VN - Ren'Py - Corporate Culture [v0.7] [sqwl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good story and decent graphics... The character models look good (the MC looks purposefully tried and sad though in my opinion)... The characters are interesting and make sense not being stereotypical horny fucks all the time... The story is deep and seems meaningful... The MC is interesting not because he fucks every thing he sees but because the character seems to be well thought... All in all a good game... Would recommend to all...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is a slow burn with very little H scenes, and no animations. It's mostly an exploration into a person's mind.

    This a decent introspection on the concept of an individual who was betrayed and then disconnected from his ego.

    The very emotions this person feels is definitely something that happens to people.

    Yet, there is an underlying issue to what's going on.

    He's building his ego for someone else. The very foundation what this person is doing is a grave mistake, and it's 90% of the story so far.

    Given how early this game is in development, it's hard to say where it's going to go.

    Regardless of that, the few characters with decent screen time feel believable. I would say that Elsa is a strange one, but her motivations and who she is something she keeps under guard.

    The remaining friend is just someone who wants to have a good time.

    Leaving the MC as someone who's constantly assessing a situation, almost never actually being completely part of anything.

    This game has potential in exploring what relationships actually are beyond some the fragile egotistical need to control the flow of everything.

    And it very well could go the other route where being aggressive gets you everything, despite how crude that would be.

    It has the potential to be either pretty interesting, or dreadfully cynical.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and intriguing Storytelling of a well thought out plot line and not just some random office dating sim. All the characters have unique and ejoyable personalities and there is enogh time given for realtionship developement to feel genuine. I can't wait for more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an amazing game! I love the psychology, the slow but believable development, and the gradual change of character of MC. Not to mention that the girls are beautiful and unique, and top notch renders.
    There is a lot of text but not a lot of lewd stuff yet, so it's not for the ones wanting a quick fap. But if you want some real story, and characters that you can put feeling on, then I think you should give this game a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The author is very skilled and intelligent.

    He has great attention to detail and finds delightfully subtle ways to present the characters.

    Although in many cases it would be hypocritical, the MC would be considered a complete loser by the vast majority of people in society. Despite the comments and reviews, a lot of people here can likely relate to him all too well, as uncomfortable as that is since the author doesn't hold back too much when it comes to the ugly emotions like vanity, bitterness, jealousy, self-loathing and desperation that the MC has difficulties concealing.

    The story is shown from his perspective, and there is a gloomy, depressing atmosphere, with sprinkles of humor and joy that come from simple human interaction.

    The characters are definitely interesting and mostly believable (at the very least, they all think and behave in a logical manner). The scenes are interesting enough, and usually believable. For the scenes that struggle to suspend the reader's disbelief the author usually tries to incorporate humor with relative success. The story is paced well and coherent. The dialogue is good.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    If you ever wanted to embody an Incel then this is the game for you, otherwise save yourself the time and move on.

    The MC is a pathetic nobody who can barely string a sentence together around women until he meets his pedastal woman, who after saying a total of perhaps 7 words to, decides she is the one and will turn his life around for her. Constantly spouting crap about how 'she might be off dating, kissing, maybe even fucking some other man' while he works on himself. He is right up there with the least likeable MC's on the site.

    The most unbelievable part of the writing is that anybody else would give him the time of day. He actively tells his newly found female companion about his grand plans to make this millionaire heiress fall for him despite having absolutely nothing going for him and god knows why she tries to help him instead of telling him what a fucked up little creeper he is for half the things he says.
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    There simply isn't anything redeeming to find in this game for me, the only reason I gave it a 2 star instead of 1 is that the renders are reasonably well done and the creator has put some effot into curating the experience with proper music cues.

    It's not a broken game, the writing itself isn't poorly done it simply has terrible subject matter and believability of the narrative, there is virutally no action to be found, the girls are fairly plain with your run of the mill blondes with supermodel bodies.
    There is nothing of value to be found that isn't already in massive supply here so save yourself the time and play something where you won't despise inhabiting the MC.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    If I had to describe this game in 3 words, they would: Depressing (intentionally), boring and slow (in terms of action, or lack thereof). Most of the game consist of the player reading MC's thoughts, which are pretty one dimensional. At times, it seems like instead of playing a lewd game I'm watching a psycological thriller that has an unhappy beginning, middle and probably an unhappy ending. The game feels like going through motions, and choice matters very little - MC does things that seems really dumb from the get go and you (at least I) don't want him to do.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    " Corporate Culture " has a very interesting Story... when I play the " Corporate Culture " It just makes me wonder how deeply I lost myself in the main character's ideology...It really feels like each of the characters has a mind of their own with a conscience on how to act with the main character ...Those renders express the realistic behavior of every character(also very smooth & beautiful):D...really hope that this development will continue.......
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It's just the 0.4 update had so little content for the time that it took (around 6 months!) that I can't put more than 1 star. The story is beautiful, and the renders are nice, and I was so excited for this update and my expectations were very high and then I get this... not even 10 mins gameplay after 6 months.
    Likes: McZoy
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I like that the story is set in the UK, first time encountering that in a lewd game. Anyway, the plot is about a depressed middle-class white guy seeing the light when he simultaneously meets two rich white girls.

    I guess if you're a young white dude currently suffering from depression (and a lot of em are these days), you might be interested. But it deals with that subject very poorly. The setting up of the protag's depression is unrealistic for one thing. "The PC had a great life, but his gf cheating on him with his best friend fucked it all up."

    Which brings me to the other big fault of the depression narrative here. PC gets out of depression through this Manichaean shift from the shitty gf & best friend to a pair of new mommies girlfriends who are just kinda awesome on every conceivable level and unaccountably give two shits about him. And PC himself transforms into a completely different person.

    People recover from depression when they reach out to people they already know, break bad habits and find meaningful stuff to do while learning to live with the same constraints and losses which were causing the depression.

    Don't improve yourself for a fairy tale, it won't work. Do it for the people who care about you right now, or the ones who might care if you weren't taking life advice from social media influencers and "alpha motivation" youtube vids. In other words do it for the kind of people who'd be right beside you on the road to recovery, and not the pristine goddess you imagine awaits you at the end of it.

    This is a porno so it's not like any of this matters, but the story is 95% of the content so it probably needed to be said. Unless you're only here for the h-scenes (like me!), in which case I'd say the 3 I saw were decent and if (unlike me) you're not a sucker for animations then wth, go for it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down in the top three of all games here in terms of quality of the writing / storytelling. I enjoyed myself extremely, though the game right now is more than a "slow burn", I couldn´t care less. If you´re looking for a quick fap and sexy renders stay clear of this game right now (0.4). I love this game for the story and it´s writing. And though it sounds as "I´m reading the playboy only because of goood interviews" in this case it´s true. A truly great game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Another tasteless game, where the dev spends more time in creating assets for boring and predictable dialogs and very few assets for the sex scenes.

    I do not know if really some get excited by this such vanilla boring adult game.

    Too much focus on creating beautiful assets forgetting to putting some kind of soul in it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Corporate Culture is an excellent look into the mind of a nauseating incel, and (hopefully) his slow, painful transformation into a decent human being.

    This little VN has some of the best games writing I've seen in many years, and an exceptional female character in Elsa.

    Updates are few and far between, but it's soo worth the wait!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The premise of the game is really interesting and something I've been looking for for a long time. The story itself is also quiet capturing *No Spoilers* I do would like to see a bit more juicyer renders, the current are a bit to generic and not quiet as immersive. Overall it's a great game nevertheless!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting game so far! The story is compelling and the scenes well done! Can't wait to see how the story progresses! Elsa is an intriguing character, I wonder who she really is. Good luck to the Dev!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    You know, the protagonist has practically become an INCEL, even though he is surrounded by beautiful girls, he doesn't do anything, the story shows why he became someone... someone... so boring... don't get me wrong, the protagonist it's boring, but the girls in the work are interesting, including the protagonist's boss at the corporation where he works, I don't see how to "save" this guy from "eternal virginity" (no, he's not a virgin, it was figuratively), on the one hand this is spoiler, but you have to know what you're getting into, not even a practically naked girl calling the protagonist to have sex with her could do anything +18 with her, he basically ignored it... Anyway, his look bothers a little, but it makes sense for the proposal of the novel, but still, military service would do wonders for the main character.

    My grade for each category (where 10 is the maximum grade):

    History: 8;
    Character Development: 9;
    Plot: 8.5;

    Verdict: It's worth giving it a try.

    Note: If I could I would give a 4.5 for the work because despite the protagonist being boring, other things make up for it, but as it doesn't, for rounding reasons, then the rating will be 5 stars.

    Note (2): I don't speak English fluently, so the text may contain connotation errors.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute match for me, but definitely not for everyone.

    I felt almost like reading a book and that's the key difference from other games I played. It's not just "good story", because usually it means that story isn't super banal, author have no obvious problems writing in English (both syntax and semantic) and he understands basic principles of telling a story. Here it's s bit more advanced: more substantial story (especially for genre), distinct author style and maybe I'm biased (story quite relatable for me sometimes), but for the first time I'm feeling something personal in it. I think that's main dividing point for this game, because reading a book not quite the same as playing average sex VN, even a decent one. I agree that due to author style without proper immersion in story some points are gonna be difficult (e. g. flashback scene).

    I loved visuals, they supplement text really good, especially MC and Elsa models: his changes in appearance with development of his personality simply awesome. Can't say much about graphics quality overall, it's ok for me, but my expectations aren't high. Also can't say anything about sound, I tried to remember anything about it and nothing happens.

    Main cons is obviously speed of development: two times a year is hard for any game, but for story based especially. And since as now it's quite a niche game I have some concerns about possible future. All other cons I believe about someones personal dislike of MC character or some strange thoughts about game ethics.

    So, 5/5, subscribed to sqwl on Patreon and suggest we all do it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best story lines I have seen so far and not just a game where the MC just jumps in and shags everything in sight. Instead, your relationship built and interactions with each character is different, with the lead ups to each scene not rushed, but well thought out and make sense. It's kept me wanting to find out what happens next.
    Well done to the developer, keep the story going, please.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking yeah!!

    Finally something really worth playing when one is not out for the fast fap only.

    Good concept and so much teasing. No silly concatenation of meaningless sex scenes. A lovely partner in crime who reminds me a bit of Dana from Dreaming of Dana ... and hard to decide if she should be the one for mc or his intended target.

    I admit, I was skimming some lines with the neighbor but besides this, I enjoyed the story so far and hope for a soon continuation.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3327777

    What an outstanding game.

    The story hits close to home (a little too close, some might feel) and MC's internal struggles are effectively presented through monologues, flashbacks, etc. The characters are interesting and all have their own motivations. The relationship development with each one is fascinating in its own way.

    Technologically, the renders are outstanding. Use of light and shadow are masterful, and image are well-composed. Truly some of the best art I've seen.

    All in all, an amazing game that makes me wish we could award more than five stars.