
Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
Almost every character is poorly written into some melodramatic stereotypical caricature.
Honestly your not wrong with your accessments here. Almost entirely written to be extreme.

Alex gets called a pervert - starts to be a bit of a pervert
Kevin vocally being an ass and not wanting dick - secretly curious about the D.
Red head thirsting for each twin, supporting Alex - turns out to no better than Kevin in her moment of lewd rage.

Like I get that the Dev is taking some of what they've experience personally into this story, which works and is somewhat fitting, but to make it out that every or most people are out against trans is entirely a bit much. Sure, there are some that are against it/entirely uncomfortable with it, specially with thoses who are in for your face with demanding that they be accepted and everyone should know their correct pronouns or else they go 'REEEEEEEE' and what not in this completely deranged world of attention seeking people who demand validation. Then there are those who are entirely accepting, nothing needs to be said there. And then, I would personally say the majority in my opinion, of people who are in the middle and either are tolerant enough or, in my case, honestly don't fucking care at all/you live your life, I'll live mine.

But... I digress.

My honest two cents, and thoughts, would be to tone down the one sidedness of hate with some of the characters. Like we all get it that Kevin is a completely ass, but is kinda deep down curious/Els is starved for attention/Brads shocked as hell yet was plastered and now is irredeemable it seems. And while I see that this is likely gonna be Alex being surrounded by girls, maybe a trans or so, interms of support/banging, maybe actually have a male character who is indifferent to Alex and her predicament but is supportive of her as a person and sees her as just that.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Less tinhat foil people. If you check the F95zone rules you will see that kind of conversation is forbbiden anywhere outside of the off topic section of the forum and so is complaining about moderators actions, which is considered off topic. ;)

Anyway found this while bored and checking the threads other users i interact with frequent and i have to say this is quite a good game.
Nice character development and great render quality. Also interesting the approach of showing the discrimination that a lot of trans people suffer out there in real life. Don't remember another game doing it with such intensity. Kudos for the dev for a new approach (at least to me). (y)


Jul 23, 2021
Ok... how to start this, and make these criticisms without giving certain people here the impression I'll support their side of things...

So... my biggest issue is the small cast. Essentially, you have 3 characters who make up Alex's safety net, 3 characters meant to represent all of the antagonism a trans person faces, and 1 extra friend turned attempted rapist for good measure. Sure, there's a few extra sub-antagonists too, like police captain meathead, and kiddy diddler daddy, but these characters could be removed and the story wouldn't change except that it would remove what little depth 2 of your antagonists currently have.

With this cast, there is literally no time for Alex to just be a person, she only gets to exist as her pain.

I mentioned in my review that I think the incest relationships are done incredibly well, and that's why this next part is such a shame. No other relationship in this game gets the treatment the incest ones do. Brad is just a concept when he's mentioned. He's a guy that we hear Alex has had a good time with, but we never see that. We never see Alex, Brad, Chris, and Zoe hang out, and thus, get to see a side of Brad that might have been endearing. Like Alex, the limited cast turns Brad into nothing more than the trope of a "nice guy" with transphobia sprinkles.

Sam apparently tolerates Kevin, and yet, we don't see a single time when Kevin is tolerable. Sam doesn't give me the vibe that she'd tolerate him. She is attractive and confident, as well as physically fit enough that I'd believe it if she could fight well enough that a bigger dude wasn't a threat. She also doesn't tolerate Ellie. She avoided her because of the family shit, but once she comes to the side of Alex and realizes Ellie actually is the problem, she's willing to confront her both to tear her apart verbally, and to physically intimidate. So when it comes to a character as intolerable as Kevin, I can't believe that she would tolerate him enough to get rides from him.

This, again is a flaw in how relationships outside of Alex's incestuous ones are depicted. Every time we do see Kevin, we see a virulent jackass meathead with steroids for brains and a complete lack of respect for consent. We don't see a character with enough charisma to have built up a clique around himself that would taunt and torment not only Alex, but Ellie before she sells her soul to join that clique. He might be physically intimidating enough that I could buy he'd be a bully, but I haven't seen any social skills from him at all which would make me think he's capable of maintaining relationships with anyone.

We also never see Sam's other friends, the ones who apparently run in the same party circuit as Kevin and his clique. She's 6 years younger than Kevin an co, if I understand the story correctly, so Sam's friends being absent, and us not really understanding how the cliques interact, makes this issue of her tolerating Kevin stick out like a sore thumb. It would be one thing if we had been treated to some interactions where it's clear she's setting her feelings aside to get what she needs from him, but we really have no context for how or why she puts up with him.

And then we have Ellie, who, of your 3 antagonists, is the best fleshed out. However, most of that is the result of flashbacks. Seeing her reaction to Alex having popped her first boner, and seeing her traumatic childhood, understanding how her needs are neglected, these things are very inforrmative on how she's come to be who she is. However, we are only ever told that she has friends, and the one friend we know she would have, Kevin, is never once seen interacting with her. All of who Ellie is is riding on us making inferences from things we've been told, and things we know happened over a long period of time.

While I think that the story you're telling is good enough to read, I don't think that it tells the narrative you're trying to tell well. I, personally, have enough lived experience to draw from that the Ellies and Brads, especially, are not only believable, but I could give personal examples, and have had to make life changes to avoid or escape them. The Kevins have been more rare, but they're very much a presence in the lives of trans people because of the vibrations their violence send through the community.

But your audience doesn't have that experience to draw from. They don't see Alex as a well rounded person going through tough times, because Alex is just an avatar of trans pain. They don't see Ellie as a constant threat to trans femme persons attemptting to exist as women in public, because most of them aren't women in the first place, and those who are, don't have to deal with this. They don't see Brad as anything other than cartoonish, because they don't realize that most of them literally are Brad. They don't see Kevin because they don't even know that on the day they were all cryng because Silvervale got a little bit of overzealous criticism, 3 trans people were shot and the cops just let the guy who did it go.

It's up to you to make these people real. And while for me, they are all too real. For your audience, all they see are caricatures.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
Ok... how to start this, and make these criticisms without giving certain people here the impression I'll support their side of things...

So... my biggest issue is the small cast. Essentially, you have 3 characters who make up Alex's safety net, 3 characters meant to represent all of the antagonism a trans person faces, and 1 extra friend turned attempted rapist for good measure. Sure, there's a few extra sub-antagonists too, like police captain meathead, and kiddy diddler daddy, but these characters could be removed and the story wouldn't change except that it would remove what little depth 2 of your antagonists currently have.

With this cast, there is literally no time for Alex to just be a person, she only gets to exist as her pain.

I mentioned in my review that I think the incest relationships are done incredibly well, and that's why this next part is such a shame. No other relationship in this game gets the treatment the incest ones do. Brad is just a concept when he's mentioned. He's a guy that we hear Alex has had a good time with, but we never see that. We never see Alex, Brad, Chris, and Zoe hang out, and thus, get to see a side of Brad that might have been endearing. Like Alex, the limited cast turns Brad into nothing more than the trope of a "nice guy" with transphobia sprinkles.

Sam apparently tolerates Kevin, and yet, we don't see a single time when Kevin is tolerable. Sam doesn't give me the vibe that she'd tolerate him. She is attractive and confident, as well as physically fit enough that I'd believe it if she could fight well enough that a bigger dude wasn't a threat. She also doesn't tolerate Ellie. She avoided her because of the family shit, but once she comes to the side of Alex and realizes Ellie actually is the problem, she's willing to confront her both to tear her apart verbally, and to physically intimidate. So when it comes to a character as intolerable as Kevin, I can't believe that she would tolerate him enough to get rides from him.

This, again is a flaw in how relationships outside of Alex's incestuous ones are depicted. Every time we do see Kevin, we see a virulent jackass meathead with steroids for brains and a complete lack of respect for consent. We don't see a character with enough charisma to have built up a clique around himself that would taunt and torment not only Alex, but Ellie before she sells her soul to join that clique. He might be physically intimidating enough that I could buy he'd be a bully, but I haven't seen any social skills from him at all which would make me think he's capable of maintaining relationships with anyone.

We also never see Sam's other friends, the ones who apparently run in the same party circuit as Kevin and his clique. She's 6 years younger than Kevin an co, if I understand the story correctly, so Sam's friends being absent, and us not really understanding how the cliques interact, makes this issue of her tolerating Kevin stick out like a sore thumb. It would be one thing if we had been treated to some interactions where it's clear she's setting her feelings aside to get what she needs from him, but we really have no context for how or why she puts up with him.

And then we have Ellie, who, of your 3 antagonists, is the best fleshed out. However, most of that is the result of flashbacks. Seeing her reaction to Alex having popped her first boner, and seeing her traumatic childhood, understanding how her needs are neglected, these things are very inforrmative on how she's come to be who she is. However, we are only ever told that she has friends, and the one friend we know she would have, Kevin, is never once seen interacting with her. All of who Ellie is is riding on us making inferences from things we've been told, and things we know happened over a long period of time.

While I think that the story you're telling is good enough to read, I don't think that it tells the narrative you're trying to tell well. I, personally, have enough lived experience to draw from that the Ellies and Brads, especially, are not only believable, but I could give personal examples, and have had to make life changes to avoid or escape them. The Kevins have been more rare, but they're very much a presence in the lives of trans people because of the vibrations their violence send through the community.

But your audience doesn't have that experience to draw from. They don't see Alex as a well rounded person going through tough times, because Alex is just an avatar of trans pain. They don't see Ellie as a constant threat to trans femme persons attemptting to exist as women in public, because most of them aren't women in the first place, and those who are, don't have to deal with this. They don't see Brad as anything other than cartoonish, because they don't realize that most of them literally are Brad. They don't see Kevin because they don't even know that on the day they were all cryng because Silvervale got a little bit of overzealous criticism, 3 trans people were shot and the cops just let the guy who did it go.

It's up to you to make these people real. And while for me, they are all too real. For your audience, all they see are caricatures.
While not being part of the LGBTQ+ community I've been around them long enough to also say that this story as enough roots on reality, that in some areas it doesn't look like a story anymore.

Yes, some of the cast is cartoonishly presented, how else could it be? Condensing all this into a feasible project by one person in a timely manner required some tricks, those that you mentioned and a few more. Some of the cast is generic, like Brad, because they aren't really important, they are stand-ins for their aggressions not meant to be real people.

I agree that while this is an amazing depiction of a reality I've seen closely way too many times, this is but one version of that reality, even if it tried to incorporate enough from several aspects of that reality to give a decent view of it, it is still NOT perfect. How could it even be? We do need a lot more projects like this, capable of showing what Trans people truly are, to the masses formatted by bigotry and misinformation. In some aspects, the sexualization of their struggle acts against them, but, it is important that their sexuality, often times extremely dynamic, also be correctly depicted. Even when it goes against the pervasive view that the world has of it. I would say, especially then.

This, I believe, in my interested observer stand, was achieved here, or is going to (if the development continues with this quality, and there's no reason to think it won't). So, while not a perfect project, it is still a worthwhile one.

Your critique, I feel, is more based on what Confusion couldn't do, than in what it did. We all know that there needs to be a more in depth depiction of all this world, but I also know that creating space for it, interest in it, is very important, and that that is what is being done here. Do you agree?

Peace :)


Jul 23, 2021
While not being part of the LGBTQ+ community I've been around them long enough to also say that this story as enough roots on reality, that in some areas it doesn't look like a story anymore.

Yes, some of the cast is cartoonishly presented, how else could it be? Condensing all this into a feasible project by one person in a timely manner required some tricks, those that you mentioned and a few more. Some of the cast is generic, like Brad, because they aren't really important, they are stand-ins for their aggressions not meant to be real people.

I agree that while this is an amazing depiction of a reality I've seen closely way too many times, this is but one version of that reality, even if it tried to incorporate enough from several aspects of that reality to give a decent view of it, it is still NOT perfect. How could it even be? We do need a lot more projects like this, capable of showing what Trans people truly are, to the masses formatted by bigotry and misinformation. In some aspects, the sexualization of their struggle acts against them, but, it is important that their sexuality, often times extremely dynamic, also be correctly depicted. Even when it goes against the pervasive view that the world has of it. I would say, especially then.

This, I believe, in my interested observer stand, was achieved here, or is going to (if the development continues with this quality, and there's no reason to think it won't). So, while not a perfect project, it is still a worthwhile one.

Your critique, I feel, is more based on what Confusion couldn't do, than in what it did. We all know that there needs to be a more in depth depiction of all this world, but I also know that creating space for it, interest in it, is very important, and that that is what is being done here. Do you agree?

Peace :)
So, this is not my review of the game. I put that in the reviews section where it belongs, and it was overwhelmingly positive, with only a little criticism on some of the render choices.

At the end of that review though, I mentioned that I'd be posting in the thread some criticisms I had that were more of a feedback nature, things with the potential to improve what exists if taken to heart.

I do not share your view that adding depth to the antagonists by expanding the cast would be outside the scope of feasibility for a single dev. I'm not suggesting that new cast members be romantic or sexual partners. I'm suggesting that rather than the dev telling us that these characters exist and drive these relationships we have seen, that they actually exist and that we are shown how they drive these relationships we have seen.

For example... if immediately before the scene where Alex and Zoe go for the first gym run, we had a scene where Alex, Zoe, Chris, and Brad hang out somewhere and have a good time, we could begin to appreciate Brad as a character and not an idea from the start, and more importantly, he'd have an opportunity to have us see him as a normal guy before his "Nice Guy" heel turn once dating started. His reaction seems over the top and cartoonish because the well is so thouroughly poisoned before we get there, that it had no chance not to be be.

Another example... the scene we had where Ellie is a teenager and makes the decision that she needs to endear herself to Kevin and his clique tells us that's what she did... imagine if instead that scene showed her doing it? We would see Kevin, in his element, surrounded by people who he does get along with, and being allowed to be moderately charming. We would see Ellie compromizing herself and taking the first steps to indoctrinating herself with her transphobic view of her sister. This, remember, was before the shower incident, so it would actually inform that scene.

Another important change... the ride that Kevin gves Sam... we could have seen the same side of Kevin here that we would later see in that flashback where Ellie joins his clique... Kevin is chill, he's talking about workout shit or something that Sam would actually engage with, rather than just being a sex pest and a dick. Then maybe he does say something still that rubs her the wrong way... implying before we later see it that he has a dark side. And she still gets mad and walks the rest of the way home. This would make it believable that Kevin could be the threat we are supposed to see him as.

Then, one more scene, a party or something that both Sam and Ellie are seen at, attending seperately, hanging with separate groups, but the overlap is built, they are seen interacting in their element, and the characters are allowed to exist without a direct tie to antagonizing Alex... maybe something can be said about her in passing, a test and a cut at Ellie who responds... Sam is nearby and scoffs at it but does nothing because this is before the heart to heart she has with Alex later.

2 added scenes, and 2 changes to existing scenes, and you have added depth to the characters we're meant to see as villains. These scenes do nothing to redeem or endear us to them. They only give us a view of these people as normal people, so that when they act as villains, they actually feel legitimate.

So no, my critique is not what Confusion couldn't do. It's what Confusion could do better. And as it is still in development, has every opportunity to do better with in future updates.


Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2019
Thanks! Aside from a brief blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene in chap 5, there isn't any T/M penetration if that's what you're asking. Other stuff, yes. Otherwise, mostly T/F.
Yeah that's what I was asking. Thanks. I like the character buildup and how story is developing but I was just that a deliberate choice to not have a male LI or is it for story sake?

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Finished playing the update.
Kevin being a sexualy repressed bully does not surprised me. Neither did Brad and his incel vibes.
Wonder what stupid Kevin think he can do to stop Alex's mom from suing him and his father for the little stunt they pulled with Chris and Alex and later at the police station. The way i see any shit he pull is likely to be added to the law suit.

While i was almost sure Izzy was trans i was not expecting her to just be using Chris to test if she was sexually attracted to women. Well at least that served for both Alex and Chris to drown their sorrows together. I do hope they keep exploring this new side of their relationship in the next update. :love:

About Ellie i can understand that a teenager version of her who was groomed by their shitty pedo father would focus her frustations on one of her siblings, specially after their mother figured out what was happening and stopped the pedodad.
But that she kept going as a adult woman has no excuse.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
Yes, some of the cast is cartoonishly presented, how else could it be? Condensing all this into a feasible project by one person in a timely manner required some tricks, those that you mentioned and a few more. Some of the cast is generic, like Brad, because they aren't really important, they are stand-ins for their aggressions not meant to be real people.
Yet this is very important, like ChildofIshtar pointed out.

Personally I don't have that much experience with trans people. I am sympathetic with their personal struggle (but not really with the commonly associated politics) but at the same time I know I'm also somewhat ignorant.

One of the reasons I play this game is to get a bit more insight into their world.

I think that a lot of people, including probably myself, are, in fact, like Brad (or like Kevin or any of the other antagonists) but the way he's presented makes him too much of a stereotypical villain and less like an actual person who you can empathise with.


New Member
Jan 19, 2022
Bravo !!
Superbe histoire, bien ficelée, belles images ....
Vivement la suite .

(J’espère qu'on va exploser le tête de Kevin)


Story Teller
Game Developer
Sep 27, 2021
Mega shut down my account after someone complained that Confusion was either questionable content or copyright infringing. I've started the process of refuting the accusations, so the Mega links have been temporarily (I hope) removed from the OP. Gofile should be back online. :confused:
Last edited:


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Mega shutdown my account after someone complained that Confusion was either ********** or copyright infringing. I've started the process of refuting the accusations, so the Mega links have been temporarily (I hope) removed from the OP. Gofile should be back online. :confused:
Best of luck!


Jul 2, 2020
Look a bit further up in the thread, it was already posted a couple times I think...

Peace :)
Mega shutdown my account after someone complained that Confusion was either questionable content or copyright infringing. I've started the process of refuting the accusations, so the Mega links have been temporarily (I hope) removed from the OP. Gofile should be back online. :confused:
Thanks for the help both of you I found it a few pages back :) I hope Mega stops busting your balls I hear they can be annoying.
Dec 7, 2020
Ok... how to start this, and make these criticisms without giving certain people here the impression I'll support their side of things...

So... my biggest issue is the small cast. Essentially, you have 3 characters who make up Alex's safety net, 3 characters meant to represent all of the antagonism a trans person faces, and 1 extra friend turned attempted rapist for good measure. Sure, there's a few extra sub-antagonists too, like police captain meathead, and kiddy diddler daddy, but these characters could be removed and the story wouldn't change except that it would remove what little depth 2 of your antagonists currently have.

With this cast, there is literally no time for Alex to just be a person, she only gets to exist as her pain.

I mentioned in my review that I think the incest relationships are done incredibly well, and that's why this next part is such a shame. No other relationship in this game gets the treatment the incest ones do. Brad is just a concept when he's mentioned. He's a guy that we hear Alex has had a good time with, but we never see that. We never see Alex, Brad, Chris, and Zoe hang out, and thus, get to see a side of Brad that might have been endearing. Like Alex, the limited cast turns Brad into nothing more than the trope of a "nice guy" with transphobia sprinkles.

Sam apparently tolerates Kevin, and yet, we don't see a single time when Kevin is tolerable. Sam doesn't give me the vibe that she'd tolerate him. She is attractive and confident, as well as physically fit enough that I'd believe it if she could fight well enough that a bigger dude wasn't a threat. She also doesn't tolerate Ellie. She avoided her because of the family shit, but once she comes to the side of Alex and realizes Ellie actually is the problem, she's willing to confront her both to tear her apart verbally, and to physically intimidate. So when it comes to a character as intolerable as Kevin, I can't believe that she would tolerate him enough to get rides from him.

This, again is a flaw in how relationships outside of Alex's incestuous ones are depicted. Every time we do see Kevin, we see a virulent jackass meathead with steroids for brains and a complete lack of respect for consent. We don't see a character with enough charisma to have built up a clique around himself that would taunt and torment not only Alex, but Ellie before she sells her soul to join that clique. He might be physically intimidating enough that I could buy he'd be a bully, but I haven't seen any social skills from him at all which would make me think he's capable of maintaining relationships with anyone.

We also never see Sam's other friends, the ones who apparently run in the same party circuit as Kevin and his clique. She's 6 years younger than Kevin an co, if I understand the story correctly, so Sam's friends being absent, and us not really understanding how the cliques interact, makes this issue of her tolerating Kevin stick out like a sore thumb. It would be one thing if we had been treated to some interactions where it's clear she's setting her feelings aside to get what she needs from him, but we really have no context for how or why she puts up with him.

And then we have Ellie, who, of your 3 antagonists, is the best fleshed out. However, most of that is the result of flashbacks. Seeing her reaction to Alex having popped her first boner, and seeing her traumatic childhood, understanding how her needs are neglected, these things are very inforrmative on how she's come to be who she is. However, we are only ever told that she has friends, and the one friend we know she would have, Kevin, is never once seen interacting with her. All of who Ellie is is riding on us making inferences from things we've been told, and things we know happened over a long period of time.

While I think that the story you're telling is good enough to read, I don't think that it tells the narrative you're trying to tell well. I, personally, have enough lived experience to draw from that the Ellies and Brads, especially, are not only believable, but I could give personal examples, and have had to make life changes to avoid or escape them. The Kevins have been more rare, but they're very much a presence in the lives of trans people because of the vibrations their violence send through the community.

But your audience doesn't have that experience to draw from. They don't see Alex as a well rounded person going through tough times, because Alex is just an avatar of trans pain. They don't see Ellie as a constant threat to trans femme persons attemptting to exist as women in public, because most of them aren't women in the first place, and those who are, don't have to deal with this. They don't see Brad as anything other than cartoonish, because they don't realize that most of them literally are Brad. They don't see Kevin because they don't even know that on the day they were all cryng because Silvervale got a little bit of overzealous criticism, 3 trans people were shot and the cops just let the guy who did it go.

It's up to you to make these people real. And while for me, they are all too real. For your audience, all they see are caricatures.
Very interesting comment. I'm very sorry that you had to experience actual Ellies and Brads in real life, specially if they were of a comparable scale than those of this game. I hope things are better for you now.

Me and my girlfriend personally have dealt with some mini "Brads" and "Kevins", in the sense of both "fake nice ones" and "cool jocks" who actually can get very rude and homophobic if their expectations aren't fulfilled. Nothing on the scale of the villains of this game, just random encounters with idiots, but their comments can be hurtful anyway.

As for trans people, a very dear trans friend was basically marginalized back in high school (almost everybody avoided her, etc), she didn't have it easy back then, but her whole familiy actually helped her. I also know other trans people who have suffered more direct disgusting situations, but at least without direct physical violence, at least as far as I know.

Nothing on the scale of this game, since no one has been actively and deliberately pursued by crazy people trying to ruin their lifes (I know cases like that, but completely unrelated to LGBT issues), and has been more about "just" random asshole encounters, or for a "short" amount of time in high school, and after that things getting much better.

As I said, I hope you're doing well nowadays.

Back to Confusion, I really agree about what you say about showing actual clique interactions to give more insight about the villains.

Speaking about each villain, in the case of Kevin, to be honest I have always seen him simply as a plot device, I was even surprised that we received some "insight" about him in this chapter, if only to confirm that he is sexually repressed, something to be expected from the beginning. Personally I don't care much about him being fleshed out, he's a kind of character, or rather person, quite easy to read, and as I said once, I think he will be whatever the story demands him to be. Just someone who represents a basic and brutal form of evil.

Although I can't forgive Ellie, the extra context about her past is much appreciated, even if it's in flashbacks. But I really agree that the story needs to show more about her interactions with people like Kevin in the present. She should have been in some non-flashback scene in this chapter, like in the final "evil plan" scene, instead of just being mentioned. That is, more "show, don't tell". The story is halfway through, so I'm sure we'll see much more about her over time.

And Brad, well, everyone knows people with a "nice mask" in their life. For me right now he's the one who needs the most insight to avoid the effect you say of looking like a caricature (his distorted cartoony faces when he goes nuts don't help LOL), when people like that can actually exist. If his role was just being a transphobic asshole who makes a disgusting scene on a date, the information we've gotten from him might be enough... but with his role escalating to being part of a plan to ruin someone's life, the story really needs to show directly more insight about him.

Regarding Alex, I have never seen her only as an avatar of trans pain, we have some nice bits about her "everyday" life, not all of her scenes are about drama and disgrace. She goes to the gym, she likes hanging out with the family members that she has a good relationship, she's in short just a regular person trying to live peacefully. In any case, the situation will gradually improve, as if I recall correctly AVNSnax said that the situation would improve in the second half of the game. So I expect that we'll see her in more "everyday" situations and interactions, and less dramatic/extreme situations that give us a better idea of what she's like outside of all the drama.
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Jul 2, 2020
So much drama in this thread lol. My brother-in-law is trans with a family and kids and a lot of this rings true from what he's told me of his childhood. I think this is a good game no need to quibble about the content if it's not for you just don't play it. Also give the dev a break lol lot of people seeming to want to tell them how to write their story. It's theirs bros if you wanna change something go make your own ;)
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3.90 star(s) 45 Votes