2.00 star(s) 1 Vote
Dec 11, 2019
I disagree, Miel artwork isn't exceptional by any stretch of imagination but here some of the cg are downright disgusting.
Check pic 4 and 5 and the last one. The artist draws way too many fat folds in an attempt to appear to make the body more realistic and complex, ofc that fails since sometimes where the parts should be firmer, the meat look slike blobs of goo. In some pics she looks like a once obese person lost massive amounts of weight and now needs skin surgery to remove the empty, flabby skin folds.
Check her ass in pic 4, that looks sexy to you ? No thanks, I'l take Miel's average work anyday of the week over this mess.
How bout you shut up with your negative hating ass the artwork is sexy you just being a bonafied hater.
2.00 star(s) 1 Vote