
Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I hate that bitch.

She's a bitter, immature, vindictive, nasty, petty little slut that's going to side with people trying to ruin one of her siblings lives because she's jealous of a bit of attention and had her widdle feewings hurt because daddy stopped trying to play hide the sausage in her.

Now if the twins come out of this well on the other side, Sam is happy and the mother gets her divorce and the cockwomble brigade all get their downfall then all will be well.

I'd be questioning things if Zo gets her redemption but if it's done well I could live with it.

There is only one thing that could possibly ruin this game for me and that's if Ellie gets forgiven for all the shit she's pulled.

Being a sibling makes it worse than anyone else because she damn well sees and lives with the harm she's causing and just doesn't care.

If i'm forced to forgive her I will not be amused.

The only thing that could make the twins love any sweeter is if they let Sam in too. I think Sam deserves some love.
I love it when you go on the war path like a present times Buddug you welsh demon.

Whatever happened to have you like that, I'm really interested to see.

Ehard lol.gif
Peace :) (or whatever... LOL)
Dec 7, 2020
Thinking more about the characters after revisiting scenes from previous chapters. In any case, I'll do as AVNSnax says, and reserve definitive judgement until the story is complete.


Ellie so far has only been shown to be scum. I was confident that the extra backstory in chapter 5 might bring some empathy about why she has so much pent-up jealousy and rage, which is different from justifying her actions for years, because that's impossible from the beginning of the story. But in this chapter all we've seen is a confirmation that she's a self-centered immature idiot, now with a fucked-up relationship with her father (and I don't mean that because of the incest but because she was underage when it started). She has had years to mature and hasn't. And she's is getting worse and worse, now helping Kevin. Of course, considering that at the moment we only have Kevin's word that Ellie is helping him, I'd like to believe it's not true, but I honestly doubt it, so barring a miracle, I can't see Ellie getting any better, so as for now, she can go to hell. But only AVNSnax knows her future.

Zoey at least listens to reason enough to restrain herself and not finish what she started, and she seems to feel bad almost immediately. The fact that she has problems is something that has been clear for a long time. I would see her improving with professional help, I can't see her improving on her own. In any case, can only see her at the very best "fixing" her relationship with the twins to the point where she can go back to being on decent terms with them, but no longer as a close friend. I just hope she at least doesn't help Kevin.

Brad's is plain madness to me. On the first date, the kiss is pretty pushy on his part, but if you clearly tell him it's not appropriate he apologizes, and otherwise in the first date you mainly see someone with poor social skills and who has also suffered bullying, and not the insane mini Kevin from chapter 5. I still see the transformation as too sudden. It was obvious he was never going to be a serious romance option since Alex isn't really attracted to men, but I did expect more empathy from a bullied guy. Can't see him really getting any better.

And Izzy's way of acting I don't get it, she doesn't even have anything to gain from it. If you were to tell me that Izzy dating Chris was "convenient" for her, for example if Chris and Izzy were living together and Chris was paying the bills.... but there's nothing. She has spent months in an empty relationship both for her and her girlfriend, pretending. Why? And why break off the relationship in such a humiliating way for Chris? Just because she enjoys hurting people or something? I guess there's zero depth for her, even Kevin has more "depth" right now, and I guess she's completely out of the story now, so I would really like if AVNSnax could talk about her thing a bit.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I hate that bitch.

She's a bitter, immature, vindictive, nasty, petty little slut that's going to side with people trying to ruin one of her siblings lives because she's jealous of a bit of attention and had her widdle feewings hurt because daddy stopped trying to play hide the sausage in her.

Now if the twins come out of this well on the other side, Sam is happy and the mother gets her divorce and the cockwomble brigade all get their downfall then all will be well.

I'd be questioning things if Zo gets her redemption but if it's done well I could live with it.

There is only one thing that could possibly ruin this game for me and that's if Ellie gets forgiven for all the shit she's pulled.

Being a sibling makes it worse than anyone else because she damn well sees and lives with the harm she's causing and just doesn't care.

If i'm forced to forgive her I will not be amused.

The only thing that could make the twins love any sweeter is if they let Sam in too. I think Sam deserves some love.
Hello Ava my friend :)

I agree on Ellie. TBH, she needs to move out! She is the eldest of the siblings and should have her own place by now. Her actions and attitudes make her a destructive influence on the entire family. She needs to go.

IMHO, Zoey is another matter. Did she overstep? Yes. Did she go too far? Yes. Was she overbearing, pushy, insistent, selfish and sexually greedy? Hell yes! What she did was a no class move that will take a long time to heal... However, am I the only one that sees what she did as something other than rape??? That word gets thrown around a bit too easily in this time of "Me Too." What Zoey did was wrong, I agree. But, I'm not convinced it qualifies as attempted rape. Rape is primarily an act of violence, like what Kevin tried to do to Chris in that alley. He even punched Alex in the face during that attempt. What Zoey did could easily be considered a sexual assault as that can be verbal, physical or a combination of the two. Zo was aggressive in demanding sex yet when Alex outright refused, Zoey stopped. She seemed genuinely terrified that she had done something horrible. If she had NOT stopped when Alex refused then I would join you in calling rape but Zoey DID stop. I am not qualified to make legal decisions of this magnitude so I won't pretend. I'm just following my gut here... I am not saying what Zoey did wasn't wrong. She WAS wrong! But, I am at wait and see for now. I'm curious to see how it plays out going forward. If Zoey learned her lesson, maybe she can become a friend again in time but only time will tell.

I like Sam. She seems to be growing a spine to stand up for what is right. I like that. When she stood up to Ellie on Alex' behalf I was totally on team Sam at that moment! Sam doesn't always make great decisions but I think she is starting to come around. Again, I'm at wait and see at present. Time will tell what should become of Sam in Alex' and Chris' lives. I'm hoping that they all grow closer as sisters. :)

But, I must agree that Ellie has to go. Kevin and Brad deserve to share a jail cell and Kevin's dad needs to be removed from law enforcement altogether. Again, time will tell how much of this "wish list" comes to pass. Whatever happens, I'm just along for this wild ride that AVNSnax has written for us to share. :)

Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Brad's is plain madness to me. On the first date, the kiss is pretty pushy on his part, but if you clearly tell him it's not appropriate he apologizes, and otherwise in the first date you mainly see someone with poor social skills and who has also suffered bullying, and not the insane mini Kevin from chapter 5. I still see the transformation as too sudden. It was obvious he was never going to be a serious romance option since Alex isn't really attracted to men, but I did expect more emphaty from a bullied guy. Can't see him really getting any better.
I have a friend who's gone from male to female and female to male cousin, both of those have stories similar to that.

They have been on dates and when they tell the date about being trans it can get a bit nasty. My friend has had a couple of quite severe beatings from men she's ben on dates with, to the point she'll only do double dates now and only in populated areas.

Brads reaction is more common than you think.
Dec 7, 2020
I have a friend who's gone from male to female and female to male cousin, both of those have stories similar to that.

They have been on dates and when they tell the date about being trans it can get a bit nasty. My friend has had a couple of quite severe beatings from men she's ben on dates with, to the point she'll only do double dates now and only in populated areas.

Brads reaction is more common than you think.
I know, I also know some trans people who have had it very bad. But not until the point of beatings, that's fucking depressing...

The thing about this Brad guy is that the date is over, but now is going to dedicate himself to ruin Alex's life. Just because.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I have a friend who's gone from male to female and female to male cousin, both of those have stories similar to that.

They have been on dates and when they tell the date about being trans it can get a bit nasty. My friend has had a couple of quite severe beatings from men she's ben on dates with, to the point she'll only do double dates now and only in populated areas.

Brads reaction is more common than you think.
Unfortunately, I have to agree here. Brad's reaction IS all too common! :mad:


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I know, I also know some trans people who have had it very bad. But not until the point of beatings, that's fucking depressing...

The thing about this Brad guy is that the date is over, but now is going to dedicate himself to ruin Alex's life. Just because.
Yeah, I didn't think he was the type to go and try to ruin someones life.

I knew it wasn't going to end well, the games goal seems to be for the twins afterall but I didn't see him joining Kevin.

That said, as much as I dislike Ellie, I didn't see her wanting to completely ruin her family either. She needs to be given the boot from that house.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I have a friend who's gone from male to female and female to male cousin, both of those have stories similar to that.

They have been on dates and when they tell the date about being trans it can get a bit nasty. My friend has had a couple of quite severe beatings from men she's ben on dates with, to the point she'll only do double dates now and only in populated areas.

Brads reaction is more common than you think.
I haven't seen the update yet, but, I've given a shoulder and company to too many people like that (one would be too much, but they are many, since the 80's) I've had to be careful of bruises and cuts and oh so many traumas. I'm not qualified to be a therapist, but I think I make a decent ear and shoulder and I have a mean "No Judgement Zone".

Yeah, dear Ava, they are way too common. And worse, under-reported. The victims rarely have the fortitude to fight back or the means and support to do so, even if they do, they have to face a biased system where they are morally pre-judged and guilty before even opening their mouths. It's no wonder that they live in hiding and disguises. Of all the horrors I've heard and had to witness, trans stories hurt me the most. At times I wanted nothing more than pick them up and cuddle them like babies. Others, took the insults and beatings and turned so aggressive and mean, it was a defense, a front to stop the tears. All of them broke my heart too many times, until I had to stop as I was reaching suicide myself.

Maybe in the late years it has become a bit better, I sincerely hope so. I've had to cut contact with the shelters I helped, I simply couldn't handle it anymore. So, I don't know how things are right now, but I expect some of the same old stories still go on.

I don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind to play this update today, maybe I'll sleep on it instead.

Peace :(


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Yeah, I didn't think he was the type to go and try to ruin someones life.

I knew it wasn't going to end well, the games goal seems to be for the twins afterall but I didn't see him joining Kevin.

That said, as much as I dislike Ellie, I didn't see her wanting to completely ruin her family either. She needs to be given the boot from that house.
Hell yeah, my friend! I didn't see that shite coming either! TBH, I figured Brad for gay with his quiet, demure manner and pink shirts! I was under the impression that he already heard about Alex and was going to ask her to peg him! But, weird shite like that is why Snax is telling this tale, not me... Hahaha:ROFLMAO:

I am team twins all the way, for the win!:love: I have been team twins since chapter one, jump street, and Chris giving Alex her first ever orgasm was the clincher.

Looks like I got my signals crossed on Izzy too. I figured she was trans but not into boys... I pinned that on Brad in error! Ooopps!:oops:

As for Ellie... Yeah... she just needs to go! Glenn needs to stand up to Ellie and say something like, "You don't like being a part of this family? Fine. Move out now!"

not qualified to be a therapist, but I think I make a decent ear and shoulder and I have a mean "No Judgement Zone"
My sentiments exactly! I'm no therapist but I can listen, lend a shoulder, tissues, ice for bruises and a judgement free zone. Well said, my friend.

Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I've been quite surprised with just how much i've liked this.

I've seen a lot of trans characters in games but this is the first time i've seen one go in depth on the dark side of things.

It's been really good so far and the characters, even the ones I hate, are really well done. They have been done well enough to bring out a reaction in me so dev is doing something right.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I've been quite surprised with just how much i've liked this.

I've seen a lot of trans characters in games but this is the first time i've seen one go in depth on the dark side of things.

It's been really good so far and the characters, even the ones I hate, are really well done. They have been done well enough to bring out a reaction in me so dev is doing something right.
Yes. It has been my impression from the very first try.

This isn't a story for everyone. Because this isn't a porn tale. This is truly an Adult Visual Novel. The kind of thing that I despaired to find here.

I'm glad you enjoy it. This Dev deserves accolades for this.

Peace :love:
Dec 7, 2020
I guess not understanding WHY certain people do certain things is pretty realistic, in the real world a lot of people's actions don't seem to make sense. There are people who do wrong for the simple fact of doing it, or with ridiculous justifications, who in some cases believe themselves and in others obviously do not. No logic, no purpose.

Of course if the story of this game didn't have "something" we wouldn't be talking about it so much xD. So good job as always, AVNSnax, for "the betrayal chapter".
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Our MC is all ways messed up right about now, because this family is pure madness.

No, cornering your lil sis and turning her lez before she fully transitioned, it is disgusting.

No, fondling your girl and hurting her,
then turning her into one insecure bully to the others in the house, it is disgusting.

Both girl and would be girl if he fully transitioned from above are victims,
they are not whole, not by a long shot.

As you keep saying how wrong the father fkking the mind of his lil girl was,
think about how fkked up for the sis twin to fkk up the life of MC to the same degree:
they live together, there is nowhere for these victims to go,
day in and day out constant hell from their two aggressors
who keep on coming on to them.
I have a friend who's gone from male to female and female to male cousin, both of those have stories similar to that.

They have been on dates and when they tell the date about being trans it can get a bit nasty. My friend has had a couple of quite severe beatings from men she's ben on dates with, to the point she'll only do double dates now and only in populated areas.

Brads reaction is more common than you think.
I know, I also know some trans people who have had it very bad. But not until the point of beatings, that's fucking depressing...

The thing about this Brad guy is that the date is over, but now is going to dedicate himself to ruin Alex's life. Just because.
Unfortunately, I have to agree here. Brad's reaction IS all too common! :mad:
Yeah, I didn't think he was the type to go and try to ruin someones life.

I knew it wasn't going to end well, the games goal seems to be for the twins afterall but I didn't see him joining Kevin.

That said, as much as I dislike Ellie, I didn't see her wanting to completely ruin her family either. She needs to be given the boot from that house.
I haven't seen the update yet, but, I've given a shoulder and company to too many people like that (one would be too much, but they are many, since the 80's) I've had to be careful of bruises and cuts and oh so many traumas. I'm not qualified to be a therapist, but I think I make a decent ear and shoulder and I have a mean "No Judgement Zone".

Yeah, dear Ava, they are way too common. And worse, under-reported. The victims rarely have the fortitude to fight back or the means and support to do so, even if they do, they have to face a biased system where they are morally pre-judged and guilty before even opening their mouths. It's no wonder that they live in hiding and disguises. Of all the horrors I've heard and had to witness, trans stories hurt me the most. At times I wanted nothing more than pick them up and cuddle them like babies. Others, took the insults and beatings and turned so aggressive and mean, it was a defense, a front to stop the tears. All of them broke my heart too many times, until I had to stop as I was reaching suicide myself.

Maybe in the late years it has become a bit better, I sincerely hope so. I've had to cut contact with the shelters I helped, I simply couldn't handle it anymore. So, I don't know how things are right now, but I expect some of the same old stories still go on.

I don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind to play this update today, maybe I'll sleep on it instead.

Peace :(
Hell yeah, my friend! I didn't see that shite coming either! TBH, I figured Brad for gay with his quiet, demure manner and pink shirts! I was under the impression that he already heard about Alex and was going to ask her to peg him! But, weird shite like that is why Snax is telling this tale, not me... Hahaha:ROFLMAO:

I am team twins all the way, for the win!:love: I have been team twins since chapter one, jump street, and Chris giving Alex her first ever orgasm was the clincher.

Looks like I got my signals crossed on Izzy too. I figured she was trans but not into boys... I pinned that on Brad in error! Ooopps!:oops:

As for Ellie... Yeah... she just needs to go! Glenn needs to stand up to Ellie and say something like, "You don't like being a part of this family? Fine. Move out now!"

My sentiments exactly! I'm no therapist but I can listen, lend a shoulder, tissues, ice for bruises and a judgement free zone. Well said, my friend.

Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)
I've been quite surprised with just how much i've liked this.

I've seen a lot of trans characters in games but this is the first time i've seen one go in depth on the dark side of things.

It's been really good so far and the characters, even the ones I hate, are really well done. They have been done well enough to bring out a reaction in me so dev is doing something right.
Enjoy your -asshole NPCs forced upon innocent victims until they are turned evil- fantasy.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Our MC is all ways messed up right about now, because this family is pure madness.

No, cornering your lil sis and turning her lez before she fully transitioned, it is disgusting.

No, fondling your girl and hurting her,
then turning her into one insecure bully to the others in the house, it is disgusting.

Both girl and would be girl if he fully transitioned from above are victims,
they are not whole, not by a long shot.

As you keep saying how wrong the father fkking the mind of his lil girl was,
think about how fkked up for the sis twin to fkk up the life of MC to the same degree:
they live together, there is nowhere for these victims to go,
day in and day out constant hell from their two aggressors
who keep on coming on to them.

Enjoy your -asshole NPCs forced upon innocent victims until they are turned evil- fantasy.
WTF??? What game are YOU playing Canto??? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and screw your head on crooked or what???:lepew: SMH...

Not sure if you meant this as comedy (in poor taste) or something more serious (terribly misguided) but here is your 21 face palm razzy salute on account.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Our MC is all ways messed up right about now, because this family is pure madness.

No, cornering your lil sis and turning her lez before she fully transitioned, it is disgusting.

No, fondling your girl and hurting her,
then turning her into one insecure bully to the others in the house, it is disgusting.

Both girl and would be girl if he fully transitioned from above are victims,
they are not whole, not by a long shot.

As you keep saying how wrong the father fkking the mind of his lil girl was,
think about how fkked up for the sis twin to fkk up the life of MC to the same degree:
they live together, there is nowhere for these victims to go,
day in and day out constant hell from their two aggressors
who keep on coming on to them.

Enjoy your -asshole NPCs forced upon innocent victims until they are turned evil- fantasy.
I know a lot of people give you a pass and find your nonsense posts funny but sometimes you have really bad takes and this one is just full of shit.

I will enjoy the game though, thanks for giving us permission.


Story Teller
Game Developer
Sep 27, 2021
giving any comparison between the superior, masterpiece quality of Confusion with that third rate 2D weird kink infested crap known as Summertime Saga is ridiculous.
I don't know about my general story-telling skills, but I obviously need to get better at hyperbolic sarcasm. I should have put quotes around "fully formed and well thought out." :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
My thoughts about the latest update:

Ellie: I really "enjoyed" (wrong word, but still) her background story. I think a lot of Ellie-haters don't understand what it means to be basically abandoned by your family. I think it is not right for her to be on Kevin's team but I do understand her resentment, especially towards her mother who is at the core of the entire disfunction.

Zoey: yes, she was way too pushy. No, it wasn't rape, not even attempted rape. And I do think she should be forgiven. What I didn't like in that scene is that the player didn't have the power to give the scene a different outcome. What actually happened (inappropriate groping) could have easily been laughed away but Alex' reaction (in itself justifyable) is what makes it heavy.

Brad: I think he flipped to team Kevin way too quickly. I would have preferred it if the entire Brad romance path could have been skipped because it was clear that it wasn't going anywhere but perhaps Alex isn't strong enough yet to tell her mother she's not into guys. And I guess Brad is needed for story purposes as well. But he went from socially awkward boyfriend to violent anti-trans activist way too quickly. And, to be fair, Alex was leading him on by not telling Brad about her being trans earlier. Brad has every right to not wanting to date a trans girl, but he should have been polite about that. But the way the information was sprung on him, made him upset, which is understandable. What is not understandable is that he immediately goes to Kevin.

Izzy: what happened wasn't really that surpising to me. Live fast, die young and you get this kind of behaviour. Chris should have known better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
I think a lot of Ellie-haters don't understand what it means to be basically abandoned by your family. I think it is not right for her to be on Kevin's team but I do understand her resentment, especially towards her mother who is at the core of the entire disfunction.
I think a lot of people don't get that Ellie's backstory is about implied sexual abuse and childhood trauma. Her feeling of abandonment is a coping mechanism, because the truth is much much worse.
Now I'm not saying that her mother handled the situation well, because she couldn't help blaming the victim at least a little. But that only highlights the real issue, which is that the father's abuse put Ellie in a position that a child's mind can't deal with. She couldn't understand what was going on, she could only assume and try to cope. And all this happening during her formative years didn't turn out well for her outlook on life.
Zoey: yes, she was way too pushy. No, it wasn't rape, not even attempted rape. And I do think she should be forgiven. What I didn't like in that scene is that the player didn't have the power to give the scene a different outcome. What actually happened (inappropriate groping) could have easily been laughed away but Alex' reaction (in itself justifyable) is what makes it heavy.
I think a lot of comments so far have been on the right track. If someone more physically imposing than Zoey would have done the same, it probably wouldn't have been a question, if this was attempted rape. Either way this doesn't really change the fact that she betrayed Alex' trust in a major way.
A huge problem irl is that trans people are either victimized or sexualized/fetishized. I think the Zoey thing is inspired by this fact.
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