Hard to quantify my progress, but slowly getting it done. Currently working through just the story text (more than half done). A few scenes have been edited, but obviously still a lot of work to be done there. So far, no bugs after making a temporary patch with all of the edited files, so that's good. Fortunately, I don't have to deal with word wrapping issues either thanks to the script I wrote a while back, so that's been working like a charm (plenty of outliers I need to adjust manually though, of course).
I don't know if I'll be able to finish by next week, unfortunately. I'm losing the entire weekend next week (December 1-4) because I have some family things I can't skip out on. But ideally, I'll get a huge chunk of the editing before then, so when I do get back, I'll be able to knock the rest out within a week or two afterwards and get the patch out in time for (or before) Christmas.