Will she ever love or be loved in return?
The game starts with the run of the mill sib rivalry,
then all of a sudden, like karma turning the tables on MC,
previously uncaring whatever girls drop in the MC lap off the bat, right into his bat,
prooving once again that putting boobs on a guy who had little to no quirrel or interaction with his
sisters made him the go to rag doll malet for all girls to rub off their enthusiasm,
either because look: the boobs guy gets all the girls and boys,
meaning girls will be as girls are - cutthroat about getting the boys they want,
or treat MC like a guy, trying to make him feel like shit or inferior.
End her confusion - that is a way off task not yet attainable,
as players keep getting confused over and over.
At the end of the day, the attention is what many boys and girls look for when they change anything
and more often than not young guys or girls getting sudden surge in suitors will bring them into crysis.
Well, see, the posts were not deleted, as the so called victim admits some posts got trimmed down,
loosing their gibbrish babble.
Just like this game, MC has a sudden struck of stardom with literally everyone
jumping on him for all sorts a reasons, some good, some bad, surely there cannot be
this whole game only girls going down on him, could it?