It depends on whether Snax is willing to double the render count and the timeframe of what remains to be told in the story to give us the option as you say. Now what happens to the hair without giving the player a choice is dependent only on the Dev. I could see Alex with different hair cut depending on which path you decided to follow shaping her world view in an epilogue. Hell I could see even starker differences than a simple hair cut seeing how different Alex feel depending on your choices.
BDFanZone Je suis du Québec plus spécifiquement du grand Montréal. Quand je parle des modérateurs qui vont "Nuker" la conversation c'est parce que c'est à la fois hors sujet et en français sans traduction pour l'accompagné. Ça contreviens à deux règles des conversations de jeux. Tu peux écrire en français, pas de trouble, mais tu dois accompagner ton message d'une traduction en anglais.
I am from Québec in the greater Montréal area. And when I am talking about the convo being nuked It is an expression meaning the mods will remove the comments because it is both in a non English language and it is largely out of topic which are both rules to follow in game threads. You can easily write in french by accompanying your french comment with a translation.