
Nov 13, 2019
To be very fair, he always comes after you because everytime someone is critical of savin's work you jump in to his defense, trying to "disprove" the criticism. Maybe if you eased down and just let people state their grievances in catharsis, you'd stop being annoyed and annoying him.

As players of this game, we have more in common than we have differences, so let's try be respectful to each other and just allow criticism and praise to exist instead of trying to disprove either the criticism or praise of the game. That goes for both of you arcader000 and YouShallNotLol
There's critizing the game, which there's plenty to criticize these guys aren't winning any fucking awards for writing, and then there's just being a whiny bitch lmfao. I just make fun of the later when I see it, and man this joint gives me plenty of it.

Like I feel like I visit this place bit too frequently to be healthy anyway, but this dude making up over a quarter of the posts since I last posted. If that ain't a dude with a chip on his shoulder I don't know what is LM
Literally the opposite of what you say. There's a ton of one-time only scenes in this game, and they add more and more as of late.

Not only are you a Savin's simp, but also spreading literal misinformation. :Kappa:
The lion share is still repeatable but your right shoulda phrased it as majority instead of virtually all, but man the main point of that statement was it'd be a ton of fucking work for no additional porn and the train wreck that is ship combat is proof why they probably ain't going to do it. How this fucking dick riding I'm literally insulting them :KEK:

Image, aww man I read that doujin before I forgot Its title, All I know that It's reverse NTR because he made the guy- who tempted the other man's wife into a concubine or smth. Anyone know about it?

Got you bro, his series Hyakkasou is actually peak but be careful looking through his other work they got sus shit like asphyxiation so make sure to watch those tags.

Walk Cycle

Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
Excuse you, I wasn't born in america, it's not my fault that dollars are such an overpriced garbage. Currency conversion is the worst sin of capitalism.
Why the fuck do I have to exchange 50 units of my currency to get a single dollar!? Who decided that!? Why does price of literally everything tied to a dollar!?
I hate america. I really hate america. :D


Active Member
Jan 18, 2020
I'd agree if it was literally any other point in history but uh... these candidates aint lookin too hot champ.
There are literal countries out there (and not the small ass micronation like that oil rig thing on UK) that are younger than them

Walk Cycle

Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
I'd agree if it was literally any other point in history but uh... these candidates aint lookin too hot champ.
Eh, I'm not really here to discuss politics (I'm not even American). But point of the matter is US influence will be here for quite some time, that's why you gotta break out the USD to pay for your tailored smut.
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
On the flip side though if you are an artist living in one of these countries being paid out for your work in USD can be a huge paycheck. Until AI steals yer jerbs.
Mar 10, 2018
Bruh. Have you seen Moira's prices? If you have loads of money to throw away, be my guest, commission her as much as you want. But most people don't have that kind of disposable income.
160USD for one full body drawing from Moira - is literally my entire monthly paycheck.
I will now shameless shill my friend

I didnt realize Moira was charging so much dragon-ball-z-goku.gif
Feb 23, 2019
Man ya'll over think this shit. Its porn, your here to read about bitches getting fucked. Cait is a prostitute BFF who joins your adventure to fuck every other person in the realm. Free love is rule of the land, I ain't checked but the only married could we haven't been the bull to is the lupine bartender and his absentee wife who left to pick up milk in the tundra and never came back.

I just don't give a shit whose fucking Cait, she ain't my wife or girlfriend she's a bitch I fuck sometimes. I get not being into NTR or cuck scenes, I ain't either but man your margin of error for what counts as that is so fucking wide it can almost wrap around your mothers.
Cuck scenes are like the shit the weird demon duo pull, but ya'll probably include scenes where a bitch you've been fucking giving head to a bitch you've also been fucking. Shit that ain't cuckold that's foreplay

How dare you post this without the numbers
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