she can dominate female athletes. Maybe even rob one of them that has worked for years on their sport of a scholarship!

Heavy use of politics do not generally belong in adult games. Because it is going to split the audience because so many people disagree on many political issues. It's divisive like NTR, but without die hard supporters that will throw cash at it like they would for NTR.

I'm not saying creators should never touch anything political with a 10 foot pole. It's their art, and they should make their art however they want to with as much creative control as possible. Make something they enjoy first and for the audience second. All I am saying is the deeper you get into any politics at all the further it will drive players away.

Believe it or not people tend to play these games to masturbate. Not so much to reflect on their deeply held political positions or to be pandered to about the politics of the creator, or the politics they wish to project on to the player.

People just want to jerk off, and have relatable characters to do it to.

This update was a victory for the villians of the game for sure. It has been shown the "Pro Trans" side can not have a civil discussion without resorting to violence even with a family member, and trans women like to jerk off in the ladies room so you better watch out ladies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
I don't think she was in character I think she was way out of character. Based on her previous interactions with Kevin.1

Kevin literally said something like: "How is that faggot brother of yours? I want to pound his faggot ass seven ways from sunday, but not like I'm a fag or anything."1

Then she gets this snarky face and says something like, "Just wait until he gets his dick chopped off and it won't be gay. I mean her dick."1

She went from that to Radically and Violently Trans Positive in just one update?1

What's the other big transgender issue besides "Pronouns"? There are 3 big trans issues that actually that get any sort of mainstream media attention.

Pronouns, Sports, and Restrooms.

If you see it on the news it is usually one of those 3 topics.

They haven't done much for sports. They haven't done much in terms of sports because it is not a sport centric game and Alex although they go to the gym are not really an athlete.2

Alex is literally jerking off in the ladies room this update thinking about girls. Do you think more or less people feel comfortable with a transgender woman in the women's restroom after seeing Alex jerk off in the ladies room? What about the next woman that goes in there and sees Alex's cum all over the toilet seat? How do you think she feels about sharing a bathroom with trans folks?2

While being ultra woke it also dunks on almost all of the woke arguments, and brutally so.3

It says: Disagreements with or about transgender people about pronouns will lead to physical violence by trans people and their advocates & Transgender women will jerk off in the ladies room if you let them use the ladies room. All it needs to do to complete that trifecta of dunks on woke is do get Alex into a women's sport where she can dominate female athletes. Maybe even rob one of them that has worked for years on their sport of a scholarship!3

Heavy use of politics do not generally belong in adult games. Because it is going to split the audience because so many people disagree on many political issues. It's divisive like NTR, but without die hard supporters that will throw cash at it like they would for NTR.4

I'm not saying creators should never touch anything political with a 10 foot pole. It's their art, and they should make their art however they want to with as much creative control as possible. Make something they enjoy first and for the audience second. All I am saying is the deeper you get into any politics at all the further it will drive players away.4

Believe it or not people tend to play these games to masturbate. Not so much to reflect on their deeply held political positions or to be pandered to about the politics of the creator, or the politics they wish to project on to the player.5

People just want to jerk off, and have relatable characters to do it to.5

This update was a victory for the villians of the game for sure. It has been shown the "Pro Trans" side can not have a civil discussion without resorting to violence even with a family member, and trans women like to jerk off in the ladies room so you better watch out ladies.6
I've just played this so I'll try to address some of your points, I'm doing this in the order you wrote just so you can situate yourself.

1. About Sam, it was one update but a couple of weeks from what I gathered, also people tend to talk and act like the people around them, on the conversation that you misquoted for example Sam was talking to a transphobe and even has a thought about how the reason she is getting the pronouns wrong is because of how Elliott and the asshole dude talk and act, she even has a thought about Elliot being in her head, was she wrong there and about the comment of "just wait until she has her surgery and then you can "pound her to oblivion" her without being "homo"" (this quote is not exact) wrong and transphobic, yes it was, would she realize it with the company she keeps, no she wouldn't, the game is pretty realistic this way, also the reason for her 180 is that being brought to her attention, it is her seeing that being complacent and ignoring the problem literally brought harm to her sister, so it is pretty believable that she would act that way.

2. first, I would think you would aim your cum inside the toilet if you have half a brain and control over your hand and it would be flushed away, second this is an AVN it will have AVN moments, this is a normal scene in any other game, considering the panic surrounding this topic specifically I do now think it would be better not having this scene or having it in a private setting like their house.

3. Just no, you are not analyzing the work on its context at all (adding real-world context is fine but don't ignore the work you are talking about), the physical violence that you are talking about isn't about pronoums, it is literally about how Elliot physiologically torments her sister, something that might bring her closer to suicide and if you read the story it probably has before, something that some people would escalate to violence, which happened in the story before. The bathroom scene although as I said above could be removed or reworked so that people couldn't use it as an argument in either bad faith or lack of comprehension is common in this type of game, also she did it in an isolated cubicle with the door locked, so no one would fucking know, actually if a man did that no one would know if he sneaks in and out, this is just a non-argument. Also, the sports thing is just not factual so unless the dev wants to go a completely different direction from what the intro and first chapter shows then it would be as you wrote.

4. you are actually correct in that, people will get divided by politics but if the author wants to put that in their games they should, I just ignored 7 games with Right-wing and extreme right-wing views on politics, and intend on continuing to do so, I prefer if the author is clear with their political ideologies so I can know to not support them, don't get me wrong I hope they have their basic needs met, but I won't give them a cent.

5. Not everyone and maybe the author is aiming at people looking for games and stories and not people looking to masturbate.

6. No it isn't, this is either bad faith argumentation or you didn't pay attention to the story, even more so because that level of physical violence among siblings is child play for anyone that grew up with siblings, not saying it is right just that for anyone that grew up with a sibling that would be nothing in my country, besides that I addressed the other points above, I'll add the numbers in front of what I'm talking about on your original comment because I addressed 2 paragraphs is some and 1 in others.

I hope that helps clarify some stuff for you.

edit: this does not mean I have zero critics about this game, I have plenty, but I'm trying not to assume the author's intentions too much, or better yet trying not to assume the worst intentions.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I've just played this so I'll try to address some of your points, I'm doing this in the order you wrote just so you can situate yourself.

1. About Sam, it was one update but a couple of weeks from what I gathered, also people tend to talk and act like the people around them, on the conversation that you misquoted for example Sam was talking to a transphobe and even has a thought about how the reason she is getting the pronouns wrong is because of how Elliott and the asshole dude talk and act, she even has a thought about Elliot being in her head, was she wrong there and about the comment of "just wait until she has her surgery and then you can "pound her to oblivion" her without being "homo"" (this quote is not exact) wrong and transphobic, yes it was, would she realize it with the company she keeps, no she wouldn't, the game is pretty realistic this way, also the reason for her 180 is that being brought to her attention, it is her seeing that being complacent and ignoring the problem literally brought harm to her sister, so it is pretty believable that she would act that way.

2. first, I would think you would aim your cum inside the toilet if you have half a brain and control over your hand and it would be flushed away, second this is an AVN it will have AVN moments, this is a normal scene in any other game, considering the panic surrounding this topic specifically I do now think it would be better not having this scene or having it in a private setting like their house.

3. Just no, you are not analyzing the work on its context at all (adding real-world context is fine but don't ignore the work you are talking about), the physical violence that you are talking about isn't about problems, it is literally about how Elliot physiologically torments her sister, something that might bring her closer to suicide and if you read the story it probably has before, something that some people would escalate to violence, which happened in the story before. The bathroom scene although as I said above could be removed or reworked so that people couldn't use it as an argument in either bad faith or lack of comprehension is common in this type of game, also she did it in an isolated cubicle with the door locked, so no one would fucking know, actually if a man did that no one would know if he sneaks in and out, this is just a non-argument. Also, the sports thing is just not factual so unless the dev wants to go a completely different direction from what the intro and first chapter shows then it would be as you wrote.

4. you are actually correct in that, people will get divided by politics but if the author wants to put that in their games they should, I just ignored 7 games with Right-wing and extreme right-wing views on politics, and intend on continuing to do so, I prefer if the author is clear with their political ideologies so I can know to not support them, don't get me wrong I hope they have their basic needs met, but I won't give them a cent.

5. Not everyone and maybe the author is aiming at people looking for games and stories and not people looking to masturbate.

6. No it isn't, this is either bad faith argumentation or you didn't pay attention to the story, even more so because that level of physical violence among siblings is child play for anyone that grew up with siblings, not saying it is right just that for anyone that grew up with a sibling that would be nothing in my country, besides that I addressed the other points above, I'll add the numbers in from of what I'm talking about on your original comment because I addressed 2 paragraphs is some and 1 in others.

I hope that helps clarify some stuff for you.

edit: this does not mean I have zero critics about this game, I have plenty, but I'm trying not to assume the author's intentions too much, or better yet trying not to assume the worst intentions.
Thanks for saving me the time to dismantle those arguments, and by making it way, way better than I could.

The game or any game with such a fracturing theme will NEVER be perfect for everyone. What I, that while an Ally and very much sympathetic, am not part of the community, want from this is that the theme is treated with some level of honesty and sensitivity. This, I believe is done right. Could be better? Well, obviously. As it been done before? If it did, I didn't see it.

So, bring your critique, I am quite interested in learning more, getting another perspective, maybe closer to the real struggles of the community.

This story is pretty much set, so, I doubt that there's any interest of the author to make changes, but, there's always bigger and better projects, no? There's always tomorrow...

Peace :)


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Personally, I like that the antagonists like Kevin and Officer Broot are over the top. It makes it hard to empathise with them, and we shouldn't.

I'm more curious about Ellie's backstory that we'll discover in Chapter 5. Because if she's portrayed more nuanced, then perhaps there's the possibility of both her and Alex getting what they need to heal. We've already seen with Sam that you can misgender someone, not realise your mistake, but fix it.

I'm also curious about Zoey. Whilst she's perhaps not going about it in the most considerate way, when Alex comes to terms that someone is attracted to her the way she is, that will be good.


Jun 29, 2021
Oh man, this comment section...

The main character is trans and lives with a family having difficulty accepting that. Either from the mere fact itself (Elliot) or the fallout it is causing (Sam and the mom). Contention around gender identity is vitally relevant to the plot and character dynamics. I agree the MC may seem a little weak, but its the beginning of her story. She has been used to being flogged over and over again throughout her life. Only until the alley confrontation can the player actually see someone who is gaining confidence and inner strength.

I don't know what some people thought when they saw the trans protagonist tag. Did they honestly think it would basically a tough-guy male MC game with a dickgirl instead? Wrong.

For anyone thinking discussion of gender issues don't matter and should be left out the game, take a look at the negative reactions in this thread. Then imagine a real life trans person has to deal with 100x worse than what you see here. They don't want it to be an issue, they just want to live their life. If you aren't interested in a drama about identity and self acceptance featuring a trans MC, then go play any of the other games where its just dickgirls railing people with zero context. Why argue with a dev about something that has already been set in stone for several releases at this point?
Dec 7, 2020
Regarding Kevin's father, I agree that the guy should be smarter, and act in a more "political" way. Not for making the character more "interesting", he's just a plot device like his son, but for making the whole Police station situation more credible xD.

He's basically just as stupid as his son, but because of his position and responsibility, in his case he can get himself in BIG trouble by acting like a retarded 12-year-old bully, lol.

If the guy played dumb with empty phrases like "no witnesses saw Kevin assault your two daughters, so we can't do anything" (there were no witnesses if I recall correctly), he would save himself the trouble and save the idiot of his son easily.


And as for the whole Ellie situation, what I see is a resentful person who attacks Alex with anything that can hurt her, she knows that she can hurt Alex a lot with the trans issue, so she uses that. If Alex wasn't trans, Ellie would use anything else that she could as a weapon to hurt Alex.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Oh man, this comment section...

The main character is trans and lives with a family having difficulty accepting that. Either from the mere fact itself (Elliot) or the fallout it is causing (Sam and the mom). Contention around gender identity is vitally relevant to the plot and character dynamics. I agree the MC may seem a little weak, but its the beginning of her story. She has been used to being flogged over and over again throughout her life. Only until the alley confrontation can the player actually see someone who is gaining confidence and inner strength.

I don't know what some people thought when they saw the trans protagonist tag. Did they honestly think it would basically a tough-guy male MC game with a dickgirl instead? Wrong.

For anyone thinking discussion of gender issues don't matter and should be left out the game, take a look at the negative reactions in this thread. Then imagine a real life trans person has to deal with 100x worse than what you see here. They don't want it to be an issue, they just want to live their life. If you aren't interested in a drama about identity and self acceptance featuring a trans MC, then go play any of the other games where its just dickgirls railing people with zero context. Why argue with a dev about something that has already been set in stone for several releases at this point?
FINALLY!!! Someone who truly gets it! I've said this before and I think it needs to be said again...

There is no such thing as normal. Normal is a figment of someone else's imagination. There is only average. Average is extremely boring. We are each our own unique brand of weird so be different, be unique, be kind, show respect, be kinky, be weird but most importantly, be you. You are the only you there is and no one else can do it for you. Be a free thinking person and say NO to conformity.

What we all need in this world is more true empathy. Do not confuse empathy with sympathy or pity. Those are totally separate things that are based in emotion and don't do anyone any good. True empathy is the ability to put yourself into the place of another person and see things from their perspective, to "walk a mile in their shoes." That is what this story is asking of each and every one of us who experiences it. Walk a mile or two in Alex' shoes.

This story is told from Alex' perspective for that very reason. The author is asking you to empathize with Alex. If you are NOT able to do that, this story is NOT for you and you should move on. This story has already been written in full by this wonderfully talented first time dev, AVNSnax. There is NOTHING that you can say to change it. I also know that Snax is resolute in finishing this title regardless of the fallout. So, if you already hate it, RUN away, don't walk. This rabbit hole is only going deeper and if you do not appreciate what you see now, you will regret staying around.

But, Phat, the antagonists are so one sided! You are goddamn right! All Alex ever sees from these people is anger, hate and violence. This is HER story so that is all she knows of them. The same goes for the police captain. Where do you think his son gets that evil streak? He learned it from his father... all of the prejudice, anger, hate and power mongering was birthed in him at home. That anger, hate and violence is all that Alex sees so what else do you expect from a story told from her point of view?

It reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption which is also told through the eyes of that story's protagonist, Andy Dufresne. Clancy Brown's Byron Hadley and Bob Gunton's Warden Norton may seem one sided up front but when we realize those characterizations are merely how Andy sees the world in which he finds himself, where all he sees is the Warden's corruption and hypocrisy and Hadley's extreme propensity for violence and overall brutish nature... what other story can he tell us? Clancy Brown and Bob Gunton gave brilliant performances that many folks just didn't get because they saw the characters as one sided. I'm seeing the same attitudes toward Alex' story here. So, remember, everything you see is being presented to you from Alex' point of view, life as SHE sees it, not as you wish it were.

So, have some empathy for Alex and her troubled family. Set aside your petty quibbles and gripes or just find something else that is more to your liking because this story will not change to suit you. It is being told as written whether you complain or not. So, lighten up or move on. The choice is yours.

Adventure ever on my friends, Phat:devilish:(y)
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Jul 10, 2022
"Where are the reasonable people who hate trans people but aren't assholes about it?"

The pro trans side here isn't particularly extreme unless your brain is so broken you consider being pro-trans itself as extreme
Disagreeing with someone or something does not mean that you automatically hate them. It is an ignorant extremist belief to believe that is true.

I am not a Muslim. I love bacon. That does not mean I wish to oppress Muslims. At the same time I don't want them to impose their "No Bacon" beliefs on me.

Do you really want to bring "Mental Illness" in this discussion? That must be an attempt to gaslight me.

Being "Pro Trans" is an extreme view. I will explain why that is.

Imagine you are a parent. You have a son. They like the color pink. Do you all of the sudden rush to a doctor to get them to chop his penis off and start calling him a girl? Sounds silly doesn't it?

Transgender suicide rates are 42%. If someone you care about having a 42% suicide rate does not concern you that is a problem.

Well maybe it is just such a high rate because transgender folks are so oppressed in the US. How much they are being murdered would be a good indicator of how oppressed a group is.

What about violence against transgender people. Isn't transgender murder rates much higher than the general population? Like dangerously high if suicide rates are 42%? Is it? Lets find out... Lets do some math.

Is that high or low? Lets see...

1/10 of 1 million = 100k So 3.2 Murders per 100,000 trans people. How does that weigh in against the general population?

What does this mean? Transgender people are being murdered at less than half the rate of the average person in the general population.

Murder rate for trans = 3.2 per 100,000
Murder rate for everyone = 7 per 100,000

Stop "Playing the victim" to try to "Force your views" on others. It is tiresome. You are not a victim unless it is at your own hand.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
how fast does the dev release updates
Fair question. The initial release was in June of this year. We just received chapter four. I cannot promise that our dear dev will be able to continue the monthly updates but it seems every 4-6 weeks has been a consistent pattern thus far.

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
Fair question. The initial release was in June of this year. We just received chapter four. I cannot promise that our dear dev will be able to continue the monthly updates but it seems every 4-6 weeks has been a consistent pattern thus far.

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
thanks (y)
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