VN Ren'Py Corporate Culture [v0.7] [sqwl]

4.30 star(s) 160 Votes


New Member
Jul 22, 2021
Any estimates for the update?
September or October:


Paid post on August 30. Details down bellow.
Where we are.
First two days finalized, sort of. There's still going to be "edited_final_final_v44", but the vast majority of it is ready, which is good. It's being proofread now, and we're going forward with it.
I'm working on Day 3 out of 4. It's in a playable state right now. I'm working with the script again, fixing, adding and rewriting, sometimes switching to post-work. It's a treat.

Rendering. Slightly less than 200 done for the past two weeks, maybe slightly more. I didn't start to count until a few days in, so let's assume.
Two scenes left to render on Day 4. I keep adjusting render parameters on the fly to keep shots under 2 hours, unless it's Alice or Elsa. Both of them are entitled to have as many pixels as they want. That is a nouveau way to telegraph their privileged access to MC's neurons.
Jokes aside, capping it at 2 hours max give us some reasonable release window. I'm not comfortable to share it, but as soon as I'm sure I can keep it, I'll tell you.

Payments, date and liabilities.
First, there won't be August special this month. I'm in a hurry, there's an internal deadline I want to make. Moving attention to something else and back at this stage is bad idea. It will slow down everything and it will slow down everything more than usual, because it distracts way more to switch back and forth right now. I want to solely focus on getting the update ready first. Besides that, there's a good chance that special itself wouldn't be any good because I would still be distracted and in a rush. Apologies for that, but please be advised.
Previews will continue to be published until later.
Patreon. I've begun moving from "per creation" to subscription billing. It seems that it's available now. Nothing happened yet, I've just reached to Patreon and now waiting for response. I'll share details with you as soon as I have them.
About release and payments. There's no release date yet, but I was thinking what to do with payments while we in assembly phase. While we still work on it, it's not setting up scenes kind of work, which is usually meant by development. I propose this:
We pretend that all assembly job will be done in August (they will not, renders won't be ready) and August will be paid month. After that, the next month with payments will be the one when update released.
If it releases in September, then September will be a paid month. If it releases in October, then September will be free of charge and October will be a paid month.
This will allow me to finish it without pressure, and you will not being charged because I'm moving commas all over the script and polishing it beyond reasonable.

Previews tomorrow.
That's all for today. I'd be happy to answer you questions or concerns if you have any.

Thanks for support.
See you.


May 19, 2022
I just discovered this game and I'm really enjoying it. The main character has some problems, but I feel like the game (and Elsa) is helping him kind of overcome those issues. In my game I'm trying to balance him out so he doesn't spend as much time obsessing over Alice but also is loyal to Elsa even if he teases her on a regular basis. She's got her own agenda for sure but I don't think she means the protagonist any harm. She's simply imposing her worldview and values on him because he has no self confidence and has turned into an empty shell of himself with no real way to assert his values and wants at this time.

I've had these experiences when I was in my teens and 20s. I'd find people I considered to be "high level" and with no real belief in myself or my abilities my personality would create an open space for them to occupy and remake me. I eventually had to do some soul searching and learn what it is that I really wanted out of life and that ultimately basing my self-actualization, values and sense of self worth on an external person is a volatile and unstable way to live. Sooner or later you realize this other person can't live your life for you, you have to start making your own choices and live true to your own values and beliefs. That's when you start to clash and re-asserting your own ego and sense of individuality can cause major recoil with your "Elsa" for lack of a better word. It can often involve them trying to re-assert control, manipulating you (not intentionally) into giving them back the reins or else you start to feel guilty or bad about expressing your boundaries. In the end the ideal state is they got you somewhere, then you took over control and pushed yourself to whatever end-state you truly desire.

There is an Elsa in everyone's life, they aren't always female. If you have low self confidence and have a desire to "level-up" so to speak you will very quickly run into someone in your life who will make you their project. It fuels their own narcissistic egos and will in time result in them crossing a line where you have to assert yourself sooner or later. I see such a conflict taking place in this story eventually as well...

That being said she does strike me as somewhat of a high functioning autistic, which makes her a great foil for a character as troubled as Edward. I hope there will be a way to resolve Edward's story in a satisfactory way, where he grows up and realizes he does have worth as a person.

Ultimately the conclusion you have to come to if you're in his situation is that you never needed an "Alice". Alice was a catalyst. At the end of the day it isn't her you need to impress, it's yourself. The lingering void in Edward's life is not something you fill with external validation or with chasing an ideal he's mostly made up in his own mind. The real Alice, the one he actually gets to know is a flawed and imperfect being with her own needs, wants and problems. When Edward inevitably clashes with his imagined Alice vs the real one he gets to know he'll realize she's just another woman like everyone else. Without a strong personal foundation to base his personality on, without doing the necessary work to fill that void from his own personality and ego, he'll crash back down to who he was at the start of the story.

So... for Edward to really "win", he can't actually succeed in his goal to become involved with Alice in a romantic way. The moment he wins her is the moment he loses everything and goes back to who he was because there won't be anything that drives him to continue doing what he's been doing. I hope Elsa, and more importantly, Edward himself helps Edward figure out how to source his motivations internally and that the only person he really needs to impress is himself and not Alice, Elsa, Emma, Mr Brown or anyone else. It's only ever gonna be enough when Edward says it's enough. I only hope there's an option for Edward to realize that himself.

On a more personal note I hope there's a way for Edward to become romantically involved with Elsa. If anything, I'd rather she be a winnable LI with a satisfying romance over Alice... If Edward wants to be with Alice he needs to balance himself out with Tommy more than Elsa.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020



Almost done with the rendering. Render output was greater these weeks than before due to more simple scenes. Probably a week or so and we should be done with it.

Meanwhile, I work with the final day. I am mostly happy with it, but there are 3 instances that I don't like how they work. They are too abrupt and don't work as good as I hoped. I'm fixing them now.

The script as a whole finalized for about 80%, remaining 20% is small bits here and there. I'll get back to them as soon as I have 4th day ready.

That's all for today. The next post will be when renders are done, and we have a more predictable path to the release.

Thanks for your time.

See you.


Apr 14, 2021
I just discovered this game and I'm really enjoying it. The main character has some problems, but I feel like the game (and Elsa) is helping him kind of overcome those issues. In my game I'm trying to balance him out so he doesn't spend as much time obsessing over Alice but also is loyal to Elsa even if he teases her on a regular basis. She's got her own agenda for sure but I don't think she means the protagonist any harm. She's simply imposing her worldview and values on him because he has no self confidence and has turned into an empty shell of himself with no real way to assert his values and wants at this time.

I've had these experiences when I was in my teens and 20s. I'd find people I considered to be "high level" and with no real belief in myself or my abilities my personality would create an open space for them to occupy and remake me. I eventually had to do some soul searching and learn what it is that I really wanted out of life and that ultimately basing my self-actualization, values and sense of self worth on an external person is a volatile and unstable way to live. Sooner or later you realize this other person can't live your life for you, you have to start making your own choices and live true to your own values and beliefs. That's when you start to clash and re-asserting your own ego and sense of individuality can cause major recoil with your "Elsa" for lack of a better word. It can often involve them trying to re-assert control, manipulating you (not intentionally) into giving them back the reins or else you start to feel guilty or bad about expressing your boundaries. In the end the ideal state is they got you somewhere, then you took over control and pushed yourself to whatever end-state you truly desire.

There is an Elsa in everyone's life, they aren't always female. If you have low self confidence and have a desire to "level-up" so to speak you will very quickly run into someone in your life who will make you their project. It fuels their own narcissistic egos and will in time result in them crossing a line where you have to assert yourself sooner or later. I see such a conflict taking place in this story eventually as well...

That being said she does strike me as somewhat of a high functioning autistic, which makes her a great foil for a character as troubled as Edward. I hope there will be a way to resolve Edward's story in a satisfactory way, where he grows up and realizes he does have worth as a person.

Ultimately the conclusion you have to come to if you're in his situation is that you never needed an "Alice". Alice was a catalyst. At the end of the day it isn't her you need to impress, it's yourself. The lingering void in Edward's life is not something you fill with external validation or with chasing an ideal he's mostly made up in his own mind. The real Alice, the one he actually gets to know is a flawed and imperfect being with her own needs, wants and problems. When Edward inevitably clashes with his imagined Alice vs the real one he gets to know he'll realize she's just another woman like everyone else. Without a strong personal foundation to base his personality on, without doing the necessary work to fill that void from his own personality and ego, he'll crash back down to who he was at the start of the story.

So... for Edward to really "win", he can't actually succeed in his goal to become involved with Alice in a romantic way. The moment he wins her is the moment he loses everything and goes back to who he was because there won't be anything that drives him to continue doing what he's been doing. I hope Elsa, and more importantly, Edward himself helps Edward figure out how to source his motivations internally and that the only person he really needs to impress is himself and not Alice, Elsa, Emma, Mr Brown or anyone else. It's only ever gonna be enough when Edward says it's enough. I only hope there's an option for Edward to realize that himself.

On a more personal note I hope there's a way for Edward to become romantically involved with Elsa. If anything, I'd rather she be a winnable LI with a satisfying romance over Alice... If Edward wants to be with Alice he needs to balance himself out with Tommy more than Elsa.


New Member
Jul 22, 2021


Renders are ready. Script is ready for 95%, some scenes that were rendered last require some work. That's the main part that remains.
Besides that, there's some technical stuff left to do: sound, revise some post-work, transitions etc. There are plenty of such work left, but it's all small and could be taken care of relatively quick.
We're close to the release and I want to go radio silent to focus on that. There will be one more preview session, but besides that this is the last post before the game is ready.

Thanks for your time.
Hope to see you soon.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2020


Renders are ready. Script is ready for 95%, some scenes that were rendered last require some work. That's the main part that remains.
Besides that, there's some technical stuff left to do: sound, revise some post-work, transitions etc. There are plenty of such work left, but it's all small and could be taken care of relatively quick.
We're close to the release and I want to go radio silent to focus on that. There will be one more preview session, but besides that this is the last post before the game is ready.

Thanks for your time.
Hope to see you soon.
Hopefully we will get to see some action with the Quinn-boss in this one because dude, it's almost criminal to set that angry boss character and don't get anything with her.
4.30 star(s) 160 Votes