Ok... how to start this, and make these criticisms without giving certain people here the impression I'll support their side of things...
So... my biggest issue is the small cast. Essentially, you have 3 characters who make up Alex's safety net, 3 characters meant to represent all of the antagonism a trans person faces, and 1 extra friend turned attempted rapist for good measure. Sure, there's a few extra sub-antagonists too, like police captain meathead, and kiddy diddler daddy, but these characters could be removed and the story wouldn't change except that it would remove what little depth 2 of your antagonists currently have.
With this cast, there is literally no time for Alex to just be a person, she only gets to exist as her pain.
I mentioned in my review that I think the incest relationships are done incredibly well, and that's why this next part is such a shame. No other relationship in this game gets the treatment the incest ones do. Brad is just a concept when he's mentioned. He's a guy that we hear Alex has had a good time with, but we never see that. We never see Alex, Brad, Chris, and Zoe hang out, and thus, get to see a side of Brad that might have been endearing. Like Alex, the limited cast turns Brad into nothing more than the trope of a "nice guy" with transphobia sprinkles.
Sam apparently tolerates Kevin, and yet, we don't see a single time when Kevin is tolerable. Sam doesn't give me the vibe that she'd tolerate him. She is attractive and confident, as well as physically fit enough that I'd believe it if she could fight well enough that a bigger dude wasn't a threat. She also doesn't tolerate Ellie. She avoided her because of the family shit, but once she comes to the side of Alex and realizes Ellie actually is the problem, she's willing to confront her both to tear her apart verbally, and to physically intimidate. So when it comes to a character as intolerable as Kevin, I can't believe that she would tolerate him enough to get rides from him.
This, again is a flaw in how relationships outside of Alex's incestuous ones are depicted. Every time we do see Kevin, we see a virulent jackass meathead with steroids for brains and a complete lack of respect for consent. We don't see a character with enough charisma to have built up a clique around himself that would taunt and torment not only Alex, but Ellie before she sells her soul to join that clique. He might be physically intimidating enough that I could buy he'd be a bully, but I haven't seen any social skills from him at all which would make me think he's capable of maintaining relationships with anyone.
We also never see Sam's other friends, the ones who apparently run in the same party circuit as Kevin and his clique. She's 6 years younger than Kevin an co, if I understand the story correctly, so Sam's friends being absent, and us not really understanding how the cliques interact, makes this issue of her tolerating Kevin stick out like a sore thumb. It would be one thing if we had been treated to some interactions where it's clear she's setting her feelings aside to get what she needs from him, but we really have no context for how or why she puts up with him.
And then we have Ellie, who, of your 3 antagonists, is the best fleshed out. However, most of that is the result of flashbacks. Seeing her reaction to Alex having popped her first boner, and seeing her traumatic childhood, understanding how her needs are neglected, these things are very inforrmative on how she's come to be who she is. However, we are only ever told that she has friends, and the one friend we know she would have, Kevin, is never once seen interacting with her. All of who Ellie is is riding on us making inferences from things we've been told, and things we know happened over a long period of time.
While I think that the story you're telling is good enough to read, I don't think that it tells the narrative you're trying to tell well. I, personally, have enough lived experience to draw from that the Ellies and Brads, especially, are not only believable, but I could give personal examples, and have had to make life changes to avoid or escape them. The Kevins have been more rare, but they're very much a presence in the lives of trans people because of the vibrations their violence send through the community.
But your audience doesn't have that experience to draw from. They don't see Alex as a well rounded person going through tough times, because Alex is just an avatar of trans pain. They don't see Ellie as a constant threat to trans femme persons attemptting to exist as women in public, because most of them aren't women in the first place, and those who are, don't have to deal with this. They don't see Brad as anything other than cartoonish, because they don't realize that most of them literally are Brad. They don't see Kevin because they don't even know that on the day they were all cryng because Silvervale got a little bit of overzealous criticism, 3 trans people were shot and the cops just let the guy who did it go.
It's up to you to make these people real. And while for me, they are all too real. For your audience, all they see are caricatures.