3.80 star(s) 33 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hey people of F95Zone,

Christmas has barely stared and we felt saddened to see that our latest update got leaked already. As you know, just almost a day ago we finally released our newest update packed with our best content yet that we've been working on non-stop for a whole month.

And you know what? Within 24 hours of the official launch, it got leaked here. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why some people use these platforms to find free stuff. Believe me, I myself have used them before.

We understand the immense appeal of these sites and how they have contributed significantly to growing our player base through their generous offerings of free games. But let us take a moment to consider the impact such rampant leaks are having on us developers.

To witness weeks worth of hard work being made readily available for free so early is truly unsettling, particularly during this festive season. Moreover, it seems incredibly unfair towards those supporters who pay a price to be among the first to access our updates.

Please, think twice before spreading these leaks too soon. I am not ranting about the update getting leaked here but the speed at which they are being posted. There will anyway be a public release.

The situation presents itself as somewhat of a double-edged sword; while we acknowledge F95 helped us give an audience, leaks that happen too early simultaneously demotivates us and affect our development. We are not even big devs and barely started and patreon, paypal fees and taxes already takes a big chunk from whatever little we get.

Our most important plan now is to hire VAs for the lewd sfx and the best ones to make it as consistent and good quality as possible. But without the help of you guys, it will be hard.

By delaying your gratification by just a couple of days, it would go a long way in showing your support and respect for the people responsible for bringing you the games you enjoy playing. It goes for any games or devs you guys like.

Trust me, it's a small gesture that goes a long way toward making everyone happy.

Thank you for listening, folks. Have a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Yours sincerely,
Sinful Studios
The only thing I dislike about what you are doing is that you made a post, on this website advertising that your game released for people to pay for. Telling people on this site that they will have to wait until jan 9th if they want to play without subscribing.

You just cant have your cake and eat it too. You do acknowledge using f95 to grow the fanbase, but you cannot be upset if you are actively using it to promote your game and then be saddened when people from this site use it.


Dec 25, 2023
The only thing I dislike about what you are doing is that you made a post, on this website advertising that your game released for people to pay for. Telling people on this site that they will have to wait until jan 9th if they want to play without subscribing.

You just cant have your cake and eat it too. You do acknowledge using f95 to grow the fanbase, but you cannot be upset if you are actively using it to promote your game and then be saddened when people from this site use it.
Did you even read what he said? He said he doesn't mind if we download his game here but that it got leaked here within just a day. He didn't explicitly say we have to wait till 9th Jan but to just wait few days.

It ain't wrong to be upset to see your hardwork getting thrown out for free before you even had the chance to make the profit you deserved from it. Anyone telling otherwise is just being a dick or a kid who hasn't worked a day in his life. But whatever, if you really care about seeing this game get better, you should know what the right thing to do is.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
The only thing I dislike about what you are doing is that you made a post, on this website advertising that your game released for people to pay for. Telling people on this site that they will have to wait until jan 9th if they want to play without subscribing.

You just cant have your cake and eat it too. You do acknowledge using f95 to grow the fanbase, but you cannot be upset if you are actively using it to promote your game and then be saddened when people from this site use it.
If there was no free public version...then fair enough...but when there is, I'll agree that some annoying folk here who cannot wait a few days to allow the dev to monetize his work properly is quite frankly..well...entitled.
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Ultimate Torrent Dude
Jun 13, 2021
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
Man, why is it always ugly old men. Disappointing.
The appearance of a disgusting old man, and a young guy, was chosen specifically for the destructive psychological effect on Clara. The main idea in the story is not the professional activity of the characters, but a long-standing personal dislike! Leon is a smart guy who skillfully uses his official position to study the weaknesses of Clara and her husband in order to achieve his goal! The goal may be not only sex with Clara, but also something scary. Clara was reminded of the specifics of her work and forced to have intimate contacts with a nasty young and elderly character, and both caused her not only disgust, but also unhealthy excitement! As a result, Leon heard important information that Clara had not yet experienced an orgasm! So the first one who brings her to orgasm will get control. I wonder with whom and how this will happen? I am looking forward to the development of events... :ROFLMAO: :WutFace:
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
weak update
what are you talking about? the update was amazing the wife really love MC ,she dont get corruped too fast , she tries to ressist BONUS (makes the downfall/ntr even more sweet if she completly lose it in the end), intrigues....... the game has amazing build up and a cute couple ntr games often dont have that

is leon mr x?? or the ceo???I have the feeling we will get played :( :(poor hubby
3.80 star(s) 33 Votes